3. weirdness

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Lucas's POV

I woke up and decided to go outside and take a walk. But then I decided to stop by Chase's house. I knocked on the door and he answered with a smile. Who knew he had a cute smile...wait what? "What can I do ya for?" he said with a tone of voice that made me laugh. "Nothing, just thought I'd say hi" I said. "Well hi" he replied and laughed. "Hey why don't you come to the park with me" I said with my tongue hanging out. "Ok, I'll be back" he said before closing the door. Am I just now realizing how cute he is? What am I saying?! I don't like him....right? He's just my best friend.

We left and spent about a quarter of the day at the park. "Here comes the Frisbee!" he yelled, throwing it to me. I caught it with my teeth and ran it to him. "Good boy!" he said, giving me a hug that I return like always. But this time I felt my face heat up. 'Blushing?' I roughly pushed him off and left him with a confused face. "U-uh, sorry" he said picked up the Frisbee. I sighed.

A little later the rest of the gang came. "Wassup" said James. "Yeah hey!" greeted Ariya. "Umm where's Lisa?" asked Jake. "Oh she's over there trying to turn a frog back into a bird" replied Katie. "Whoa she turned a bird into a frog" I asked. "Yea but now she can't think of anything that rhymes with bird.

Lisa's POV

"Let's see...mird, gird, flird, kerd, ...." I said. "I got it! This frog was not placed 3rd so turn it back into a bird!" I yelled and the new bird flew off. They all clapped and I took a mock bow, smiling and then joined them. "I thought it was a dove?" asked Katie, "Urgh!" I grunted, "That bird isn't a glove but change it into a dove" I said and the magic shot up there and changed it back. "Boom" I smirked.

Chase's POV

I sat on the swing alone while everyone played. Why did he push me? Does he know I like him? Does he hate me? I grip the chain tighter. "Chase!" yelled Lucas. "Huh?" I asked, confused, as I looked up. "I've been calling you for 5 minutes are you ok?" he asked. "I'm fine" I smiled. He had a "Do you think I'm stupid?" look and rolled his eyes. "Well come on and play with us" he said and I followed.

After playing we sat under a tree again. Like last time just me and him

Lucas's POV

Chase... so cute....no! I flung up. making him hit his head. "Youch!" he yelped in pain. "Sorry, I'm gonna sleep down there" I said, before running off.

'What's going on? I know I don't like him! My crush is simple. I like Ariya that's final.'

Chase's POV

He left me. I knew it. I'm coming on too much he realizes it. He knows and probably hates me. He doesn't like me I know that. He likes Ariya and that's final.

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