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Jaywon Filler


No way...

Right now I have a flustered Jungwon in front of me fiddling with his fingers after he tried to ask me a question which I'm pretty sure no one would say no to.

It's currently 3am. Sunoo and Niki should be sleeping, cuddling of course never a day they don't... I was pretty sure Jungwon was sleep so I was just on my phone watching youtube until I felt the end of my bed sink down. I look up to see Jungwon sitting on his knees next to me. "Uh, you ok wonie?" Listen I'm not sure what he wants but I have THE YANG JUNGWON ON MY BED RIGHT NOW SLIGHTY FLUSTERED LOOKING AT ME. "W-well I was you know sorta cold and I-I was able to sleep bu-but uhm.." Jungwon seemed to be trying to figure out what he wanted to say which I found adorable. "Did wonie have a nightmare?" I said as I fake pouted. Of course I have to tease him. I've lost my game since I've met this load of cuteness.

Yes. I have accepted the fact that I love the Yang Jungwon.

"Uhm...y-yeah..." He's stuttering. I could see the small tears in his eyes. "Do you want to lay in the bed with me?" I said as I scooted over so he would have room. "W-well if you don't min-" I cut him off as I pulled his arm so he'd be laying in the bed with me. I pulled the blankets over us and brought him close to my chest. "Don't worry. I don't mind one bit just breath a bit and go to sleep." I whispered in his ear and I felt him whimper a little. After a good 10 minutes I could hear little snores coming from Jungwon.


I was going to ask him if he wanted to talk about it but I felt he didn't want that. I heard a ding noise and it came from Jungwons phone. He had given me his password a few nights ago and gave me consent to go through his phone whenever.

-message from Sunni💞-

Guess it's from Sunoo..?

I opened up his phone and looked at the message Sunoo sent to Jungwon.

soo? did my plan work?
are you cuddling Jay now?
I'm taking that as a yes...

Oop- I gtg Riki is threatening
to take my phone if I don't hug
him back...


I scrolled back up to see his previous messages with Sunoo.

Soo..you're telling me you want
to cuddle with Jay but you're too
scared to ask?

Yes...and he's wide awake I see
him on his phone but I'm hiding
under the thin blankets it's cold

Why not act like you had a nightmare?
You know how to fake cry since of I taught you when we were younger.

yeah..but I haven't tried in years..

Do you want to cuddle with him or not?


Well then..you're going to have
to give it a shot.

Ughh ok I'll try...

Good boy :) good luck  <3

Wait.. so Jungwon didn't have a nightmare? He just wanted to cuddle me..he said he was cold but still.. I fell right into the fake crying trap. I'll be damned..

I put Jungwons phone down and hugged him back as I felt my eyelids get heavy. I haven't been getting much sleep lately so It's not shocking that I'm sleepy, but I usually stay up until it's 7 then I get tired..

"I'm too fucking whipped for you Yang Jungwon.."


My first Jaywon filler :) I actually enjoyed writing this and this point I'm about to make all the ships cuddle 😭 but what can you expect from me. IM A FLUFF BALL THAT LIKES FLUFF... anyways THANK YOU FOR 100+ VOTES LIKE AHHH



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