Chapter 11

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Erza's Pov
We were walking towards our school and heard some boys from across the street shouting perverted comments at me but I just ignored them. I think I saw Jellal glare at them. "So do you have any siblings?" I started a conversation. "Yeah 3" he smiled. "So what are they like?" "Well my little sister Wendy is pretty much evil,  my brothers well we're triplets so we look the same, you could have seen them in school and mistook them as me" Jellal said while glaring at another group of boys. "What about your family" he asked. "Well I'm an only child" I smiled. "Dont you get a little bit lonely" he asked. "Yeah but I mostly hang out with the girls so I'm hardly lonely" I answered. We finally got to school and Jellal finally stop glaring. We walked in to the science lab and started, our project. "When did she say the project was do?" Jellal asked. "I'm guessing Friday" I replied. "How about we take a break and grab some blueberry cake?" Jellal smiled. "No thanks" I replied. "But I thought you loved cake" he frowned. "No I said I loved strawberry cake" I laughed. "But you should try blueberry it's way better than strawberry" he smiled, I gasped.

"Strawberry is way better than blueberry"

"*gasp* how dare you underestimate blueberries"

"blueberries are as useless as a one cent coin"

"strawberries are like slinkies they are good for nothing"

"How could you say that about strawberries and still live with yourself" I glared at him. "Are you glaring at me?..... L-lower your eyes" he yelled. I looked him up and down with some sass. We both just stared at eachother then started laughing. "Maybe we should leave it's almost 6" I suggested. He just nodded and we packed up and headed out. "Well I've got to go to Gray's place so see you later" he said as he turned a corner, I waved goodbye. While on my way home I saw Jellal. "Oh, hey Jellal. I thought you went to Gray's place" he turned around with a confused look that then turned into a smirk. "Ahhhh, Jellal are you OK?" I asked concerned. "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" he laughed. 'maybe I should call an ambulance' i thought. "You're cute" he smiled. I blushed. "Jellal are you okay" I said still blushing. "Oh I'm not Jellal but I am one of his triplet brothers Seigrain" he grinned. "Oh yeah Jellal told me about the triplet thing." I sighed and just walked away. "Sorry" I smiled at him then walked away.

Seigrain's Pov
Wow she's hot. I walked home and dropped my bags from basketball practice. "Hey is anyone home" I yelled. "Seigrain." I heard Wendy yell. She ran down the stairs and hugged me and I returned the hug. "Look I got you some chocolate" I gave her a galaxy and snickers. "Thanks BTW your still my favourite" she smiled. "Seigrain!!!" my dad growled while walking down the stairs.

"Where have you been?"

"Am I grounded?"


"Then why do you need to know?"

"I was right when I signed you up for a boarding school"

"Wait what???!!!" I yelled. I went down on my knees, "Dad I'm begging you please don't send me to a boarding school you know what mom said they do to us there. Do you want your favourite child to die?" I asked scared. "Yeah dad please don't send Seigrain, send Jellal instead" Wendy also got down on her knees and I nodded in agreement. He sighed "I did sign you up for the strictest boarding school on earth but they said your so mischievous even they can't help, they knew you since you were 12" my dad said. "How?" I asked. "Remember when you went on a school trip to the firebrigade, and you burnt the building down" Wendy and I laughed and fist bumped eachother. "That's not funny I had to pay them 2.5 million for everything you destroyed" my dad was very angry. "We're still rich aren't we" I joked. He lectured me and Wendy until midnight. "Where is Jellal? I thought he might be at Gray's place but when I called Gray said he wasn't there" Dad sighed. "Oh he is at Gray's place, when I was walking home I met this hot Scarlet head that lives literally across the road who mistook me for Jellal, she said I thought you were going over to Gray's place" I smiled. "Thank you Seigrain" Dad smiled. "I'm home". "Mystogen!!" Dad yelled happily running over to him and hugging him. "Hey Bro" Wendy and I said in sync. "hi" he waved as he walked upstairs. I also walked upstairs and into my room. 'scarlet that's the colour of her hair this is gonna be fun'.

Jellal's Pov
I am currently in the bathroom washing all of the whip cream Natsu and Gray sprayed on me 25 cans of whip cream. Then I got a text from my dad.
(Jellal, dad)

Jellal where are you?

