About me

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- 5.C: Being lazy and bored and having nothing to do, this cursed thing was born... hehe.  This's still a self-introduction, but in more detail...
   I'm not good at English, I just hope everyone can understand what I wrote :')))

- Name: Space_ Cat or Irish are fine, 5.C for short. Either way, they are not my real names.

- D.O.B: 29/10  | - Age: I'm old.. but not too old.

- I'm Vietnamese.

- Like _ Dislike:

   + I love delicious food (rice, milk tea, seafood except oysters) so I don't like foods that don't taste good, unappetizing... and, I especially hate pumpkin.

   + I like a lot of things:  

      _ Game: I play a lot but also get bored pretty quick, unless someone plays the game with me. The game I stick with longest is Identity_V then Genshin Impact. Game selection criteria: Graphics, char des, gameplay, plot and content.  If I have a friend to play with, the above can be taken lightly.

      _ Watch, read or listen to movies, anime, manga, novels, music,... Sometimes I'm very strict with content, logic, construction and development, but sometimes I jusslt don't pay attention about those things.

      _ I love drawing, it makes me relax, calm and happy.  However, completing a picture is a process of both happiness and pain.  I love doing random writing when I can't execute what I think through drawing.

      _ Sleep, I like to sleep and dream, maybe because I'm lazy like my mother said... or because everyday life is too tiring, so I choose to sleep, fall into a dream to run away from reality.

   + I like a lot but also hate/dislike a lot.

      _ I hate insects, especially cockroaches, I hate and fear of them.

      _  I dislike people who're always so full of themselves and mean. But I do think they can still change.

      _ I especially hate anime that default to Tsundere hitting people and think it's  fun. Imagine people trying to help others only to receive not a thank you but a slap and being called a pervert

       _ There are many more but I won't tell them all.

- I won't talk about fears much cause who'd shows all their weaknesses? But.. yeah, I'm afraid of cockroaches, a bit afraid of the dark and being in front of a crowd.

* Some weird stuffs about me.

- When I really hate or have a feeling of rejection towards a certain food or type of food, when I eat it, whether directly or a dish containing that thing, I'll show signs of food poisoning. High fever, nausea, diarrhea... The severity depends on the amount of food that we eat.  This happened about three or four times and on two occasions I got very sick because I ate a decent amount. Also, if the unpleasant feeling goes away later, then I won't have any problem eating them.

   + The first time was because of the dish "Bánh bột lọc", a Vietnamese dish originating from Hue. At that time I was quite young, about 9 years old, the reason I didn't like it was because it's appearance gave me a creepy feeling.  Even though I didn't want to, my mother still wanted me to try a few... The next day, I ended up with a high fever and everything... My mother just assumed it was because I ate at a place that was not hygienic. But I don't think so cause my mother and brother also eat with me, even more than me, why don't they have any problems?  But now it's okay, when I was a child, I judged food by its appearance as a lot, when I grew up, it was okela (^v^).

   + About the second time, I didn't like the taste of pumpkin and somehow, that day, my parents came up with the idea of ​​​​making pumpkin soup. Even when I gave a reason why I didn't like pumpkin and said I didn't want to eat it, I still drank two bowls of that soup because my mother was angry and thought I didn't respect her hard work. Ye, the next day I got severe food poisoning.  That's when I realized my weirdness, but my parents still didn't believe me, right after I recovered from my illness, that night my mother brought me a bowl of pumpkin soup that we had left over the other day and told me to drink it. Luckily this time it was less so I only had a slight fever, a little vomiting would help... In exchange, I no longer need to eat pumpkin dishes...until a few years later :)))

   + Do you know pumpkin flavored kitkat? At that time, it's been a few year so I was curious if I still had those symptoms when I ate something I hated, so I try a a little bit of it... and ye, still ;:))) (Lucky that I'm not too picky). but it's been a long time...don't know if I still have it now?

- I have talked about how I like to dream. Ye ye, sometimes in dreams, people will suddenly realize they are dreaming right?  There was a time.. I realized I was dreaming... so I talk in the dream that I knew I was dreaming... (:'>) That world fell apart, then I appeared in a room, which is dilapidated, dark and there is something pulling me back. I stand between sleeping and waking, eyelids open but wanting to collapse from sleepiness and fear at the feeling that if I close my eyes to sleep, I myself won't be able to wake up anymore. I finally woke up :'D Later on... maybe I created some sugestion in my dream, so every time I realize and mention that I know I'm dreaming, I fall into a situation like  on... It becomes an emergency wake-up call when I have a nightmare :))))


- 5.C: Well that's probably just that, this thing probably won't be read by anyone...hope so :D

~Love ya~♡

I study Law
Sometimes my brain wants to explode
This is so scuff!

Still love ya~♡

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