Laala x Shogo: Sweet Chocolate For Only You

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Author: Hi everyone :3 In my last post I have asked you guys which couple should I write next . And now I decided to write Shogo x Laala for special late Valentine day T^T Actually , I will write about Leona x Sophie but I don't have any idea for them so please wait for it . I will write Leona x Sophie when I have the idea for both of them .
* Just like usual Laala and Shogo are eating at the cafeteria together *

Shogo: Laala

Laala: What's wrong Shogo ??

Shogo: A... Anou ... This is actually a little embarrassing * He blush *

Laala: What do you want to tell me ??

Shogo: * blush * It will be Valentine soon

Laala: So ??

Shogo: You will make me chocolate just like last year right * He smile *

Laala: * blush * I ... I think so

Shogo: Why did you think so ?? You need to say yes Laala . The answer should be yes .

Laala:  You don't need to be like that when the Valentine's day is coming Shogo

Shogo: But you know it is Valentine . Last year , you joke with me about that .

Laala: But you are the one who take it first

Shogo: Of course , I am your boyfriend so I need to take it first .

Laala: I don't think this year I will have time to make chocolate Shogo

Shogo: Eh?! Why ??

Laala: Because my test is so horrible T^T I have an exam on the Valentine too

Shogo: Then you can't make it

Laala: Yes , I am sorry

Shogo: * He feel sad then he take her hand * Don't say that. This is not your fault

Laala: Shogo

Shogo: You just need to study your best for the exam . I don't ask you about the chocolate anymore

Laala: Are you sure about that ?

Shogo: Of course. Who do you think I am ?? I am Yumekawa Shogo . I won't be sad about don't receive the chocolate from my girlfriend .

Laala: Shogo

Shogo: Try your best at the exam Laala . Don't let my problem bother you

Laala: Okay - kashikoma

* At night in WITH room *

* All three of them are watching SoLaMi SMILE performance today *

Asahi: Yappe !! That's really good

Koyoi: Yes , three of them are very good

Shogo: Haizzz

* Both of Asahi and Koyoi look at theirs roommate sign *

Asahi: Shogo what's wrong with you ??

Shogo: Nothing

Asahi: Are you sure ??

Shogo: Yes

Koyoi: I think you don't

Shogo: ........

Asahi: Yappe !! You really have something wrong Shogo

Koyoi: Let me guess. It is about Laala right * He smile at Shogo *

Shogo: Okay it is really related to Laala

Asahi: What's wrong with both of you ? Did you make her angry ?

Shogo: No , I don't make her angry

Koyoi: So what happened ??

Shogo: Actually , the story is .......

* Shogo  told Asahi and Koyoi about what happened *

Koyoi: So that's the story

Asahi: So this year my girlfriend don't have chocolate Valentine

Shogo: Don't say about that

Koyoi: You really sad right Shogo

Shogo: I don't sad

Koyoi: You're really sad you know

Shogo: * blush * Listen , I don't want Laala to worry about me . I don't want her to think about my feeling that I cannot receives chocolate from her . I just want her to focus on her exam .

Asahi: Your face say you don't need it but I think inside you think that you still want Laala to give you chocolate .
Shogo: .............

Koyoi: Nice attack Asahi

Asahi: Of course

Shogo: Both of you ==

Koyoi: Don't be sad my friend. I think that even Laala focus on her exam she will be remembered to give you the chocolate . * He smile *

Shogo: Haizz . I hope so too

* At Laala and Yui room *

* Laala is studying and Yui is sleeping soundly on her bed *

Yui: Yumekawa ~

Laala: * Laala just laugh a little *

* Laala really want to improve her point and try hard for her exam but something really bothering inside her heart *

Laala: .......  Why can't I stop thinking about it ?? He said that I don't need to worry about it but .... I cannot stop thinking about his sad face like that .

* Laala remember about Shogo sad face when he hold her hand *

* Flash back *

Shogo: * He feel sad then he take her hand * Don't say that. This is not your fault

Laala: Shogo

Shogo: You just need to study your best for the exam . I don't ask you about the chocolate anymore

Laala: Are you sure about that ?

