Chapter 26 - A Hug To Remember

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A/N - Didn't get a chance to edit this one but I'll get to it another time. Regardless, I hope you enjoy! :)


Eileen and you escaped the party, leaving the salmon to someone random and leaving Sting to his father. You felt bad leaving Sting alone when he was so nervous, but he was more than capable of handling things on his own.

Eileen brought up a limo, claiming she didn't get it just for the party, but for a different event after.

"I have another party at my colleagues. Have you ever met a young woman named, Brandish?" Eileen asked while she poured a glass of fine red wine in the limousine.

You sat across from her, casually sipping a drink you knew you weren't legally allowed to have. "No, I haven't. What kind of work does she do?" You asked.

Eileen finished her drinks like nothing. She'd finish one, pour another, and finish that in seconds. She put the heavy in heavyweight drinking.

"Well, shes a stylist friend of mine who is holding a show tonight. My daughter is walking for her and I would love for you to come and join me."

An actual fashion show with Eileen. "I would love to join you! I don't know that much about fashion though."

"My dear (Y/N), neither do I. The trick is to okay it off like you know and no one will question you." She was so glamorous. You wondered what kind of lifestyle Eileen's was compared to yours.

What would it be like to trade places with her for a day?

"Plus they're serving the best strawberry cake! You don't have to talk if all you're doing is enjoying the delicious food." Her mouth was watering at the small thought of strawberry cake and wine. Two things you will forever recognize at Eileen's favorites.

"If it's alright with Brandish, then I would love to go. I'd also love to see Erza too." You talk to Erza, sure, but you haven't had a good one-on-one with her. You didn't even know she was a model. It made sense. She loved fashion and all kinds of different clothes.

Eileen grabbed a mirror from her small bag and reapplied lipstick as she said, "Remind me, do you still talk to Erza? Are you two close?"

You shake your head. "She's awesome but since we're in different classes with different friend groups, we don't talk as much as I'd like. We do hang out sometimes but only in big groups."

Eileen nods, listening to you but focusing on perfecting her lips. "Have you thought of what you wanted to do after high school?" She asked.

The same question you couldn't answer, no matter how many times people asked. "I have no idea. Everyone around me seems to have their whole life mapped out. I on the other hand can't even figure out what to wear outside of school."

"You have all the time in the world to figure out what you want to do." Eileen told you, grabbing a cigarette from her bag and lighting it without a care in the world of whether or not it bothered you.

"(Y/N), your whole life is going to be filled with people telling you what you should do. Find the time to live in the now and enjoy it. We're not guaranteed a tomorrow so we should use today to our advantage," You didn't need to read her books to know she was a master of wisdom and a little bit of insanity. "You get what I'm saying, don't you?"

You let out the small breath you were holding in and nod. "Yeah, I think so."

You knew what she was saying, but you weren't sure if you could really follow her advice. All you've ever done was live for other people. Doing things at your own pace in your own way was something you were gonna have to keep working on.

"Oh! We're here!" Eileen said and squished her cigarette dead.

You didn't notice the smooth car come to a stop. The deep tint in the windows kept you from noticing what was outside too.

Eileen, however, knew right away and slid out in one swift motion, without the help of the driver. You followed behind, taking her hand when she offered, and kept close behind her when you realized you were at a strange night club that looked like it was made for thirty year olds — complete and mature adults.

The walk to the door alone was dangerous. The snow was falling really fast now and ice was sure to form by morning.

"What do you think? Pretty cool huh?" Eileen said as she led you two towards the main entrance.

There wasn't a line waiting outside like most clubs you've seen in those shows, but there were bodyguards. Poor guys were probably freezing.

They flashed Eileen a smile. They gave other people the same smile — familiars like Eileen no doubt. Because Eileen was so friendly with them, they didn't bother asking you for identification. Maybe it was the white dress making you seem more mature for your age.

"Eileen, am I allowed in?" You talked at a low level. Realizing the music only got louder the deeper you got in the club, you weren't sure if she really heard you or not.

She did. "Don't worry (Y/N), it's not a crazy club. You can think of it as a smooth jazz club. Not insane but popular enough to get many well-dressed customers. Thanks to me, of course."

