Fighting with Niall

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After I got the text from Niall, I hopped in my car and drove home. Unfortunately, I forgot about Louis. But when I did remember, I texted him and he said that it was fine. As I walked in the house, my gorgeous little kitty came running.

"Hey, Phoenix! Are you hungry?" I ask, checking her food dish. I gave her some kitty treats and went to look for Niall. He was sitting on the couch watching some football (soccer) in the living room. "Well, make yourself at home, why don't you?" I say sarcastically, making him jump.

"Oh, hey," he smiles at me, but his grin falters when he sees the murderous look on my face.

"What. Is. This?" I ask, gritting my teeth. I show him the magazine that I bought. He paled dramatically when he saw the picture.

"O-oh u-um tha-that's my cousin. Tiffany," Niall stuttered.

"Bitch, please. Last time I checked, you don't kiss your cousin full on the mouth!!!" I yell. Niall looked shocked; I hardly ever yell. If I do, it's for a good reason. "Look," I state, more calmly. "If you wanted to break up, you could've just said so."

"Well, I didn't want you coming after her like a crazy ex girlfriend."

"I wouldn't!" I shouted. "You know what? Leave."

His expression changed. "What?"

"You heard me. Leave. Get the hell out. I don't want you here anymore."

Niall's face was cold. "Fine, I will. But first, I want my Fritos." So he went to the kitchen and got his chips. Then he left. I groaned. That went badly. I need something to cheer me up. I think back to the day before when I was at the hospital.

"Hello, I'm Ellington. Ellington Ratliff. I'm her boyfriend."

"Uh, huh. And how come I've never met you before?" I ask. Elliot mumbles something. "Excuse me?"

"I was scared of you," he says seriously. I stare at him for a while before bursting out laughing.

"Me? Scary? Oh, you're joking," I laugh.

"Lydia stop making fun of him. You can be intimidating," Skye says. Later, I notice a shiny thing on her finger.

"WHAT IS THAT?!?!" I shriek.

"Oh, we're engaged!" Skye squeals.

"Oh boy, you better run." So I chase Ellen everywhere and when the doctor comes in I have Daka in a headlock. He slowly backs out and closes the door. Skye is trying not to laugh. Elk looks like he's trying not to pee his pants.

"Ok! You can let him go now! It's a promise ring. We're not really engaged!" Skye laughs.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Oops. Sorry. Haha?" I say as I brush him off.


I also remember the paparazzi swarming us and some bitch shouting how I would never be good enough for Niall. And I was just like 'Say that to my face!' Good times. Then Louis came to tell me that Niall was going to Ireland. LIES!!!!! So then we fought through the paparazzi, holding hands. And we came here and watched Daddy's Home.
I pull out my phone and dialled Louis' number. "Hey. Do you want to come over? Great. Ok see you then."

An so it has begun.


Hai. Do you think that Louis and Lydia will get together? Comment on what you think! -Emily Grace

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