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Hanswana is clenching to my trembling body. We hear unfamiliar noise coming from mysterious objects. So much violence was going to brain wash us all from deception. I hear a faint whisper coming from the distinct pile of shattered buildings, it's Asline she is one of my good friends. She helped me with Hanswana when she was a newborn. I told Hanswana to stay in the body consuming darkness so she would be hidden from any kind of danger. I crouch down and slowly work my way to Asline, she looks like she has been beaten. Her once strong body was worn down to a helpless rodent. She was trembling with mind consuming fears. I held her cold, weak body against mine and hugged her and didn't let her go. He eventually drifted into a peaceful sleep. Hanswana and I were so tired,bee haven't slept in days with all of the noise going on its impossible.

The next morning I feel like my body has been restored. Hanswana and Asline were writing playful things in the warm but damp dirt. I smiled to see Asline was feeling better and I felt warmth from Hanswana's happiness from having someone to play with. The two were giggling and I got up easily to go wonder off to find some water.

I stumble steadily across the pile of destruction to reach a small pond. The pond water wasn't the best thing but it was water, so I drunk the unfruitful water. It replenished my needs. I go back over to the two giggling birds, but suddenly I hush them. It sounds like someone is creeping up on us. I can feel it. It tantalizing, I hear them I tell them to scoot easily over to the wall. They do as they are told and then the slight feeling if being watched was gone. I knew someone was there watching us but,by he weary presence left so I had to make a plan and quick.

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