Chapter 2 - Your New Master

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A/N - Hello my fellow readers! This is where the real story begins so I hope you enjoy!

Reader P.O.V

Your body felt as if it were going explode from it's pain. Every cut, stab, and burn was killing you. But non of that mattered. What was really killing you was your memories. Everyone. All of your fellow council members were dead, and you had no idea why.

"Looks like she's awake." You hear a strange voice in your world of darkness. "I never would have guessed that a woman from the council would become a demon, it's quite a surprise."

You try to open your eyes but this liquid is surrounding your entire body, making it hard to focus. Water? No. It's something else. "Are you taking her with you to the council members home?" A woman asks.

You manage to open your eyes but you still couldn't move the rest of your body. 'Where am I?" Bubbles surround you as you feel your bare body connected to something slick and slimy.

"Of course. There's no way I'm leaving her here with you guys." Your heart stopped. It was him, Jackal. He turns to your panicking body and smiles. "Looks like she remembers me." You could barely see him, but he was there. You could see his smiling face, and his eyes.

"Her heart rate is going up. Looks like she's more scared than angry at you." You look and see a woman talking next to him. Not only her but seven others too.

Most of them looked weird while only three looked human. One was a man, his armor said, "Absolute Zero". Another was a woman who had a mask and another woman looked as if she had horns. And then the rest looked like monsters, no, demons.

They all wore the sign you never ever wanted to see. 'Tartaros!' They were the demons of the famous dark guild, Tartaros.

You try to struggle but it doesn't work. All it does is weaken you and make you slip into the darkness once more. 'Somebody please. Help me.'


You wake up again, but this time it wasn't in a weird glass chamber. It was in a bed. An empty bed with just your naked body, a sheet, and a few pillows.

You raise your body with the sheet wrapped around you. You felt so strong yet your heart still felt weak and dull.

"Looks like you're awake." You turn and see Jackal gazing at you. "I know you just woke up, but we're going to have to leave."

"W-where are we? And where are we going?" You ask, trying to hide your body from him. He's seen more than enough of your body but you still felt embarrassed and weird in front of him.

He chuckles a bit and gives you his signature smile. "We're visiting an ex-council member."

Your heart stopped again. "Why? Are you going to kill them too? Why are you doing this?!"

"Don't get so ahead of yourself. If I told you, it would take all the fun out of it. So for now, I'm going to keep it a secret." He throws a change of clothes on the bed. "Change into that and let's go." He heads out the door and waits for you to change. He may be a demon, but at least he has a few manners from time to time.

You get out of the bed and grab the clothes to change. You turn and see a long mirror next to the bed, but what you didn't want to see was what was in the mirror.

Your whole body was strong and powerful, and now you knew why. They had turned you into one of them, a demon.

You felt like crying, but you had no tears left. You keep looking at yourself. You couldn't believe that you were one of them. He had killed your comrades, kidnapped you, and turned you into a demon. That was something you would never forgive. And what was worse was their guild emblem on you.

'Those bastards. I'll make them pay. Every last one of them!'

You put on the very revealing clothes and head for the door where a tired Jackal was waiting. "Finally. Now follow me and do everything I say got it? One slip up from you and I'll kill you right on the spot." You do as he says and walk behind him.

"At least tell me what you guys are doing. And why are you even doing this?" You ask with an attitude that pissed him off yet turned him on at the same time.

"You ask too many questions. You know, when someone tells you that they can kill you at any moment, it's best to keep your mouth shut." He avoids your question and just pisses you off even more.

"I can fight back you know. I am a wizard, and since you turned me into a demon I can probably fight back even harder than usual." You spit back at him.

He just chuckles. "I'd love it if you fought back harder. That deffinaintaly wouldn't be a waste of time." He snickers.

You cross your arms. "Pig." You answer back at him. It disgusted you to know that all he thought when he saw you was your body and what he was going to do with it.

'I'm going to get him back for all this crap.'


You were finnaly there. You were at the ex-councilmens house. And to get things done even faster, Jackal decides to make the whole thing explode in one shot.

You wanted to stop him but you couldn't. Your magic may be strong, but not strong enough to beat him. You only said those things earlier as a bluff.

You look but see something unreal. The whole explosion vanished but left the house in shambles.

"Uh? I thought I blew you all up." Jackal says as he and you stand on a pillar, looking down at the wreckage. "Like I did with the councilors." He chuckles.

A pink haired boy looked at Jackal full with rage. "Tartaros!"

Jackal looks down at him as if he were nothing but a piece of trash. "And who are you?"

The pink haired boy answers back. "Natsu of Fairy Tail."

'Fairy Tail!'

If you couldn't save yourself. Then maybe Fairy Tail could. That's what you hoped for at least.

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