Chapter 21 - New People, New Adventures

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Sting and Rogue didn't take the bus ride up the mountain too well — they were sick or sleeping the entire time. Sting almost hacked up the lunch you two made for the trip and it was then that everyone on the bus realized that it was going to be the longest four-hour trip ever.

Almost everyone voted to kick the two off that bus and put them on class 2-B's bus, but apparently, they were dealing with their own sick people — Natsu, Gajeel, and Laxus.

All that was left was to deal with their sickness as background noise.

"How much longer Mr. Jiemma?" One of the students complained. To bad for them, Mr. Jiemma was already crossarmed and dead asleep in the front of the bus. Not a soul could get his ass up, for sure.

"This is living Hell. I think my motion sickness got worse." Sting gurgled as he sat hunched forward in his seat. You rubbed his back but it looked like it only made things more dizzying for him.

You didn't want to laugh at your man, but he was cute like this. Him and Rogue looked like little kids who needed their mommies. "Are you sure you don't want some medicine?" You triple checked with him.

He shook his head again and gave you a shaky thumns up. "I'm alright."

Your poor honey bunches of oates. You still had a few hours to go and you weren't sure if either of you could sleep through it. At least Sting had you to help him. Rogue was across the isle by himself because no one wanted to sit near him or Sting — it was just you taking care of these silly boys.

"You okay over there, Rogue?" You asked.

He slowly nodded and kept holding his stomach. You weren't sure which of the two were having it worse.

"Don't worry you guys, we're almost there."


The resort was amazing!

It was around eleven and people were skiing left and right — families, couples, athletes on snowboards, all of the above. It looked fun, but so many people in your class were already complaining about the matching outfits. Your class wore purple, Natsu's class wore red, Sherry's class wore light blue, and the other two classes wore pink and brown. Poor Sherry hated the outfit, but at least her man would be wearing pink so they'd look cute together as opposites.

Sting looked really good in purple. It was definitely Rogue's color, but your man rocked everything. In fact, Sting and Rogue didn't even bother with skiing — the brought snowboards and were ready to face off with Natsu and Gajeel. Gray Fullbuster was ready with a snowboard too.

You had a feeling you weren't going to spend much time skiing with Sting,but that was alright. You wanted to learn how to ski, even if that meant you were doing it by yourself.

"Alright kiddos, we're going to go check in so get into your groups and stay next to the buses until we get back," Mr. Makarov explained. "If we find anything messed up when we get back, everyone will be in trouble," He looked over to his class with narrowed eyes. "Natsu."

"What the Hell, Gramps!?"

The teachers went inside the hotel to check in while everyone got off the bus to retrieve their luggage. It was a sea of bright colors from each class.

You got a little nervous about your group. Sting still didn't tell you who was in it, so when you got your luggage, you prepared for the worst.

"I'm so happy to be off that death trap." Sting sighed and stretched his arms over his head. "We better go find Rogue."

You grabbed a bag you knew was Sting's and handed it to him. "I'm guessing he's in our group?"

Sting smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "Yeah and uh... Yukino and Minerva too."

You knew it.

You threw your bag over your shoulder and grinned more annoyed than you wanted to come off as. "Great. Better go find them."

Sting knew you wouldn't be excited but he did it anyway. Thanks to the group set up, now you'd have to share a room with Yukino and Minerva for the whole trip. Lucky for you, you're probably going to share with another class's group too, but you wouldn't be sure until you got your room assignments.

"Look, I know it's awkward but I just thought—"

"It's fine, okay? It's not like we can change it now," You didn't want to be short with him, but it was annoying having to play nice with those two when you wanted to enjoy yourself on this trip. "There's Rogue." You pointed.

Rogue had his stuff together and came over with a relieved smile. "Where's Yukino and Minerva?" He asked, looking around for them. So he got to know, but it was still a happy surprise for you.

"Don't worry, we're here." Minerva said as she and Yukino walked up with their things.

Yukino and Minerva looked happier than ever. You seemed to be the only one who had a problem with the set up or you're the only one showing you had a problem with it.

Sting coughed, "I guess we're gonna be hanging out a lot on the trip then?" He smiled awkwardly, trying to gain a good reaction from you.

"Guess so." You added.

You just wanted to go to your room and get ready to ski. Now you didn't even want to hang out with Sting. He was gonna go off snowboarding anyway. You wanted to find Sherry and complain about this whole thing with her.

"How long are they going to take anyway?" You complained. Your anger was growing and soon enough everything was annoying you.

"They should be done soon." Rogue replied.

As soon as he said that, the teachers came back with hands full of card keys. They went to their huddled up classes and began instructing them separately. Mr. Jimena looked for each small group and gave everyone their keys.

"Your room number is on your keys. Everyone is expected to drop off their things and meet in the dining room in fifteen minutes. Girls will be rooming with the girls in their group — boys with boys — and whatever other class you're paired with. We'll have lunch, go skiing, and when we get back we'll have dinner and go to bed. If I see any boys and girls together after bedtime, you'll be sitting out the rest of the trip and getting detention when we get back. Is that understood?"

The class makes an understanding groan and every heads inside for warmth. Sting stayed by your side in your little group, trying to smooth out your terrible attitude as best he could.

"What room do you have?" He asked politely.

You narrowed your brows at him and answered, "Why do you care? We're not allowed to see each other right?"

He didn't say anything and watched you struggle with your things in frustration. Everything you were doing — everything Sting was doing freaking pissed you off.