I'm in a bathroom

Well I am currently in the bathroom

Then I'll leave you to your business 👋



Home now

I'll be home on Sunday, why do you care anyways.

Because I'll be going on a buisness trip with your mother on Friday.

Oh yeah I'll be home by Thursday

I put my phone In my whip cream filled pocket and continued washing off all the whip cream. 'I'm gonna get them back'.

Toro I am humble for tonight I understand
Your royal blood was never meant to decorate this sand
You've suffered great injustice, so have thousands before you
I offer an apology and one long overdue
I am sorry

I stopped when I heard laughing on the other side of the door. I opened it to see two idiots. "Why do you love singing that song so much?" Gray laughed. "It's what my mom always sings to me when I'm sad, angry or sick and it helps alot" I said. "Oh and Lucy said that if anyone goes to her house and sings a song just for her she'll go out with them" I smirked. "Really?" Natsu said. "Yes she just texted me"I smiled. 'the funny thing is that I don't even have her number' I laughed in my head. Gray was snickering in the background." Why are you laughing, Juvia told me she would marry anyone who saved all the sea creatures in the world." "all of them?" Gray asked. "All of them" I smirked. Gray quickly ran down stairs Natsu and I followed. "Mom can I have a raise on my allowance?" Gray asked. "Why?" Mrs Fullbuster asked. "because Jellal wants me to bu-" Gray was cut off by his mother squealing in delight. "Oh. Did you just say Jellal how much do you need?. Never mind that, I'll just give you my American bank account".  "You mean you'll give Jellal your American bank account" he muttered but his mom heard. "Your right I should give it to Jellal" I laughed even harder. Natsu ran out the front door laughing I'm guessing he's going over to Lucy's place. Anyway after alot of arguing and alot of mean things Gray said about Natsu and I. He finally got his moms American credit card.
This is gonna be fun.

"I'm home" someone yelled through the door. "Silver" Gray yelled, and ran over to him and gave him a hug. "Hey son" he smiled at Gray. " Welcome home Silver" Misa gave him I'm a peck on the cheek. "S-S-S-silver" I gulped. "Jellal" he glared at me. "Hello Mr Fullbuster" I nervously smiled. "What are you doing here?" he scoffed. "Silver don't speak like that to our son" Ms Fullbuster stood in front of me. "He's not our son Misa, Gray is" his dad said. "Well atleast be nice, what did he ever do to you?" she asked. "He melted 12 of my famous ice sculptures people were gonna buy for 2 million dollars" he yelled. "Emmmm............ Sir that wasn't me" I admitted. "Then who was it?" he asked tapping his foot on the ground. "It was my triplet brother Seigrain" I scratched my neck. "Oh, sorry" he sighed and apologised. "But I still love Gray more than you" he pointed out. "Whatever you say Silver" I smiled. "Dont call me that" he glared at me. "Oh,..... I meant Mr Fullbuster" I saluted. "You go Silver" Gray cheered. "Shouldn't you be calling your dad, dad" I said. "No Gray can call me what ever he wants, but dad makes me sound old" Mr Fullbuster said. "Well you look old why don't you sound like it too so you could match up" I heard Gray giggling at what I said, but his dad gave me the deadliest glare I've ever seen. "I think your a bad influence on my son" he scowled. "Well I think I'm the best influence on your son". "Out!!" Mr Fullbuster yelled and I ran out the front door a laughing Gray following. "Where am I gonna stay now?" I asked myself. "Well you could still stay at my house since dad only comes home for, one or two days and then leaves for about two months" Gray smiled sadly. "I have a feeling that if I return to your house your dad would run all the way from the airport back to your house just to tell me to leave" I exaggerated. "OK I Don-" I cut him off. "I'll take my chances with him than my dad. Guess what Gray I'm moving back" I smiled. He sulked. "Let's go find Natsu" I grabbed Gray's arm and dragged him to Lucy's house. Where we saw Lucy on her balcony looking down at Natsu....................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Sorry I haven't been updating I had a fever and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And I also have a riddle for all of you, what comes down but never goes up?

🐝FT1 out.

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