Everyone was dressed formally, standing at tall table with dim lights and glasses with surely some type of sophisticated alcohol beverage.

Eileen led you to one of the few booths in the back and had you sit down while she adventure to the stage.

The stage — the catwalk in the front of the room where everyone faces. The lights were down and the chatter was quiet. People were waiting for the show to start, whenever that was.

You waited too. Not just for Eileen, but for the lights to turn on so you could find your phone.

Before you left the company party you got your coat from the coat check and was still wearing it, even now in that club. There was something about keeping it on around all these shoulder-showing adults that made you feel comfortable.

Also, it kind of smelled like Sting's cologne. You guessed it was from him helping you down the stairs.

You dug into your pocket, hoping to pat down the inside until you found your phone. Truth is, you weren't sure if you even brought your phone.

"(Y/N), we're inside now. Aren't you overheating in that thing?" Eileen was back and with drinks.

Her coat wasn't a coat at all. It was a shawl she still had on. You had no idea how she was anywhere near warm when you two were outside.

You shook your head. "I'd rather keep it on. If that's alright." You told her.

She sat in the booth with you and handed you a glass of wine. It was white wine unlike her deep red.

"Don't worry, it tastes better than it smells." She said and drank more.

You took her word for it and began with one sip. It was a lot stronger than champagne or any juice box you've ever tasted. It burned going down and there wasn't any rush for a second sip.

Suddenly the people in front of you two began to clap and the stage lit up. In the middle there stood a young woman with short green hair and accessories in the shapes of crosses on her head.

Her outfit was revealing to say the least. It was a nice mix of yellow and purple, two colors not often meshed well together, yet she somehow made it work.

"Welcome," She told the crowd in a very bland voice. Her face resembled her tone. "I'd like to thank you all for coming,"

She continued on talking to the crowd. You found your phone when she did and carefully used your coat to cover the brightness from the screen when you checked it.

No messages. No calls.

Sting must be fine.

"Let us begin." Brandish, you believe her name was, according to Eileen, bowed and walked to the back of the stage and hid behind a curtain where a new light shined and women began walking out.

They were accompanied by catchy music you didn't have the pleasure knowing the names of. First it was nothing but unrecognizable women, one by one, each of them showing off beautiful colors you'd never thought would work so well together.

Random women all until you saw a flash of scarlet walk onto the stage.

"There she is," Eileen whispered.

You glanced over and noticed Eileen's eyes were sparkling. She smiled, but she didn't have to because you could tell just from her eyes — she was proud of her daughter.

Erza Scarlet wore a light pink robe-like outfit with a green sash tied around her waist to her back. She had wings in her hair, black pants, and silver boots. Her arms were also wrapped in bandages. An odd but extremely satisfying outfit that only Erza could pull off.

"They call that outfit the Wind God." Eileen said.

You could see it. The feathers and fur trim. The edge of her sleeves had a triangle pattern of black and yellow.

These colors never should've worked together. You'd think about the mix in your head and it couldn't compare to the beauty that was on stage.

"Eileen," You spoke, barely audible.

"Hm?" She tore her eyes away for a mere moment before looking back. "What is it dear?"

You forced one more sip and frowned, but not in anger or annoyance. You were focused.

"How does she do that?" You pointed to the stage — at all the brilliant outfits done perfectly.

Eileen laughed. "What? Walk on stage?"

You shook your head. "No, how does Brandish make such amazing clothes?"

Eileen laughs again. This time her laugh was more pure and almost loving like a mother's. It warmed your heart. Either her laugh or the alcohol did.

"Well, (Y/N), if I didn't know any better, I'd say you found something interesting to learn about. Maybe even go to college for."

You were half listening, really focusing on the colors and trying to keep the focus.



Eileen was smiling at you, holding in a giggle and taking away your almost finished glass. "I assumed you've had wine before. However, I'm guessing that's not the case."

You shake your head. Out of nowhere you burst out laughing for no reason other than to laugh.

"Oh god... am I drunk? I don't think I am." You tug on your clothes as if you could determine your alcohol levels just by looking at them.

"Let's get you to Weisslogia and Sting. It's getting too late anyway." Eileen grabbed a hold of your arm as the crowd cheered yet again for the appearance of Brandish.

You clapped and let Eileen pull you along with your silly self tripping over your own heels.

