Slipping away

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Chapter 1 - Kiss The Bride

Kwon Yuri stood in the dressing room looking into the mirror, sweat beads forming on her forehead. She had never felt more nervous in her life. Today was indeed going to be a fateful day; it would be the day where she would utter those two little words and be bound to the woman of her dreams for the rest of her life. Today Kwon Yuri was going to be married to Jessica Jung.

Yuri and Jessica had begun dating in their senior year at Seoul High School. It didn't take long for them or their friends to see that they were destined to be together. Once they graduated from college, Yuri had asked for Jessica's hand in marriage on a bended knee. Jessica had immediately accepted and threw her arms around Yuri’s neck, crying tears of joy. Neither of them would ever forget that day.

Yuri fidgeted uneasily as Sooyoung, her “best man”, tried desperately to adjust her tie. In the mirror Yuri could see her father and brother, Jae, standing by the door, smiling at her. Yuri tried to give a grin in return but it turned out terribly weak. She was too nervous to smile. It felt as though there were a swarm of butterflies fluttering about in her stomach.

When Yuri’s tie was perfectly straight Mr. Kwon clapped Yuri on the shoulder and said, "Never seen you look better with a tie on," with a slight grin.

Though Yuri looked beautiful in her new tailored tuxedo, her hair was still a bit messed up. The hairdresser had tried everything to get it to stay in place and for the most part it did, but stray little pieces of hair stuck up here and there and there was nothing she could do about it. Yuri sighed as Sooyoung walked up beside her.

"Don’t be nervous, Yuri," said Sooyoung, patting her friend on the back. Instead of consoling her, this just made Yuri's stomach feel worse.

"Easy for you to say..." Yuri muttered. She then broke away from her friends and family and sat down on the chair in the corner, putting her head into her hands. "You’re not the one getting married," she mumbled.

Sooyoung and Jae rolled their eyes at each other as Yuri picked up her carnation from the end table and fastened it to her suit.

"Come on, Yuri. Cheer up. People might think you’re at a funeral," said Jae, kneeling down beside Yuri and giving her a playful punch in the arm. "You're getting married to the love of your life. What's there to be nervous about? You should be happy because Jessica loves you and wants to spend the rest of her life with you. That's all that matters, really."

Yuri smiled at her brother. He always had a way with making her feel better. "You know..." she began, getting up from her seat and brushing herself off, "You're right."


"Jessica, would you stop fidgeting? Let me fix your dress.” Kim Hyoyeon yelled at her long-time friend Jessica.

"Sorry, Hyo," Jessica said, straightening up a bit as Hyoyeon pulled at the veil planted on her head.

Jessica could remember being a bridesmaid at Hyoyeon's wedding only a year ago. It had been absolutely magnificent but now that it was her turn to be the bride it seemed anything but magnificent. Nerve-wrecking was more like it; she had been struggling to calm down all morning.

"Hyoyeon?" Jessica asked as her friend finished adjusting her veil for her.

"Yes, Jessica?"

" You weren't nervous when you married Sooyoung, were you?"

"Of course I was! I just hid it well, Jessica." she gave her friend a wink, "You know, I was so nervous I had to breathe into a paper bag to calm down before I walked the aisle. But afterwards I looked back and saw that it was for nothing. No worries, Jessica. Now come on, it’s almost time for you and Yuri to tie the knot," she said, opening the dressing room door.

Jessica took one last look into the mirror, gave a confident nod and walked out the door past Hyoyeon.


A few minutes later Yuri stood waiting at the altar, music from the church organ filling her ears and behind her stood Sooyoung, smiling broadly. Mr. Kwon and Jae were sitting in front of her with the rest of the family. Like most everyone else, they were staring down the aisle, waiting for Jessica to appear. Yuri had not seen her since the night before and she felt as though the anticipation was killing her. Her heart was drumming rapidly against her ribs.

All the guests were quiet as the little flower girl progressed up the isle to where Yuri stood tall with a fervent expression on. Her fingers were tangled together until she twisted them through her raven black hair. Sooyoung chuckled from behind Yuri, looking at her nervous friend, who was already sweating over taking her chances with her true love. The flower girl was directed to stand next to Yuri's parents, after throwing the last of the white petals to the ground in front of the altar.

