Chapter 15

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Jellal's Pov
It's Thursday I have no school but I'm back at the Fernandes household. I was gonna take a nap but my phone chimed. I thought I could leave it for later but no it just kept chiming and chiming. So I picked it up angrily to see who was texting me it was Natsu and Gray. It had over 1000 messages within a minute.
(Natsu, Gray, Jellal)

Natsu x500

Gray x500


Are you out of my house?



Jellal the coolest thing happened when we were on our dates.

Don't Wanna hear it.


Then I threw my phone across the room onto my beanbag. Now I can have a good afternoonnap. As I closed my eyes my dad called me. "Jellal!!". I got off my bed and stomped down the stairs. " Why is it that you have 4 kids but you only call for one of them" I complained. "Oh so you don't want to come to the park to see the Scarlets." No I do-" I cut myself off, "Wait did you just say the Scarlets" he nodded. " Papá me gustaría ir al parque con usted y me he dicho alguna vez que Te amo. (Dad I'd love to go to the park with you and have I ever told you that I love you.)" I exclaimed in Spanish. 'yeah my moms been teaching me Spanish since I was two'. " lo que sea (yeah whatever)" my dad replied. "Well then let's go" I said walking towards the door.
(a/n say I if you wanna hear Jellal speak more Spanish).

Jellal's dad's Pov
I approached the bench Mr Scarlet was sitting on. "Good morning Mr Scarlet."Oh.. There no need to be so formal Joseph" he laughed. "OK Ray" I smiled and took a seat beside him. "Well, Joseph let's get to the point I know you didn't invite me here to do buisness" Ray said. "Well Ray It's just that I don't want your daughter dating any of my sons" I confessed. "Why is that?" he asked amused. "Well do you remember when your daughter was four and my sons were five and I sent them over for a playdate and your daughter decorated my son Seigrain's face and sent my son Mystogen home with some bruises and did absolutely nothing to Jellal. I still don't understand why she didn't do anything to Jellal." I explained. "Oh I know why she said that it was because she liked Jellal better than the rest" he acknowledged. We both looked over to Jellal who was talking to Erza under a tree. "How could she like Jellal better than the rest?" I asked confused." Well she said Mystogen was too quiet and kept ignoring her, Seigrain was a flirt so she put make up on him and that Jellal was just right not too clingy not too quiet just right, but I don't think she remembers any of that since it was for one day." he looked at me. "Well you expect me to send them back when she ruined their faces" I yelled. We laughed, "Well lucky for you I choose who courts my daughter and I don't like any of your sons" he smiled. "Glad we've agreed" we shook hands. He stood up. "Better get going Serena's making her famous chicken curry."

Erza's Pov
I was standing under a tree just thinking of when Barry is gonna send us on a mission because I'm so bored. "Hey Erza" I looked to see who was talking and it was Jellal. I smiled in response. "Well I've been meaning to ask you. Do you like anyone specific?." he asked. "No why?" I said. "Then do you have a boyfriend?" he asked again. "No why on earth are you asking my these questions?" I questioned. "Because your really pretty" he commented I blushed. "Thanks" I smiled. Next thing I know I was pinned to the tree. "J-j-jellal" I stuttered. My heart felt like it was about to burst out of my chest and I was blushing madly. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" he asked confidently. "I would love to..." I said and he smiled. "But my dad chooses who courts me"I said. "Well I ain't afraid of you dad" he smirked. He leaned in closer to my face. But we were interrupted. "ehem.." my dad fake coughed. "Is there something you need to tell me Fernandes" my dad glared at Jellal, I frowned. "I can feel that God is giving me a sign he's telling me to do something amazing" Jellal started preaching, I gave him a confused look. "He's telling me to do that amazing thing right now" he finished preaching and smashed his lips onto mine.

The kiss lasted about 5 seconds be fore he broke it and jumped 5 steps away from my dad and said, "hallelujah, you ny one and only" then he ran off somewhere. I just stood there shocked my heart was bursting with happiness. "Let's go home" my dad said angrily.
When we entered the house my dad started throwing pillows everywhere. I sighed. "Erza I forbid you to see that Fernandes boy" he yelled which kinda scared me because he rarely ever yelled. The last time I heard him yell was about two years ago when my mom and him divorced. "But-" I was cut of by my dad. "Go to you room!!" he yelled. "No. Why is it that you alas have to pick who I'm with. And every time you do I always end up hurt!!" I yelled back. His eyes widened. "Are you raising your voice at me.!!" he yelled again. "And so what if I am. This time I'm not gonna listen to you if I wanna be with Jellal then Im gonna be with him!" I yelled. Then the most Unexpected thing happened he slapped me. "Go to you room now." he growled. I could feel tears streaming down my face. I turned and ran out the front door ignoring the calls of my dad telling me to come back I just kept running. I stopped in front of a house. I walked up to the door and knocked. The door opened. "Erza what's wrong why are you crying." "Mom, dad hit me" I cried.  My mom hugged me and pulled me into her house I explained everything to her. "So what your saying to me is that you have a boyfriend" my mom smiled. I giggled. "Not really I don't really know-how that kiss means" I said. She nodded. "Mom can I stay with you?" I asked. "Erza why are you even asking of course you could stay with me you can even live with me if you like" she answered. "I'd love that. Mom I really missed you" she smiled and hugged me. Then I got a text from Lucy.

Lucy, Erza

Erza I'm coming to your place.

Well you don't have to walk that far cuz I'm living with my mom now

Why, what happened.

I'll explain it to you later.

Kk I'm on my way.

I walked upstairs and into a room that had a picture that I drew when I was 5 on the door. It looked the same as I left it 2 years ago. A Scarlet red carpet, blue bed and a desk. I smiled. "Oh yeah Erza I was gonna visit and give you all this but since your here" my mom brought out about. 100 bags filled with cloths.
"Thanks mom".

Jellal's Pov.
I ran home and opened the door I was blushing really hard. I entered the living room to see my brothers also blushing. "So why are you blushing" we all asked in unison. "Well I just did something amazing" we all said again. "Stop copying me" we all yelled. "Wait did Mystogen just say more than three words?" Seigrain asked. "This is a miracle.!!" I yelled. "Ha ha ha" he laughed sarcastically. Then someone slammed the door sniffing the air. "I smell love in the air" my mom squealed. She ran up to us and kissed us each on the cheek. "So tell me. Your all in love aren't you" her eyes sparkled. We all kept quiet. " Oh todos mis sueños se hacen realidad.( Oh all my dreams are coming true)" my mom squealed. "Why are you so happy?" Seigrain questioned. "What are their names and what do they look like?" she asked totally ignoring Seigrain's question. "Ultear Milkovich and she's hot" Seigrain smiled I gagged. "Erza Scarlet and she's gorgeous" I smirked. "Erza Knightwalker and she's pretty" Mystogen said. "Hey yours has the same name as mine." I whined. "Who cares?" Mystogen sassed. "That's alot to say for someone who rarely talks" I said. "Both of you shut up" Mom yelled. "OK.. Your ship name will be Jerza, yours will be Mystwalker and yours will be Seigtear and you'll all get married at the age of 18"my mom smiled. "What!!!!!" Seigrain and Mystogen yelled. "Yeah I'm cool with that" I smiled.

Hope you all loved this chapter next update will be on Wendesday and only 4 chapters to go until the end of this book.

😿FT1 out

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