Chapter 1 - Welcome Back!

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A/N - Welcome my lovely lovely readers!!! The date got pushed back a bit due to testing but now it is here! The darling sequel to my Sting Eucliffe X Reader!!!!! I hope you all enjoy the teenage angst!

In the first book on the Tidbit chapter I told y'all that I'd put up anyone's cover up if they made one so here is the cover from KunoHikaYashi !

And fandomholic-- !

If anyone else wants to create one please feel free! I love seeing your guys work! :D.

Now please enjoy!


If you could explain the first few weeks of your second year of high school, it would be explained in a manner only you could describe as temporarily exciting. Temporary being the defining word for not lasting long enough.

You had great friends, a loving boyfriend, a wonderful apartment, kick-ass grades, and no worries other than what to eat for dinner and when to start your homework. Of course all good things must come to an end and once you hit bottom it only goes up from there.

There were too many cliches describing your high school life and you always thought that was okay. If it was cliche, it was normal. That's usually the idea when dealing with a situation such as yours. You couldn't possibly imagine anyone else in this situation other than your basic TV show teenage girl, but here you were.

Here you were sitting on a bench under a beautiful cherryblossom tree enjoying the nice cool air before your departure. The school day hasn't begun and you really wish it wouldn't.

Your original plan was to go get breakfast with your father but his work called him in too fast. Since he's tried to make amends with you, you've been having father-daughter breakfasts for a few days now. He wasn't as bad as before but he still not picked out of habit. You definitely made sure to call him out on that.

Now you sat on a bench waiting for some universal sign telling you to get up and go. You didn't want to though. There was too much heart ache going to school now.

Ever since your break with Sting, neither of you have spoken to each other or anyone else for that matter. Rogue and Yukino have tried to talk to Sting about the matter, but his quiet response was it. He's only been fake goofing around with his friends and stealing occasional glances from you now and then.

Rogue had tried to talk to you too. Honestly, aside from the temporary conversations with Dobengal, Rogue was your only friend in your arsenal of social groups. Minerva of all people hasn't even tried talking to you. She's team Yukino so if Yukino wasn't talking, Minerva wasn't talking.

Therefore, most of your days were spent alone at your desk reading or studying. The teacher, Mr. Jiemma, stays in the classroom more often so it's deadly quiet a lot during study time. That was good for you because it out you back on track.

Your priorities were finally straightened out. Your relationship wasn't, but your future was! That was the only glimpse of hope you had now.

So with all of your strength and will power, you forced yourself off of that bench and marched yourself to school. A school where you couldn't smell the cherry blossoms and a school where you couldn't go and sit in your special lunch spot with Sting everyday.

Even Sting sat in the classroom and ate lunch with his friends everyday now. Either in the classroom or up on the rooftop... just like last year. When he was dating Yukino and you two weren't a couple.



The refreshing boy ironically walked his own bike next to you. You and every other student in the street were wearing the same uniform and walked in the same direction to school. It was no surprise to see Dobengal walking as well, but the bike sure was different.

"New bike?" You asked pointing to the red demon.

He smiles through the scarf wrapped around his face and shakes his head. "Actually I borrowed it from someone yesterday. I'm just returning it to them today."

You nod and try to keep yourself in the conversation. It kept getting harder the closer you got to school. Fiore Academy and it's rag-tag group of misfits were waiting patiently for you and you couldn't handle the pressure.

You kept imagining Sting walking his bike with you on your first day. The poor idiot hit you, but because of that, you got to date him and really see what it was like in a loving relationship.

Now it's turned into a relation-shit.

Your cute loving times in and out of school were over for a while unless you or Sting acted on this silence and finally talked things out.

Then again... Sting thought you had cheated on him. The one person you loved thought you had broken the trust you two built together.

The more you thought about it the more angry you got and reminded yourself that it wasn't your place to apologize.

You didn't do anything wrong yet you were the one getting punished for everything.

"(Y/N)?" Dobengal waves his hand in front of your face and waits for your response.

You got lost but came back to the waving of his hand. "Huh?" You said with your mouth open and your eyebrows raised with confusion.

"You okay?" He asks.