Maybe it was the surprise or maybe it was being in a bus for four hours and being a tad hungry, but you wanted, more than anything, to just go to your room and be by yourself for a minute, but you weren't going to have a moment of solitude for the whole trip.

"Look I'm just gonna go okay? I'll see you in a bit." You told your blonde boy before heading towards the elevators.

You were going to have to walk with Yukino and Minerva to your room, but there was also a horde of other girls going to their rooms you could blend with.

Sting smiled awkwardly. "Yeah, okay, I'll see you soon. My room's on the other side of the hotel so I better go."

He gave you one last soft 'I love you' smile and walked off. You tried offering him a smile in return but it felt so fake.

"Hey, everything okay?" Sherry came in at the perfect moment, setting a hand on your shoulder and assessing the situation. "Trouble in paradise?"

"Yeah, I'm just being silly. He was trying to do something nice and it just made me angry." You told her.

She held up her room key and changed the subject, figuring you'd just get salty talking about it. "So, what room do you have lovebug?"

You hold up your key next to hers and sigh. "437. Guess we're not in the same room."

Sherry shrugs her shoulders. "At least we're on the same floor. I'll come visit you okay?"


"You guys coming?" A classmate of Sherry's asks as they pass us to go to the elevator on the right side of the hotel. "The teachers are gonna yell at us if we're late."

Sherry waved to the girl. "We're coming, we're coming. Just give us a minute," She turns back to you and give you a wink and a thumbs up. "Let's go and after lunch we'll kill those boys with our sick ski moves."

She really was the perfect pick me up, especially for relationship troubles.


"Wow (Y/N), I didn't know we had the same room!" Lucy chirped. She was helping Yukino set their things next to each other.

Minerva took the space closest to the door and Erza was across from her. Also in the room was a white haired girl with her bangs tied up and a bubbly personality capable of killing 1000 men.

"Yeah, I just kinda got lost." You lied. You looked around and saw that the futons were going to be right next to each other, all six squished in this tiny room. On the left side was Minerva, Yukino, and Lucy. You figured the other side was going to line up with the white haired girl, Erza, and then you being closest to the window.

"Is that my spot?" You pointed to the corner.

"Hope you don't mind, we kinda took over everything as soon as we got here." The white haired girl said. She was way too nice. How did she manage to keep up that smile?

You shook your head. "No worries um...?"

"Mirajane," She bowed. "I'm in a group with Lucy, Erza, Natsu, and Gray."

You bow back. "That must be a load with Natsu and Gray in your guys' group."

Lucy sighed. "You have no idea."

You set your things down and spread the necessities. It was fast to settle in so you picked yourself up and turned to the girls. They were still going through their things and chatting.

"Should we head down?"

Erza looked at the clock on the wall and placed her hand in her hips. "That's probably best. Seeing how the food may be gone with Natsu and Gray downstairs."

A ring of laughter sounds amongst you six and everyone slowly gets up to head out. "Let's hope they save us the warm stuff."

"Knowing Natsu, the warm food's going to be all gone by the time we get there."


Sting sat next to Rogue, Natsu, and Gray with empty seats around them. Next to Sting was a spot open for you, but you were still a little reluctant to talk to him. If he just told you your group then you'd have time to prepare yourself. Now you were caught off guard and forced to play nice.

Still, he didn't deserve to be freezed out for trying to help you.

You suck it up and get your food so you could sit next to your bummed boyfriend. You even piled on more meat from the buffet to feed to him as an apology for the rude attitude.

You realized you must've been growing up because if you had this situation last year, you'd probably be mad at him and ignore him for a week. Progress is a beautiful thing.

The girls got their things and sat down already with the boys. You, however, were still wasting time around the salad bar.

You stared at the croutons and weighed the possible outcomes. You were progressing, but not fast enough.

"Interesting croutons?" A husky voice to your right interrupted your overthinking and brought you back to the salad bar.


It was Mystogan grabbing small tomatoes for his salad. "The croutons. They sure look interesting."

You looked back and forth between him and them and realized he was making fun of you. "Oh! Yeah, they're great." What else could you say? "Tomatoes?"

He pulled down his scarf and revealed a smirk. "Observant. Maybe you'll notice the next time you drop your wallet."

You blush, embarrassed that he joked about your wallet mishap. "Well, maybe someone as nice as you will pick it up next time?" Maybe they will? You never knew. People were nicer than they seemed. Sometimes.

He chuckles and pulls his scarf back up. "Maybe." He says and walks to his table.

You stare back at the croutons and push yourself to walk over to Sting's table. He was still sitting there, barely talking at a table of rowdy teens.

"H-Hi." You stood next to him, scared to sit down. "Sorry about before, I was being overly sensitive."

He sighs, showing that grin you knew he was famous for. "I should've told you."

You sit down and scoot your tray towards him. "Well, I got you plenty of meat to make up for my bad attitude this morning."

"And to think, the day's barely even started."

You both laugh and enjoy the fact that you can make up so easily like this. Communication really was the key.

"You ready to see me tear it up out there?" Sting beamed as he chomped on your food.

You ate everything but the meat he was scarfing down and nodded. "Sure, but you're teaching me how to ski okay?"

"Fair enough."

You fed him happily, being the sickeningly sweet couple you often saw in TV shows and movies. No one at the table cared enough to bother you — none that had the stones to do it at least.

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