{ Mireii x Asahi } I cannot believe my love is her

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Author: Hi everyone , I am here again . Now we will move to the next part of Mireii and Asahi stories. This chapter Koyoi and Shogo will help Asahi to find out why he love Mireii so much. What would happen ? What would Asahi do ? We will know about it in this chapter ;3

* At WITH room *

Shogo: So tell us Asahi

Asahi: Tell what ????

Shogo: When did you like Mireii ?

Asahi: Oh . About that . I like her when I see her first performance

Koyoi: Her first performance at Paparajuku PriPara what with Manaka-san , right ?

Shogo: Yes . If I remember correctly the song was Marble Make up A - ha - ha

Asahi: That's right . That's the song Mireii and Manaka-san sing .

Shogo: You fall for her at that time ??

Asahi: Yup . She look so gorgeous with her Super Cyalume Coord . Her hair style is so cute . And the color of her eyes . I cannot describe it all

Shogo and Koyoi: * silent and think * This is what they called love at first sight .

Asahi: And especially her sentences " pri " . It is so cute

Shogo: * He smile * A...Asahi so that's the reason why you like her ?

Asahi: That's not it

Koyoi: Eh?! That's not the reason so why do you like her ??

Asahi: I don't know. At first , I just think that she is a interesting girl but I don't know why day by day I have fallen for her .

Shogo: I think it is because you have watched almost her performance

Asahi: That's not the reason

Koyoi: Or it is because after you know her identity

Asahi: .........

Shogo: Oh , I know the reason now

Koyoi: I think I know too

Asahi: ............

Shogo: The reason why you like her so much when you saw her what after the time you know her identity .

Koyoi: At first , you don't accept her identity but after that when you saw her your heart begin beating

Shogo: So that's mean you have fallen for her so hard after you know her identity at outside world.

Asahi: * blush * ........ Aaaa.... What should I do now ?? I cannot believe my love will be her . I cannot believe I fall for her so much

Koyoi: Relax Asahi. Don't worry about it

Shogo: He say right . If you know the reason why you loved her then you should tell her

Asahi: I cannot * He hide his red face in a pillow *

Koyoi: Be a man Asahi

Asahi: * He look at Koyoi * Koyoi .....

Shogo: Be a man just like me and tell Minami-san about your feeling for her

Asahi: Shogo * he turn to look  at Shogo *

Koyoi: You just need to find a good chance to talk to her

Asahi: You say right Koyoi . I will find a good chance to talk to Mireii

Shogo: We believe in you Asahi

Asahi: * He nod his head * You two really are my best friends * He smile *
Shogo and Koyoi: * Both of them smile at Asahi *

* At PriPara *

Mireii: Everyone , today we will bring you a lot of miracle - pri

Sophie: My little bird pay attention to ours performance

Fans: Hyaaaaaa >< Sophie-sama so cool

Laala: Kashikoma ~ Everyone let's go now

SoLaMi SMILE: Please listen to ours song " HAPPY PA LUCKY "

Fans: Hyaaaaa >< SoLaMi SMILE so cute

* At the resr room *

Laala: Ah . I am exhausted now

Sophie: pshuu ~ What an exhausted day

Mireii: It is very tired but it is really fun - pri

Laala: That's right - kashikoma

Sophie: I feel really fun

Mireii: Tomorrow we don't have any performance so we can rest at home - pri

Laala: You guys will go anywhere tomorrow

Sophie: I think I will stay at home

Mireii: I don't know but I think I will go to the library if I don't have any plan - pri

Sophie: What will you do Laala ?

Laala: I don't know

Mireii: You and Shogo-san don't go somewhere together - pri ?

Laala: He don't talk about it so I think he is busy

Sophie: Don't worry I think he will phone you to ask you out tomorrow

Laala: Sophie .... Thank you - kashikoma

* Then Laala phone ring *

Laala: My phone * She take her phone out and see Shogo number * Shogo

Mireii: Speak of the devil - pri

Laala: Excuse me * She stand up and go out *

Sophie: I think he call to talk to her about tomorrow

Mireii: I think so too - pri

* At outside *

Laala: Shogo what did you want to talk about ??

Shogo: I just want to hear my girlfriend voice

Laala: * blush * ....... Y .... You don't need to say that

Shogo: * He smile * I am just joke to you a little

Laala: You evil =3=

Shogo: I am sorry . But there is something I want to ask you ?

Laala: What is it ??

Shogo: It is -


Author: So this chapter focus almost on Asahi but with a little Mireii ;3 Next chapter we will find out what did Shogo talk to Laala . And how is the love story of Mireii and Asahi will go See you guys again .

Note: Please press a star buton to support me so that I have the energy to update more of the story :3 Thank you for your support

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