You look down at the ground and shrug. "These past few days have been a bit hard, that's all."

He taps your shoulder and walks ahead of you. "If you need anything come and find me okay?"

You thank him as he walks on. You could tell your walking was slower without him next to you because every step by yourself was worse that with him. You needed that small push towards school.

Especially when Sting was right there.

Entering the school grounds the first thing you see is Sting Eucliffe walking his bike to the bike rack and setting it in place.

Damn sun made him shine like a holy angel. Your blush was proof that you still loved him but your knotted eyebrows were the proof of your existing anger at him.

If only he trusted you. Then maybe you wouldn't have to avoid him and everybody else. You wanted to go up to that bastard and hug the life out of him. Yet the world thrives while making you suffer.

You let your moment of depression hit you as you stare at the busy blonde. Relaxing your muscles while inhaling and exhaling you lift your head up high and walking into your Hell of a school. You got the occasional stares just like always, but since your relationship with Sting died down, you've gotten less stares from jealous girls and THAT was something to be grateful for. Then there was the fact that the gossip of your relationship still existed.

"Is Sting single now?"

"I saw him hanging with Yukino again!"

"Aw! But I had a shot with him."

"Of course he's going back to Yukino. They're like soulmates or something."

"Poor rejected (Y/N)."

You felt the sharp pain of every comment stab your chest. No, Sting was not technically single but if he wanted to he could just end things and go back to Yukino anytime.

If he could break up with her for you, he could break up with you for her. It seems she and everyone else thought they were soulmates so why wouldn't he?

More pain filled your chest and managed to reach your heart in no time. You wanted Sting to be yours always... but that small bit of wishful thinking was getting smaller and smaller each day.

To think all of this happened because you were just trying to be nice to Mard Geer.

For the past couple of days of your break away from Sting you haven't seen the mysterious pony-tailed boy. In fact, he hasn't been in school at all.

His friend Jackal has been and he would occasionally sneak a glance towards you. Sometimes it was a smirk and other times it was just a normal accidental eye-to-eye contact. It was like he was expecting something from you.

You shrugged it off as always. Even now he was watching you enter in the doors of the school and you chose to ignore his odd stares. At your shoe locker you kick off your brown shoes and switch them out for your indoor shoes indicating your finally a second year in school.

Not too far away you hear Sting laughing with possibly Rogue and Orga. You recognized Orga's laughing but since Rogue hardly ever laughed you had to really listen to make sure it was him with that voice. It was refreshing hearing them all laughing together. Deep down inside you kind of wished Sting was as miserable as you. Then again, it was him who thought you cheated.

It's not like he wanted to get back together with you or anything.

You slam your locker and stomp down the hallway and up the stairs. You shove your hands in the pockets of your uniform jacket and keep your head down to hide further embarrassment.

Mumbling to yourself you growl, "Stupid Sting. Stupid Sting. Stupid Sting."

Not a second later your whole body is slammed into the chest of the last person you thought you'd be seeing today.

"M-Mard?" He was so tall all of a sudden. With his wicked smirk he looked down at you. His newly bandaged hand rubbed your head like you were his darling pet. "What are you..."

"It's nice to see you again. Haven't talked in a while have we?" His voice was still smooth and focused like it always was. How did he always manage to look so sophisticated even when he was just shoved into by an emotional teenager.

Looking at him now he was all bandaged and bruised. Even his lip had a cut. He was all jacked up yet he smiled like it was just a normal day.

You calm yourself down and remember that he was still the same Mard who helped you on the train and at the party. The same Mard everyone told you to stay away from...

"Yeah... we haven't talked in a while."

"Well, I think we need to change that." He smiles and then takes a look behind you, meeting eyes with someone and grinning even wider.

He rests his hand on your shoulder and whispers something in your ear before you can turn to see who it is behind you. "Meet me for lunch?"

You think about it before complying. "S-Sure."

He snakes his hand off your shoulder and fixes your (H/C) hair. "Great, see you then." One last look behind and you finally follow his gaze. His malicious look to the one and only Sting Eucliffe.

