Common Powers

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So, obviously, not everyone would have a unique or rare ability. Some are rather common, so here are a few. I may add to the list as new forms get added, and if I notice people having similar abilities.


This would be things like mind reading, predictions, minor floating (not flying), and things like that.


...Teleportation. You teleport.

Metal Morph-

You can bend and morph metal. The better you get, the more things you can shape the metal into. (Like one of my OCs can make a gun)

Elemental control

You can control one or two elements. Some people can control more, but that's rare and they can't usually use them effectively.


You can shift shapes, or change any physical attributes. (Like give yourself cat ears, or mess around with eye or hair color)

Dream Skipping-

While asleep yourself, you can enter other people's dreams, putting suggestions in their heads, or warning them of something.

Or just mess with them.

Flashing Sonic-

Super speed.

The next password is: Your favorite power

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