Male Reader X Butters

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[Also, in case anyone starts crying about them being 10, everyone is around 16 in this or whatever you'd like. Even though it should be obvious no one actually writes South Park fanfics like this thinking theyre actually 10]

Your POV

We're all hurrying towards Clyde's house. Apparently he was the one who stole the stick of truth and Cartman's pissed. I think he's even more pissed about that, since I chose to be on the Elven side instead of the human side.

"[N-Name].", Butters says quietly, gripping my sleeve.

I turn to face him and he blushes a little.

"E-Even though you aren't on our side anymore, I still want to fight with you.", he says, smiling.

Man, he's really cute. I stop walking, making him bump on my arm and yelp. I let the others walk ahead a bit, before turning back to Butters and placing my hands on his shoulders gently.

"[Name]?", he asks.

I glance behind myself once more before kissing him. He squeaks, grabbing the front of my shirt instantly. I pull back and rest my forehead against his.

"I'm sorry, Butters.", I say.

The blush on his cheeks is darker now, before his eyes widen and he pushes my head back a bit with his own.

"Y-You don't need to apologize, [Name]! I understand why you chose their side! I-I just want you to know that I want to continue being on your side, even if you're not on my side.", he says.

My frown deepens.

"I may not be on the humans side or Cartmans side, but I'll always be on your side.", I say, kissing him again.

This time he kisses me back instantly, wrapping his arms around my neck. I lower my hand on his waist, pulling him closer and also making him let out a small whimper. Oh man, he's so cute.

"Hey!", Kenny yells, his voice muffled a bit.

I slowly pull back from Butters, pecking his lips once before turning my head around to see Kenny waving at us from afar.

"Cartman said to get your asses over here or he'll banish you to time and space like he did with Clyde!", he says, giggling.

I sigh and Butters places a kiss on my cheek.

"It's okay, [Name]! Even if he did banish you to time and space, Paladin Butters would save you!", he says cheerfully.

"My gods you're adorable.", I say before kissing him again, more heatedly this time.

He squeaks, before letting out a giggle and kissing me back. I can hear Kenny giggle as I place my hand on Butters's cheek and pull away.

"Wanna hang out at my place after we get back the stick of truth?", I ask.

He blushes slightly before nodding frantically.

"I'd love to! Then we can play video games again!", he says.

I smile and peck his lips before we follow Kenny to Clyde's house to win back the stick of truth. But it turned out to be quite difficult.

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