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Now it's been over 2 months since Heeseung confessed to me. In those 2 months i've had him, Sunoo, Niki, Jay, and Jungwon trying to convince me to confess to Jake. The thing is I'm to afraid. Sunoo caught us kissing and swore to keep his mouth shut since I could show Niki that he has a whole photo album dedicated to him of pictures he took without the younger knowing or even noticing.

Lately though Jake has been around me more. After Heeseung confess he was avoiding me for a good week and then suddenly popped up and was always by my side. I don't mind though having him around me calms me and gives me butterflies at the same time. I need to confess soon though. At our study session at Jakes house things got.. a little out of hand. We had a big argument over some dumb questions but Sunoo fixed our problem quickly by calling us both idiots. Sometimes I wonder what I would do without that annoying ass peach face..

"Hoonie? Come on we're going to miss the bus if you don't hurry up!" Jake said as he pulled me onto the bus. I snapped out my trace and quickly payed for both of us before Jake could even try to stop me. We made our way to the back of the bus and Jake sat there and pouted. "What's wrong Jakey?" I ask being oblivious to the reason why he was pouting. "You payed when you knew for a fact that I wanted to pay. You said you'd let me pay last time." Jake mumbled as he rested his head on my lap. "Well I'm sorry but I'm always going to pay wether you like it or not." I giggled as I petted him. All he did was hum in annoyance and close his eyes. Soon enough he dozed off.

We got to his house and me being the gentleman I am I didn't want to wake Jake up so I left him on this bus.


i thought about it as a joke but then realized that'd be too much so I decided to carry Jake on my back. He always said he was a light sleeper that wakes up if anyone slightly moves him but right when I picked him up he cuddled up in my arms. I brought him into his room and laid him down on his bed. I was sleeping over today because Sunoo needed me out the house since Niki was coming over. Of course me being the great cousin I am I let them have their moments with his embarrassing mother.

As I was about to walk away from Jake after tucking him in, I felt a tug on my sleeve and turn around to see Jake with his eyes closed, eyebrows knitted, and his bottom lip poked out. "Hm? Jakey are you uncomfortable?" I ask praying to the lords he can hear me even if he's sleep. "H-Hoonie. I d-don't want to be just strangers! Come back!" Jake yelled as he started thrashing around in his bed. "J-Jakey! Wake up!" I yelled as I smacked him across his face. I felt bad that I smacked him but he wasn't waking up to me shaking him. "H-Hoonie?" Jake mumbles as he stares at me holding his cheek. "I-I'm sorry but you weren't waking up when I was shaking you.." I said in a low tone feeling bad. Jake just simply jumps out of bed and tackles me in a hug. Sadly I feel on the hard floor but I had my arms around Jakes waist so he wouldn't get hurt. That's all that matters.

"Y-You didn't leave! You're s-still h-here with m-me!" Jake sobbed as he held on to me for dear life. "Shh calm down~ it was just a nightmare...and I would never leave you." I whispered into Jakes ear as I traced circles on his back to calm him down. I was never good with dealing with people crying in front of me but after I kept catching Sunoo cry himself to sleep I got sort of good at comforting people who cry in front of me.

"You won't? ever?" Jake asked as he lifted his head up from my neck and looked at me. "Ever." Jake just smiled "I'm glad" Jake giggled. "And why is that?" I asked as I started petting Jakes head. "That you're going to stay with me." Jake mumbled as he started messing with the end of shirt. "I'll always be here for you Jakey." I stated as I pecked the top of his head.

"I love you Sunghoon."

"I love you to Jake"


I FINALLY FINISHED IT YES! I'd like to say thank you for reading <3 It meant the world to me and thank you for 500+ reads! Now I can work on my Jaywon fanfic but I'm just going to say it now..I have a sunki fanfic coming >:)



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