The air was silent for a brief moment before the music began, signaling for the bride to walk down the aisle. The white polished doors opened and Yuri felt her stomach tighten. There were no words for this moment. Jessica appeared at the door, dressed in gleaming white. The lights of the church cast a wonderful glow upon her as she walked down the aisle. Yuri's stomach fluttered as Jessica smiled at her.

Mr. Jung came to Jessica's side to guide her up the church aisle, giving her away to Yuri. She gladly took hold of Jessica's cold hand, helping her up onto the stage of the altar. Mr. Jung then took his place beside his wife, who was sitting in the front row. 

Jessica's dress was simple, but she loved it just the same. Her mother had been wed in the dress and now she was doing the same. It was made of plain white silk and its long train left a trail behind her. Her auburn hair was placed up in an elegant bun upon her head, away from her radiant face.

They stared into each other's eyes as they said their vows. Their smiles grew as they exchanged rings. Sooyoung did not delay in pulling the two golden bands from her pocket and handing them to the couple. She was honored to help this union.

"Kwon Yuri, do you take Jessica Jung to be your wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Jessica Jung, do you take Kwon Yuri to be your wife?"

"I do."

"You may kiss the bride." The minister stepped back, away from the couple. 

Jessica and Yuri kissed and bound themselves to each other for life. Many people in the audience began to cry while others clapped, some whistled, and some cheered. 

To Yuri their kiss seemed to last forever and she had a bit of trouble pulling away from Jessica. She wanted it to last forever, for it was the sweetest one they had ever shared. It was Jessica who pulled away. They stared into each other's eyes, completely blocking out the rest of the world. 

Together at last.


Chapter 2 - One Year Later

It’s been a year since they said their vows. It’s been a year since they last said the two words that bound them together. It’s been a year since they were married and it’s been a year since there was an empty void in their hearts.

They lived in a full-sized apartment downtown that was given as a marriage gift from both of their parents a year ago. They moved in after their honeymoon to Paris; Jessica always wanted to go there. 

She was a rising fashion designer, so where better to go than Paris? Yuri complied to her wishes as long as she could see Jessica smile, but that was one year ago. Now they were like two strangers living under one roof. 

The love that blossomed between them had faded away; the time they spent together was getting shorter and shorter and their only form of communication was through the nightly dinner that Jessica ordered once she was done with work. 

The bed that they slept on now separated them, a pillow in between their bodies. They lost all sorts of intimacy from kissing to hugging or touching. 

Their relationship was hanging on by a thread and they did nothing to repair it; instead they continued on with their daily lives as if nothing had ever happened between them.


Yuri looked over the document one last time before she signed it and closed the folder holding it. She stood up from her seat and put on her blazer before stepping out of her office. 

“Leaving already, Ms. Kwon?” asked Tiffany as she looked away from computer screen. She stood up and made her way towards Yuri.

“Have you reviewed the Lee’s business proposal? They have a few interesting things in there.”

“I see you’re getting better, Fany-ah,” smiled Yuri as she gazed at the mesmerizing eyes that curved into smiles once Yuri spoke, “And yes, I have looked over the proposal and signed the papers. They are on my desk”

Tiffany nodded her head as she looked down shyly with a crimson tint forming on her cheeks. Yuri took notice of it and smiled proudly as if she had discovered a hidden secret. 

Tiffany was hired into the firm three months ago in replacement of Mrs. Sung, Yuri’s old assistant, who had been aging. 

Yuri would be lying to herself if she said that Tiffany was not beautiful. With a perfectly proportionate body and curves that could make anyone do a double take, she was simply breath taking. The fact that she was half American also stood out. 

Suddenly, Yuri frowned.

She remembered Jessica and she had to remind herself it was time to go home. She let out a sigh and ran her hand through her hair as she thought of having a quiet and awkward dinner with Jessica, for the millionth time.

“Is there anything wrong, Ms. Kwon?” asked Tiffany.