"It's barely late... it's like— oh my god it's like midnight!" You were staring at the clock on your phone, not really believing that it was already ten till midnight. That's the time you thought it was at least.

"Come now (Y/N)," Eileen got you in the limousine safely and shut the door behind you. There was still a trail of cold wind behind you when she shut the door, causing you to shiver and curl up in your coat.

You groaned. "It's freezing out there."

Eileen fixed her clothes and unwrapped her shawl to out it on your bare and freezing legs. "Here you go dear. Just hold on we'll get there soon. I already called Weisslogia and let him know we're on the way back."

You frowned. "When did you do that?"

"When we were walking outside."

You must've been too busy looking at the clock on your phone. "Gosh that was fast." You laughed again.

This entire situation was crazy. The limousine ride took forever! You tried seeing through the tinted windows to find your place. Nothing but your own reflection was in your vision.

"Am I pretty?" You asked yourself more than Eileen.

There was hesitation. Not the bad hesitation like the pause before a lie. It was the hesitation of someone very confused.

"What do you mean (Y/N)? You're absolutely beautiful. I never would've imagined you growing up to be so gorgeous." Eileen had a way with words. It's why she's established herself as a brilliant author.

You stare at your hands, noticing how cold they've become without Sting. "I just... I feel like all I have is Sting. I don't have any dreams or goals and I don't have an immediate family other than my father who I'm still barely talking to. I'd be nice if someone just told me what to do again, like before."

You felt a hand on your shoulder, a warm one unlike yours. It squeezed you with comfort.

"I know what it's like to be lost, (Y/N). I know what it's like not having anything — dreams, family, even friends. We've all been through something like that in our lives." Eileen's soft voice filtered through your ears, creating a peaceful lullaby of kindness. "What's important is knowing that, even though you think you're lost, you're never really alone. You have many wonderful people in your life (Y/N), and throughout the years you're only going to discover more about yourself and find those dreams you want so desperately."

You rock back and forth in small motions that you weren't sure were noticeable. Eileen's words were going back in forth in your head and you weren't sure what to make with them.

"I'm so tired." You blurted and gain a small laugh out of Eileen.

"Don't worry, Sting and Weisslogia are just around the corner."

In seconds, very long seconds, you were at the doors to the company party again and with the help of Eileen you found your way inside and to Sting, who waited in the lobby with his phone in hand and winter jacket on.

"Holy shit (Y/N) are you alright?" He rushed over to you, and soon enough his warmth was traveling all around your body. His arms kept you close and his face hid in the crook of your neck. "Jeez, you smell like cigarettes."

His breath tickled you and the cigarette comment made you laugh, making this dire situation and turning it into a funny story.

"Do I really?" You smiled.

Sting pulled back and just shook his head. "You're crazy you know that?"

"I know," You answer and kiss him with the lipstick you swore Sherry you wouldn't ruin. Now you didn't care if it got ruined. "You're so warm."

Sting brought you in for a deep hug again and set his chin on top of your head. "And you're so drunk."

Weisslogia stood next to Eileen, watching you two hug like a sickeningly sweet couple would when on their honeymoon or something.

"You just had to get her drunk didn't you?" Weisslogia said, arms crossed and face judgmental. "I expected more from the great Eileen Belserion."

She smiled, ignoring Weisslogia's attempt of a joke. "You know, I took her to a friend of mine's today. (Y/N) had a very strong interest towards the outfits in the runway. She wanted to know how Brandish made such gorgeous outfits."

Weisslogia knee where she was going with this. "You're going to introduce her to Brandish?"

"I was going to tonight until she got drunk off of half a cup of wine. I think meeting her will do some good. The publishing world isn't for everyone and I doubt our little (Y/N) would want to be in it forever,"

Eileen held out a card to Weisslogia. It was her business card. "Give this to (Y/N) and tell her to call me when she's sobered up."

Eileen waved him goodbye and went back to her limo. The party was still going on, but for your sake, Weisslogia decided to call it a night and take you home.

For now he pocketed the card and told Sting to give it to her in the morning.

As much as he hated to admit it, Eileen was right. Not everyone can be in the publishing business. Therefore. He should consider himself luckily for having a son who was actually excited about continuing his work for him.

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