He watched Mard Geer leave before keeping a heavy look on you. He was just down the hall, yet his eyes made you feel so far away from him. You wanted to cry on the spot just staring at him. You almost did when Minerva and Yukino walked over to him and told him to hurry over to class. They haven't even noticed you yet.

They walked right past you and down the hall. You and Sting kept that position forever. All up until the ringing of the bell disrupted your moment. He adjusted his bag and looked down at the ground, starting to walk your way without making anymore eye contact.

The sudden tears pierced through your eyes and struggled to stay there. They didn't stay put once you passed shoulders. Both of you walked, almost ignoring the fact that you were still in a relationship. The struggle to keep in your tears was too much that you had to rush to the bathroom to cry it out.

Even if you didn't feel the sadness in your chest your eyes felt it with their waterfall of tears spilling out. You kept rubbing your sleeve against your face and soon enough it drenched the fabric of your uniform. You were already late to class so who cared how long you stayed in the bathroom. You hid there until your eyes didn't have such a raw pink color to them.

Walking into the classroom was no ball park either.

It was like your first day of school -- all eyes on you staring you down until you took your seat at the front. Unlike your first day, Sting wasn't jumping up and down in his chair to say hi to you.

"Okay class, turn to page fifty-two and start reading at chapter four."

You let the lesson sink into your brain and push out any other thoughts you didn't feel like having that day. Thoughts about your on-break boyfriend, your lack of friends, and even thoughts about your job that you knew you'd have to show up to today.

'Today was the worst day' you kept thinking. 'It can't get any worse.'

And that's when the universe answered with an, "Oh yes it can!"


Lunch time came around and meeting with Mard was the least of your worries.

Thanks to Sting and his constant nagging from last year, you now come to school everyday with a lunch box filled with rice and different meats with veggies. You thought to take care of yourself more because if something were to happen and you miss class it might effect your future plans.

You dad has been trying to talk to you about your plans after high school. He's willing to pay for your college expenses so long as you go to one he chooses and you join a specific program. He wanted you to become an editor at his company and honestly, it's crossed your mind.

You weren't sure what you wanted to do so why not critique the work of others? It'll grow your knowledge of the publishing world and give you a skill.

Graduation was so far away still, so you chose to stress about it later on instead of now during this heart-aching lunch.

You focused more on the laughs of Sting and the giggles of the girls around him. Yukino was part of that crowd but that was because her desk was nearby. Thankfully the busy Rufus was in his seat next to you to distract you from further eavesdropping.

"Everything okay (Y/N)?" He leans over with a smile, whispering so the people around you two didn't figure out you were on the brink of tears.

You force a smile and nod. "Yeah, everything's fine."

He nod and continues on writing down random words on his paper. You watch him for a good second or two before the hand of a stranger pulls you from thee daze.

You jump in your seat and whip around to find Mard smiling with some bread and two juice boxes. "Mind if I sit?"

You scoot your desk to make room for him and his probably stolen chair. He sets the second juice box in front of you. "Dig in." He grins, taking a seat across from you at your desk.

You take the juice box and poke the hole at the top with the straw, unintentionally missing and stabbing yourself with the straw. You took your anger out on the straw so the stab hurt more than necessary.

Hissing at the pain, Mard Geer notices and smirks. "You okay?"

You shake your hand and nod. "Yes, I'm okay. I only stabbed myself with the straw. Nothing important."

"Here." He reaches for your injured hand and pulls it up to his cut lips. One kiss and a portion of the classroom is in your business.

The small whispers grew louder.

"Isn't that Mard Geer from the third year?"

"I hear he's dating (Y/N)."

"I heard she dumped Sting for him."

"SHE dumped Sting? How dumb."

'It wasn't like that.' You kept repeating in your head. 'I'd never dump Sting!'

"What a slut."

"Poor Sting."

"I bet I can make him feel better."


You take a peek over and see Yukino's hand on Sting's shoulder. He doesn't brush it off, but he does glare at you and Mard before turning back to his friends and laughing it off like nothing happened.

'Why was he being this way? Why wasn't he saying anything?'

Why couldn't Sting be there to believe you and talk to you? You needed him more than anyone right now, but he was so far away.


"... I'm fine."

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