Shogo: Of course. Who do you think I am ?? I am Yumekawa Shogo . I won't be sad about cannot receive the chocolate from my girlfriend .

Laala: Shogo

Shogo: Try your best at the exam Laala . Don't let my problem bother you

Laala: Okay - kashikoma

* End of Laala flash back *

Laala: He really sad about it . He don't say about it but I know he really sad . I think I should make him surprise a little . He is my boyfriend after all

* At the Valentine's day *

* At Shogo class *

Asahi: Yappe !! Shogo you really have so much chocolate

Shogo: Every year I always have a lot of chocolate like this . This year I don't have special chocolate from my girlfriend

Asahi: Shogo

??: Asahi Mitaka.

Asahi: I know this voice * He turn his head and see Mireii * Mireii

Mireii: * She blush * Hello

Asahi: Why did you come here Mireii ?

Mireii: I come here just because I have something I want to give you * she still blush *

Asahi: What do you want to give me ?
Mireii: * She blush and give him a package * H ... Here . This is my chocolate for you . Will you accept it ?? ////

Asahi: * blush * Mireii .... Thank you * He take the package * I will treasure your chocolate and your feeling in this too

Mireii: * blush * Don't say that. This is all I just want to give you so I will be back to my class

Asahi: Okay . See you

Shogo: Eh. You are so lucky

Asahi: I am not lucky like that

Shogo: I want to receive chocolate from Laala too

* Suddenly his phone receive a message *

Asahi: Shogo your phone

Shogo: Okay * He take his phone and she who send it to him *  Laala

Asahi: Yappe !! It is Laala. Open and read what she said

Shogo: * He open the message and read it *

Laala: Shogo , I have finished my exam . After school , meet me at ours secret place I will be waiting for you there

Shogo: Laala

Asahi: You will have chocolate I am sure about that

Shogo: I hope it is true

* After school , he went to he and Laala secret place *

Shogo: Laala

Laala: * She turn her head and see Shogo * Shogo  * She run to his side and hug him *

Shogo: * He feel a little surprise * Laala * then he hug Laala back * Laala .... I miss you

Laala: * She laughed a little * We have just not met two days you are ready miss me

Shogo: Of course . I miss my girlfriend so much

Laala: Are you sad when I am not with you Shogo ?

Shogo: Of course I am

Laala: Are you sad because I don't give you the chocolate for Valentine ??

Shogo: * He felt silent * ..........

Laala: * She smile and take his hand * Shogo

Shogo: Laala

Laala: I know you are sad about it ^-^ Don't hide it from me

Shogo: How did you know ?

Laala: Who do you think I am ? I'm Manaka Laala and my boyfriend is Yumekawa Shogo . So I know you very well

Shogo: Laala. I am sorry . I have let my problem bother you .... You must have failed the exam

Laala: Baka

Shogo: Eh?!

Laala: I don't fail it . I have studied very hard for it

Shogo: Then - * Laala put her hand on his lip *

Laala: * She take out the chocolate  and give him *  Here is my chocolate for you . Happy Valentine's day my precious boyfriend

Shogo: * He blush and take her chocolate * You make it for me

Laala: Of course

Shogo: How can you make it ?

Laala: I just spend a little time to do it in the morning

Shogo: So you wake very soon to make this

Laala: * She nod her head *

Shogo: * He smile * Thank you

Laala: I am glad you like it

Shogo: Of course I like it . This is my chocolate from my girlfriend so I have to like it * He smile *

Laala: kashikoma ~

Shogo: * He look at her and take a step near her and kiss on her lip *

Laala: * She blush * ........

Shogo: * He take out and smile * Happy Valentine's Day Laala . I will pay my feeling on the White Day for you

Laala: * She blush and then nod her head * Okay - kashikoma ~ I will be waiting for it

* Both of them kiss again and they have a very sweet Valentine's Day together *


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