8. Rough Stuff

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Chase's POV

They grabbed me and Jack stood up in my face cracking his knuckles. "Guess what?" he taunted, smirking before he punched me in the jaw. Tears started flowing down my face in response to the overwhelming pain. Two more wolves came out and beat me up, punching me in the stomach and kicking me over and over again.

They let me go and I dropped to the floor tears flowing as I slowly tried to lift myself up only to find that I couldn't. I tried to run but I only got hurt in the process. "You think were done with you?!" Jake growled. He then yanked me up by my shirt. "Pl-please don't hurt me" I begged. "Weakling" he teased. He then punched me on the other side of my jaw.

Then, a fast ball of magic flew and hit him, causing him to fly back and let me go. As I dropped I turned my head. "Lisa?" I asked, relieved and disoriented. Ariya hissed at them. Katie started lighting shit on fire and they grabbed water to put it out quickly "Suckas!" yelled James. "Here" Lisa smirked. She dropped a magic ball and rolled it over to them. Then, they picked me up and ran as it blew up.

-At home-

"M-my poor baby" my mother starts and I roll my eyes. "Sorry that I worried you, I'm fine" I smiled. James and Katie lifted me up to my room. "Thanks guys" I said and they smiled, "Why did they attack you?! Do we have to go back there and teach them a lesson?!" James grouched to which we all laughed. "I guess they're protective of their territory" I replied. "So what happened?" Katie asked. "Well for starters I-" I started, but before I could get another word I fainted.

Normal POV

The other four chuckled. "He needs his rest" Lisa said. "You're right he can tell us tomorrow" Katie adds. "Yup" Ariya concluded. "Well we know the way out, let's let him rest. Come on, it's getting dark anyway" James said and they all nodded, leaving.

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