Chapter 2: The Avatar returns

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The entire village waited as Naruto, Aang, and Katara returned.
"Yay, Naruto and Aang is back" the children cheered, but the adults only gave looks of disapproval.
"Hey kids" Naruto greeted as the children ran to him and Aang. Sokka gave an angry look as he walked forward to accuse the newcomers.
"I knew it. You signaled the Fire Navy with that flair. You're leading them straight to us aren't you?" Sokka fumed in anger, as he pointed at Naruto and Aang accusingly.
"They didn't do anything. It was an accident." Katara replied.
"Yeah. We were on this ship and there was a booby trap and well... we boobied right into it" Aang explained.
"Katara, you shouldn't have gone on that ship. Now we may all be in danger" Gran Gran stated.
"It's not her fault, it's mine. I didn't know what was on the ship and I wanted to sight see" Naruto said.
"No, it's my fault. I brought you both there." Aang replied.
"A ha! The traitors confessed. Warriors away from the enemy. The foreigners are banished from our village!" Sokka commanded.
"Sokka, you're making a mistake" Katara told Sokka. Sokka maintained his look of anger.
"No! I'm keeping my promise to dad. I'm protecting you from threats like them!" Sokka ranted.
"Aang and Naruto are not our enemies. Don't you see, they brought something to this village that we haven't had in a long time. Fun" Katara pointed out.
"Fun? We can't fight firebenders with fun!" Sokka replied.
"You should try it sometime" Aang advised. Though Naruto was wondering how that would even work.
"Get out of our village now! Both you and the blonde freak!" Sokka demanded.
"Grandmother, please! Don't let Sokka do this" Katara begged.
"Katara, you knew going on that ship was forbidden. Sokka is right. I think it best if the outsiders leave." Gran Gran said.
"Fine, then I'm banished too! Come on Aang, Naruto... let's go" Katara said as she grabbed both and started to head towards Appa.
"To find a waterbender. Aang and Naruto are taking me to the North Pole." Katara announced.
"I am?" Aang asked.
"Sounds cool" Naruto said.
"Katara... would you really choose them over your tribe? Your own family?" Sokka asked. Katara stopped.
"I didn't know my family Katara. That's why I... I don't know if it's right that we seperate you from them" Naruto told Katara.
"Yeah, I don't want to come between you and your family either" Aang added.
"So you two are leaving the South Pole? This is goodbye?" Katara asked.
"Well it's not like Mr. Ponytail is giving us much of a choice. And your whole village is now against us too." Naruto answered. Sokka growled at being called 'Mr. Ponytail'.
"Where will you go?" Katara asked.
"Well, I'm going to find Sasuke, and hopefully we can find a way back to my dimension" Naruto answered.
"Maybe we can look for Sasuke on the way to Southern Air Temple. We'll also look for the airbenders. Wow... I haven't cleaned my room in a hundred years. Not looking forward to that. Come on, Naruto. Let's go" Aang said as he leaped on to Appa. Naruto leaped soon after.
"It was nice meeting everyone." Aang said.
"Yeah, take care of yourselves" Naruto added.
"Let's see your bison fly now, air boy." Sokka taunted.
"Come on Appa. You can do it. Yip yip." Aang said but instead Appa tiredly stood up and started to walk.
"Yeah I thought so!" Sokka said smugly.
"Oh shut up already!" Naruto replied. A child began to cry and ran after Appa, but stopped next to Katara.
"Please Aang, Naruto... Don't go. I'll miss you." The little girl said. The two sighed.
"We'll miss you too" Aang said. The two looked at Katara before turning their heads forward.
"C'mon boy" Aang said sadly as Appa began to walk away. The little girl walked back towards the villagers sadly. Gran Gran began to make her way towards Katara.
"Katara, you'll feel better after you..." Gran Gran started to say.
"You happy now?! There goes my one chance on becoming a waterbender!" Katara snapped before walking away. Gran Gran looked down and frowned.

Naruto, Aang, and Appa were resting at an iceberg with three holes, each took a hole and layed down. Appa grunted.
"Yeah, I liked her too. What about you Naruto?" Aang asked sadly.
"Katara? Yeah, she was pretty awesome." Naruto agreed. Suddenly Naruto and Aang heard a loud noise and turned to see what was causing it.
"That looks like one of those Fire Navy ships!" Naruto pointed out.
"And it's headed for the village!" Aang said. Naruto and Aang leaped out of the holes they were laying down in.
"Appa, wait here" Aang told the bison.
"Let's go Aang" Naruto said as he started to run across the water.

