Interesting Tidbits

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When writing this fanfiction you can only imagine how many ideas and cliched fanfiction plot lines I went through. While finishing up I kept thinking, "How would this story have ended if I actually went with those ideas??"

Basically it would've been terrible. I figured I could share some of those ideas with you guys since I'm getting a few questions about characters and such. Like I've said before, just be happy I didn't kill anyone off ;). If you have any other questions about the fanfiction I'd be happy to answer them here.

- Remember the three bimbos who bullied (Y/N)? They were going to be her best friends by the end of the book.

- Yukino was going to be the "new bully" or the antagonist to the reader after Sting dumped her. I figured people would've seen that coming so I just cut that out.

- When (Y/N) found out Rogue and her were betrothed, Rogue was going to confess to her under a tree and kiss her while Sting was watching. Oh! How scandalous!

- Rogue's dad was gonna die.

- Natsu wasn't going to be in the fanfiction at all.

- Mard Geer most definitely wasn't going to be in the fanfiction and neither were the rest of the Tartaros gang.

- The person who supposedly helped (Y/N) while on the train was going to be an OC or a member from the Phantom Lord guild.  Then I realized I really hated OCs and none of the Phantom Lord members fit so...

- (Y/N) was coughing on the train because I was gonna give her a disease and kill her off in the third book >:). Push came to shove and I scraped that idea completely.

- Yes, I got many scenes from teen romance animes. Judging by the comments I'm sure you all know which ones.

- This fanfiction has little bits of the Fairy Tail anime but in a high school AU. Sting and Rogue did fight Natsu and Gajeel and Fairy Tail did go to Mavis' holy ground to fight Grimoire Heart. In this fanfiction they fought over Lucy and then fought Grimoire at the shrine from the New Years chapter.

- Eclair is the Eclair from Fairy Tail Phoenix Priestess, not OHSHC... sorry.

- Lucy was going to be (Y/N)'s co-worker but I completely forgot about that.

- Rufus was going to have affections for reader but then I was like, "F*ck it." So I made Rogue and Dobengal like (Y/N) instead.

- (Y/N) was going to be really freaking shy but then I watched "My Little Monster".

- The "BIG SCARE" between Sting and Yukino was in fact a fake pregnancy, but now y'all are just gonna have to keep guessing what it is ;).

- No, Dobengal was not going to be betrothed to reader. I wasn't sure who it was going to be so I kept writing and it ended up as Rogue. Him being depressed was kinda just an accident XD.

- Even while writing the last chapter, I had next to no idea what it was going to be about.

- All the parent dragons from the anime are in the business of publishing and writing because I watched one episode of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi.

- Chapter 30 was going to have a fight between Sting and Mard Geer but again, I forgot.

- I've edited this whole book at least six times and I still manage to find numerous mistakes.

- (Y/N) and Sting were going to break up last chapter but now they're just keeping some distance.

- (Y/N) wasn't supposed to have any hickeys whatsoever. My friend outside the net came to school with her whole neck and breasts covered in them and that is how that inappropriate idea sprouted.

- (Y/N)'s dad was going to come over in the middle of the fanfiction and find (Y/N) hacking up blood. They were gonna go to the hospital and there id where Sting would find out (Y/N) would die soon. SO terrible! I know!

- Three books are in fact planned for this fanfiction and I am not going back on that.

- I've gone through maybe five covers for the first book and already two for the second. The third book I'm still looking over so if you guys wanna take a crack at it I'd love to see what you've got. I'll even post them in the first chapter of the second book.

- I will be adding more characters in the second book and they will be getting more face-to-face time with the reader.

- Will I be doing a crossover in this fanfiction? I haven't really thought of doing one but now that it's out there I've been thinking about it.

Got any questions? I'd be happy to answer them! Wanna comment? Go ahead and do it. Which idea do you think should've been in the story? What characters do you want to see in the second book? Feel free to speak your mind! :D

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