Yuri shook her head and smiled at her, “No, just a bit tired. Anyway if you need anything feel free to contact me,” said Yuri. She smiled one last time to Tiffany before she made her way to the elevator. “Oh, by the way, don’t stay up too late,” winked Yuri.


Jessica sat on the couch as the television filled the empty apartment with noises. Her mind was occupied as she kept playing with her wedding ring, swirling it round and round. 

She loved Yuri with all her heart but this void between them was killing her. There was so many times when Jessica was tired and she wanted to fall asleep in Yuri’s arms. 

There were so many times when she wanted to cuddle with Yuri when they would watch the news or late night movies on the weekends. There was so many times she wished everything just went back to the way they were.

Earlier that day, when she had finished work, she was passing a restaurant to pick up her usual order for dinner when an advertisement caught her attention. 

In bright red with bold black outline were the words: “Marriage Counseling.” She hesitated at first but on her way back home, thought about it. She just wanted everything to return back to normal. 

She snapped out of her thoughts as she heard the door open and close. She stood up instantly. “I’m home,” said Yuri as she took off her coat and hung it up in the closet. 

Before Jessica could utter a word, Yuri walked up the stairs without acknowledging Jessica’s presence. Jessica took this as a sign to start dinner and prepare the table.

It took few minutes till Jessica got everything set on the table and she sat down on one side as she waited for Yuri. 

Yuri entered the dining room as she finished changing into her usual sweatpants and t-shirt. The latter took her seat opposite of Jessica and took hold of the utensils and started eating. 

Jessica looked down on her plate and tried to keep her composure. She hated this feeling.

“How was your day?” Jessica asked, as she scooped some vegetables and placed it on her plate. 

She waited to see if Yuri would look up to her and reply, but the latter didn’t. Yuri kept her head down as she ate.

“It was good, how was yours?” replied Yuri as she munched on her food. Jessica played around with the vegetables, taking a bite or two from time to time. 

“It was good also, we got huge clients coming in, so I’m kind of excited,” answered Jessica. 

There was no response from Yuri except for a nod as she continued with her food. Jessica smiled sadly as she looked down on her plate.

“Your mom called today to ask if we could make it to their 60th anniversary,” said Jessica. She wanted to talk about anything just so she could get Yuri’s attention. 

“When is it?” asked Yuri as she looked up at Jessica briefly. Jessica smiled as brightly as she could before Yuri looked away. 

“It’s in two or three weeks; she said she would call to confirm it.” 

Once again Yuri only nodded and got up as she finished eating dinner. When she walked out of the room without a word, Jessica dropped her walls and let a lone tear escape her eye.


Yuri lay on her bed with a file that she was reading through before going to sleep. Jessica came out of the bathroom and instead of going to her usual side of the bed, Jessica approached Yuri and sat down. 

Yuri looked surprised as she raised her eyebrows and placed the file down. She realized that Jessica’s eyes were a bit red and swollen.

“Yuri,” her voice cracked and Yuri stared at her, confused and slightly worried. “I have been thinking about this for a while and I think…” 

Yuri watched her as she took a deep breath and continued, “…we need marriage counseling.”


Chapter 3 - Counseling

Yuri tapped her foot impatiently while she waited for the counselor in his office. After fighting with Jessica the whole morning, Yuri was finally dragged into the car and now into the office of the counselor. 

Jessica sat next to her but paid her no attention; she was still angry.

“I am sorry for my tardiness. I wasn’t informed that I had patients,” said the counselor as he entered the office and made his way towards them. 

He was a bespectacled man, circular frames, with taut skin that seemed to stretch over his once-prominent cheekbones. He looked like he was worn from looking too deeply into others.

“It is our mistake. We came suddenly without an appointment,” said Jessica as she stood up to shake the counselor’s hand, but Yuri refused to budge and stayed seated. 

The counselor sat in his chair behind the desk and opened the file that was placed in front of him. Once he reviewed it he closed it and looked up at the couple in front of him.

“So tell me Ms. Kwon and Ms. Jung, what are you here for?” asked the counselor as he leaned back on the chair and folded his arms across his chest.