As Prince Zuko was getting armored up, he turned his attention to Sasuke.
"Do you believe this Naruto Uzumaki is also there?" Zuko asked.
"Yes. I do" Sasuke replied.
"I'll handle the Avatar then, I'll leave Naruto to you. You seem to know him." Zuko said.
"We used to be teammates" Sasuke stated.

Sokka, with war paint on, stood at the ready to confront the Fire Nation soliders by himself. As the Fire Navy ship came closer, a watchtower nearby was destroyed.
"Oh man!" Sokka whined. The ship then appeared, it was huge.
"Oh man" Sokka stuttered, this time in shock... with lots of worry. As the ship came closer to the village, it started to crack the village floor. Katara looked back to see that Sokka hadn't moved.
"SOKKA, GET OUT THE WAY!" Katara yelled, worried that the ship would crush her brother. Before Sokka could move, the snow moved from under him, making him slide safely away from the ship. Sokka readied his club as the ship's door began to open. Sokka, realizing that the giant door was falling near him, ran and fell backward, but ended up safe from being crushed by the giant door acting as a gangway. [The bridge thing that connects a ship to land] Out of the ship walked Prince Zuko, followed by two Fire Nation soliders, and Sasuke Uchiha. Katara took notice of Sasuke's headband... it was like Naruto's except he had a scratch on it (caused by Naruto during the Rasengan vs Chidori clash).
"That symbol... The symbol of the Leaf Village.... Naruto said Sasuke left the Leaf... so that must be... Sasuke" Katara said as she looked at the young boy in blue. Sokka charged at them.
"Hmph" [That was Sasuke]. Zuko kicked Sokka's club out of his hands then kicked him off of the gangway.
"Pathetic." Sasuke said as they continued on their way. The villagers gasped at Sokka's apparent easy defeat. And more Fire Nation soliders walked down to meet them. Zuko and Sasuke walked toward the villagers.
"Where are you hiding them?" Zuko asked, but no one answered. Zuko grabbed Gran Gran, much to Katara's horror.
"One of them would be this age. Master of all elements." Zuko informed them.
"The other would be about my age. He wears a ridiculous amount of orange and has an unscratched version of this headband." Sasuke added. No one said a thing. Zuko pushed Gran Gran back towards Katara, then moved his arm towards them, unleashing a wave of fire towards the villagers, who screamed in terror.
"I know you're hiding them." Zuko said. Suddenly Sokka stood up and got his club and charged again. This time Sasuke kicked his opponent into the air and leaped before kicking him back down into the ground.
"Lions Barrage. Next time you won't be so lucky." Sasuke warned. Sokka got up and threw his boomerang at Zuko, who dodged it.
"Show no fear!" a little boy yelled as he tossed Sokka a spear. Sokka charged at Zuko again, but Zuko broke the spear, grabbed what was left and poked his head three times, forcing Sokka to fall to the ground, before breaking the rest of it and tossing it to the ground. Suddenly the boomerang returned and hit Zuko's helmet. Zuko created blades of fire, but Sasuke smirked.
"Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Jutsu" Sasuke said before multiple small but powerful fireballs shot in multiple directions, all aimed at the villagers. Suddenly a bunch of Narutos appeared from the snow, taking the hits before disappearing. A demon wind shuriken flew and out of it poofed the real Naruto, who had transformed himself to a shuriken that one of the clones threw before taking one of the fireballs and Naruto slammed into Sasuke, kicking him back. Not long afterwards Aang arrived riding a penguin that ran over Zuko and knocked Zuko down.
"Yay! Naruto and Aang are back!" the children cheered.
"Sasuke, what the heck are you doing? Attacking innocent people!" Naruto growled. Sasuke got to his feet.
"We have a fight to finish, Naruto!" Sasuke replied.
"Hey Katara, Hey Sokka" Aang greeted.
"Hi Aang, and Naruto. Thanks for coming... both of you" Sokka said awkwardly. Zuko spread his troops out to surround Naruto and Aang, who stood side by side. Aang used airbending to move snow towards all firebenders and Sasuke.
"Looking for us?" Aang asked.
"You're the airbender? YOU'RE the Avatar?" Zuko asked in shock as Aang readied his staff for a fight.
"Aang?" Katara asked.
"No way." Sokka added. Sasuke smirked before starting to use his curse mark, and Naruto's eyes became red, his nails became claws, his teeth became fangs, and his hair and whisker marks took a more feral look. This took Zuko and Aang off guard.
'What ARE these two?' Aang and Zuko both thought.
"No way..." Sokka repeated... the intensity in the air heightened and Sokka felt that he might die at any moment.
"Such a large amount of killing intent" Gran Gran whispered.

