Chapter 18

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Lucy's Pov
"Juvia your amazing" I exclaimed. Erza nodded in agreement. "I know right" she boasted. "Wait guys hav-" Erza was cut off when we heard a click and the cage door opened. "You!" he yelled pointing at me. "Huh" I asked confused. Two of his guards walked into the cell and dragged me out, another two dragging Erza and Juvia out too. They strapped me to a machine.

No one's Pov
"Hey what are you doing" Lucy yelled fighting against the straps. "You thought you could contact WHOOP without me knowing" he yelled in all of their faces. "So who contacted WOOHP!!!" He yelled we all gasped. "Wrong answer" he smirked and clicked a button on a remote in his hands, Lucy screamed as she was being electrocuted. "Hey leave her alone!!!" Erza yelled in anger. "Or what red" he spat. "I just asked you a simple question answer correctly and I'll let her go free" he smiled. "It was me!" Lucy yelled and he electrified her again. "I know your lying blonde it's between these two" he glared at Juvia and Erza. "Are you implying that I'm stupid" Lucy growled in a menacing tone. Everyone took one step back. "No, I'm just saying you... Errm.... Emma were too smart to think of that idea" he laughed nervously.  Then turned back to Erza and Juvia.

Juvia's Pov
"Now this is the last time I'm gonna ask who contacted WOOHP." Don't tell him!!" Lucy yelled. But ended up getting electrified again. "Shut up you dumb blonde!!" He yelled. I sighed and was about to own up when "It was me!". I turned to Erza. "I did it" she lied. "No it-" she cut me off. "It was me not Lucy or Juvia!" she yelled. The man signalled to his minions to take Lucy out of the electrifying chair thingy. He then walked up to Erza and looked her directly in the eyes, and punched her really hard in the stomach which knocked her out. "Erza!!!" Lucy and I yelled on unison. The man carried her on his shoulder. "What are you gonna do with her?" I asked overly concerned and angry. "That's for me to know and you to find out" he stuck his tongue out and his minions began dragging Lucy and I back into the cells ignoring our pleads and yells and maybe a little cursing from Lucy. "I can't believe Erza took the blame for me?" I started to cry. "They better not hurt a hair on her pretty little head or I'll kill them all" Lucy yelled. And then started crying to. "Why did she do that?" I asked. "Maybe Its because she nows she's the strongest and can take anything they throw at her" Lucy answered wiping away some tears. "But they threw a punch at her and she didn't take that well" I added. "This is no time for jokes Juvia we've gotta save her" Luce said heroically." But how and from what?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and the thinking began.

~30 mins later~
So it's been over 30 mins now and we still have nothing. "Uggghhhh" only a miracle will save is now" Lucy yelled in frustration. Then there was a huge crash, and smoke was everywhere. "*cough* *Cough* Did Erza wake up and wreck the place the smoke then cleared and we gasped.

Ciel's Pov
I kinda feel bad for betraying them. But you had to do it Ciel for Sebastian. "Ciel!" Jackal called. "The Master needs to talk to you in his bedroom". "Whatever" I sighed and walked towards Master ma's room. I knocked then opened the door to see Erza look Yong on the bed I don't know if she's dead or sleeping but what surprises me the most is that master is stroking her hair and smiling and isn't beating her up like he does the rest. "Ehh sir, what are you doing" I asked my eye twitching a bit. He looked up at me,  "There are some intruders coming I want you to get rid of them I'll give you back your brother" I nodded "Thank you sir" and left this is gonna be a peace of cake.