“This is a waste of time,” stated Yuri as she shifted her position, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. 

The counselor stared at her and she gritted her teeth in anger; he had no right to intervene in their marriage.

“If I may ask, why do you think this is a waste of time?”

Yuri watched as the counselor took a small pad and pen and started taking notes. She wasn’t going to talk. 

Yuri was forced to come here could not be forced to participate.

“We have some problems,” Jessica started as she realized the atmosphere was becoming tense between Yuri and the counselor.

“We don’t have any problems!”

“Yes we do, Yuri.”

“No we don’t.”

“Our marriage is falling apart.”

Yuri clenched her fist as she heard those words leave Jessica’s mouth. She tensed up as she looked away, avoiding eye contact and clenched her teeth to stop them from quivering.

“Is it true Yuri? Is your marriage falling apart?” asked the counselor as he took more notes.

She opened her mouth to reply but nothing came out. She kept clenching and unclenching her fist nervously. For a minute she felt that the truth lingering in the back of her mind was slowly revealing itself.

She looked at Jessica but she was staring down at her hands. 

“Should I take your silence as a ‘yes’?” said the counselor as he took off his glasses.

Yuri ignored him and stared at Jessica; she needed to see her eyes.

“Is this how you really feel?” Yuri asked her, “You feel we’re falling apart.” Part of her didn’t want to hear what Jessica had to say, but the other part of her wanted the truth.

“Everything has changed Yuri, ever since we got married, and…I feel like I don’t know you anymore.”

Jessica’s voice was cracking and Yuri knew she was on the verge of crying. 

Yuri scoffed as she looked away from Jessica. She tried to place her stance on her, but it was getting harder for her. Her hands were trembling and she hated the lingering gaze of the counselor.

“Yuri what are your thoughts on this?” he asked.

Yuri didn’t utter a word as she tried to compose herself, not only in front of the counselor but also in front of Jessica, her wife. Jessica tried to reach out and hold on to Yuri’s hand, but she pulled away.

“Jessica would it be possible if I talk to Yuri alone for a minute? I suggest a one-on-one session would be more suitable with Yuri.” He smiled politely at Jessica.

Jessica nodded as she stood up and looked at Yuri one last time before heading out. When they heard the click of the door that indicated that Jessica left, the counselor’s eyes adjusted firmly on Yuri who returned the gaze with much ill-fated intensity. 

“So Yuri, tell me about yourself.”

“There is nothing you should know about me,” she replied coldly as bit her tongue to prevent her from slipping any curse words at the end of her sentence. 

The smile that was etched on his face frustrated her even further.

“Don’t think you have the right to sit behind that desk and interrogate me about my marriage life. It is my marriage and I do not need a counselor to help me fix up my relationship with my wife,” retorted Yuri.

“So you admit there is something wrong in your relationship.” 

Yuri blinked and broke her gaze from the counselor. She then heard a movement and when she looked back she saw the counselor standing up and walking to the front of the desk. He leaned against the table and folded his arm as he looked down at Yuri.

“Unlike Jessica, you hide your pain and fear so well. It is obvious to me that you still love Jessica, but she doesn’t know it,” he said as he removed his eyeglasses and polished it with a cloth on his desk. “Why are you locking away your love for her?”

For that moment as the counselor gazed down at Yuri she felt weak and defeated. 

“I don’t lock away anything” she replied hoarsely as she gripped the end of the chair tightly. “It’s just…” she paused; she didn’t want to admit it.

Sensing Yuri’s hesitation the counselor sat on the chair next to her, where Jessica once sat. 

“Whatever you say is between us Yuri, it’s confidential, not even Jessica will be able to know”.

Yuri hesitated for a moment. She peered into the counselor's eyes, felt the weight bearing down on her chest, and let loose the rush of emotions she had been bottling up.

It was finally time.


Chapter 4 - A Date

“We went out on a date”

“Did she ask you out? Or did you suggest that you two should bond more?”

“No, she just said she needed to buy a dress for her parents anniversary and I said I would like to join her”


They were walking side by side along the street, not looking at each other. Yuri looked solemn, as usual,

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