(Since Aang and Zuko's fight stays as seen in the series, I will cover Naruto and Sasuke's fight)
As Zuko's fire nearly hit the villagers, Aang realized that he might not be able to save the villagers. But before Aang could do something about it, Sasuke formed a Chidori and rushed... past Naruto, towards Katara.
"SASUKE!!!" Naruto yelled as he formed a Rasengan and burst with speed. This time Naruto hit Sasuke with the Rasengan, but Sasuke also hit Naruto with the Chidori. Sasuke flew back and Naruto bled, while being electrocuted.
"NARUTO!" Aang yelled, but both Naruto and Sasuke stood up. Naruto's wounds were healing at an insane speed.
"Unbelieveable..." Katara said in awe.
"If I go with you, will you promise to leave everyone alone?" Aang asked Zuko. Sasuke went back to normal as did Naruto.
"Yes. Only under the condition that Naruto Uzumaki goes with us as well." Zuko replied, looking at Sasuke who nodded his approval.
'Now I can see if Naruto has found a way home or get my revenge at any time' Sasuke thought.
"Fine" Naruto said. Fire Nation soliders came and started to push Aang and Naruto towards their ship.
"No. Aang, Naruto. Don't do this!" Katara begged.
"Don't worry Katara. It'll be ok" Aang replied. Naruto turned to see the villagers.
"Yeah, you'll be safe now. I'm sorry for the trouble we caused you all." Naruto added.
"Take care of Appa for me until I get back" Aang told Katara.
"Head a course for the Fire Nation. I'm going home!" Zuko ordered.

"We have to go after that ship Sokka. Aang and Naruto saved our tribe. Now we have to save them." Katara stated.
"Katara... I.." Sokka started to say.
"KATARA! Are you gonna talk all day or are you coming with me?" Sokka asked as he pointed to a canoe packed with his and Katara's stuff. Katara gasped and hugged Sokka.
"Get in. We are going to save your boyfriends. Or boyfriend and secondary love interest in a weird love triangle" Sokka said awkwardly.
"Neither of them are my boyfriend and there is no love triangle." Katara replied.
"Whatever" Sokka responded. Suddenly another voice was heard.
"What do you two think you're doing?" the voice of Gran Gran asked. Katara and Sokka turned to face Gran Gran.
"You'll need these. You have a long journey ahead of you." Gran Gran told them. The two teens were stunned.
"It's been so long since I've had hope. But you brought it back to life my little waterbender." Gran Gran told Katara before hugging her. Gran Gran turned to Sokka.
"And you my brave warrior... be nice to your sister." Gran Gran said before hugging Sokka.
"Yeah, ok Gran." Sokka replied. Gran Gran let of the embrace.
"Aang is the Avatar. He's the world's only chance. You both found him for a reason. And Naruto.... Naruto said he comes from another world. Another dimension, and he has come with great power. Power that may even rival the Avatar. You both found him for a reason as well. Your fates are intertwined with theirs." Gran Gran explained, that way they understood why she was letting them leave.
"There is no way we're going to catch a war ship with a canoe" Katara pointed out. Then Appa appeared, looking for Aang and Naruto.
"Appa." Katara said as she ran towards him.
"You just llooovvee taking me out of my comfort zone, don't ya?" Sokka asked before getting the stuff and following Katara.

Zuko had taken away Aang's staff and now Aang and Naruto were being escorted to the holding cells.
"So I guess you never fought a ninja before. In fact... I'm pretty sure you haven't." Naruto taunted.
"Silence" the Fire Nation soldier in front of them said. Then Naruto poofed away.
"Rasengan!" The real Naruto appeared suddenly, hitting the Fire Nation solider at the front. The soldier flew into the wall, too injured to stand. He blacked out. Aang breathed in and exhaled hard, using airbending to push soldier behind him to the wall behind him. Naruto then cut the ropes tieing Aang's hands with a kunai.
"How did you do that?" Aang asked.
"Sorry, a Ninja has to keep some secrets. But I'll tell you it has to do with my Shadow Clone Jutsu" Naruto told Aang. The two leaped back on the main deck. Aang used airbending to open the next door in front of them and they ran.

Meanwhile, Appa was swinging in the cold waters, not going fast enough to catch up to Zuko's ship at all.
"Go. Fly. Soar." Sokka commanded sarcastically.
"Please, Appa. We need your help. Aang and Naruto need your help." Katara pleaded.
"Up. Ascend. Elevate" Sokka continued.
"Sokka doesn't believe you can fly. But I do, Appa. Come on, don't you want to save Aang?" Katara asked. Appa grunted and continued to swim.
"Was was it that kid said? Yee-Haw? Hup-Hup? Wa-Hoo? Uh, Yip-Yip?" Sokka asked. As Sokka said 'Yip-Yip', Appa let out a determined grunt, before raising his tail and flying into the air.
"You did it, Sokka!" Katara cheered.
"He's flying! He's flying! Katara, he's...!" Sokka yelled in excitement before turning toward her. Katara had a smug look on her face.
"I mean, big deal. He's flying." Sokka said more calmly, but he maintained a childish grin of excitement that Appa indeed was flying.