Gray's Pov
After we explained to Natsu that he should know how to speak French since he studies it in school we started thinking of a plan. " Why can't we just ambush them" Natsu asked." Maybe because there are a million of them and only 3 of us" I wacked him at the back of his head. "Ouch, that hurt Elsa" he said and kicked me. "Oh you wanna go flamebrain" "Bring it on ice princess" we began punching, kicking and pinching eachother. "Guys stop fighting you might mess up the controls" Jellal yelled but we didn't listen. We began pushing eachother into some of the controls.
Emergency landing activated
The jet was going down. "Aaahhhh" we all screamed. Then we heard a huge bang at the roof of the jet and someone opened the emergency door and jumped in. "Get ready to- you!" the person yelled. "Ciel!!" "What are you doing here?" We asked eachother. "Well I was told to come here to destroy you" Ciel said. "And your saying that like it's nothing" I exclaimed. "Well it's too late we're gonna crash and die" Natsu yelled. "Were not gonna die it said emergency landing because you busted up the engine" Jellal yelled. "Well if I don't do what Akuma told me to do he might kill that red head" Ciel said. "What do you mean?" Jellal glared at him. Before Ciel could answer the jet crashed into a building. "Is this what you call emergency landing. I think I'm gonna p-" Natsu puked all over the jet floor. We we're stumbling side to side then we all fell. Then the jet just stopped moving. "Are we alive??" Natsu asked. "Of coarse we are dumbass" Ciel said.
Jellal walked over to the door of the jet and opened it. Then a puff of smoke enter the jet. We all coughed. We exited the jet and looked around. We looked ahead and saw Juvia and Lucy. Lucy was bruised but luckily Juvia was perfectly fine. "Where's Erza?" Jellal asked. "They looked down." "I know where she is" Ciel sighed. "Then I order you to bring me to her, and to join our team" Jellal demanded. "You can't order me around!" Ciel yelled. "Oh yes I can remember" Jellal smirked.

Ciel's Pov
"What are you two talking about" Erza asked. "Oh Erza do you know anything about Who-" I covered his mouth with my hand. "Emmmm..... Do you know anything about who ate that strawberry cake that says don't touch in the fridge" I stuttered. "What someone ate my cake!?" she cried and ran towards the kitchen, as soon as she was out of sight I dragged the blueberry upstairs into my room . "Why don't you want me to tell Erza about it?" he asked obviously angry. I wiped the saliva of my hand then spoke "Never, and I mean never in your puny little life ever lick my hand" I screamed. "Well then don't touch me ever again" he glared at me. "Listen, you...... You....... You......... Smurf!" I yelled "Smurf" he looked offended. "yeah Smurf, I'll do anything you say just don't tell Erza" I pleaded. "anything" "Yes anything" I was practically on my knees "OK" he smiled "what don't you want to tell me" we turned to see Erza. 'I'm dead' i thought.
"uuuuuggghhh... Fine I'll help because I'm a man of my words" I sighed. I unlocked the girls cages and they helped them out. "But we've gotta go fast before he send J-" I was cut off by a wicked laugh. "Too late" I squeaked. "Ciel, Ciel, Ciel are you betraying us" Jackal came out of the shadows with a wicked grin on his face. "No Jackal it's just th-" this time I was cut off by Gray. "Yeah he's helping us so what" 'idiot, idiot idiot idiot idiot'.
"I'm bored of laughing at you'd I think it's time to kill you" he said pointing at Natsu. "Bring it on" Natsu smirked. "Why are you smirking he's gonna kill you" Lucy yelled. "Well I might have gotten some gadgets before I left." Natsu smiled. "Then hand it over" Juvia yelled. So he gave them a few gadgets. "Ciel and Jellal go find Erza. Gray Juvia try and fix the jet, while Natsu and I deals with this guy" Lucy commanded we all nodded and left. We ran right past Jackal and he didn't care.

Natsu Pov
"Hey why didn't you try to stop them" I yelled. Lucy punched me on the arm and it hurt. "Ouuuuch!! Luce that hurt" "Then don't give him idea's" she yelled. "I didn't stop them because I chose to fight you". I smiled, 'this is gonna be fun'.

I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for not updating I hope you enjoyed this chapter and after this book I'll be releasing a jerza book then a nalu book. Thank you so much love u all.

🐎FT1  out

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