Naruto and Aang continued to run thoughout the halls of the Fire Nation ship, before running into three Fire Nation soldiers, each armed with swords. Aang yelled in surprise, while Naruto held his kunai at the ready.
"You haven't seen my staff around, have you?" Aang asked, as if he were not currently speaking to enemies. Aang proceeded to literally run circles around them using airbending as Naruto used Shadow Clone Jutsu.
"Thanks anyway" Aang said as he tool off, the real Naruto behind him as his Shadow Clones began to make short work of those Fire Nation soldiers. The two then ran across a soldier that was able to Fire Bend, but Naruto threw a shuriken at him to distract him before kicking him down, allowing Aang and him to keep moving forward. Naruto and Aang began opening the various doors in the hallways for Aang's staff. However, in one door Aang opened, slept Iroh.
"Sorry" Aang whispered before closing the door. Aang ran and passed an open door. Naruto ran after him but stopped to look at the room that Aang passed.
"Aang, you just passed up your staff!" Naruto yelled towards Aang, who quickly ran backwards to stand in front of Naruto, seeing his staff right in plain sight.
"My staff" Aang said as he ran inside the room, followed by Naruto, only for the door to be closed behind them.
"Sasuke Uchiha was right... you are a tricky one Naruto Uzumaki. As much as I would love to take you down, but main focus right now is the Avatar, step aside." Zuko instructed. Naruto smirked.
"No can do. Aang is my friend... and I always protect my friends no matter what! Believe it!" Naruto declared.
"Foolish. Though I will admit... I underestimated the both of you." Zuko said before throwing a punch which lead to fire coming near Naruto and Aang. Aang yelled and dodged while Naruto jumped out of the way, putting his fingers in a t shaped handsign.
"Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu" Naruto yelled before the room was filled with ten Narutos (ten due to Naruto realizing he probably couldn't fit much more in such a tight space). Zuko's eyes widened as he shot more fire at Aang, taking out 2 Shadow Clones along the way. The remaining Naruto's charged at Zuko, one kicking Zuko in the face and another Naruto punching him in the chest. The real Naruto leaped and kicked Zuko in the face. Zuko started to get back up when Aang moved his hand forward, unleashing a powerful gust of air, sending Zuko into a wall. Zuko recovered quickly and unleashed another set of punches and kicks that left a train of fire in it's wake. Aang moved around Zuko in a circular motion, making sure to remain at Zuko's back, while Naruto and clones dodged from the front, staying at Zuko's front... ready to get back on the offense. Naruto thought of using a Rasengan to finish the fight, but Zuko was too fast, not allowing Naruto or any clones any time to unleash the ball of rotating chakra. 3 more Shadow Clones were taken out by Zuko punching the air, unleashing fire on the three Naruto clones. While Zuko was distracted by the puff of smoke the shadow clones left behind Aang grabbed his staff and moved it quickly to his right, using airbending to slam Zuko's matress into Zuko, making him fly to the hard metal wall. Aang quickly followed that with a quick move of the staff, picking it up and the air left Zuko and the matress, which fell back to the ground after the first impact, flying onto the cieling above them, stunning Zuko long enough for Naruto and Aang to take their leave of Zuko's quarters. Aang and Naruto found a way out as they excited the captain's room. Aang leaped into the air, turning his staff into his glider, and Naruto was about to summon Gamabunta when Zuko ran past Naruto, pulling Aang back into the main deck below. As if that wasn't enough, Naruto felt a kick on his back, causing him to fly downwards into the main deck floor below.
"Did you think I would let you escape so easily Naruto? I will return to our world, I will go to Orochimaru, and I will kill Itachi and get revenge!" Sasuke declared.
"Not gonna happen. We will go home, and I will take you back to the Leaf! I won't let Orochimaru take your over your body!" Naruto replied. Just then a grunt was heard.
"Appa!" Aang said in excitement as Appa, along with Katara and Sokka flew towards the Fire Nation ship. Zuko took this moment to shoot fire at Aang, forcing Aang to move his staff in quick circular motions while being forced to leap back. The onslaught of fire continued, until Zuko disarmed Aang.
"AANG!" Naruto yelled. Suddenly Naruto was thrown off the ship.
"You should have payed more attention to me than him, Naruto!" Sasuke declared as he tossed Naruto off of the ship. Zuko knocked Aang off the ship a few

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