Chapter 19

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Erza's Pov
I woke up to see I was in a room a very large room and I was lying on a bed. "I feel like I've been wacked over the head with a frying pan" I groaned. "Where am I" I sat up on the bed looking around.

"This is a really nice bedroom" I commented and got off the bed. "I gotta get out of here" I said and  walked over to the door to see it was locked. "Your not going anywhere" I turned to see that man again. "Who are you and what do you want from me?" I asked a nit scared because he knocked me out in one punch. "Didn't I introduce myself before. Well I'm Akuma the owner of this organisation." He introduced. "And I want you to be mine" he smirked. I laughed. "What's so funny" he asked. "Y-y-y-you want me to be yours" I laughed harder. I looked up to see he was right in front of me, I stumbled back and my back hit the door. He forced my chin up. "You are gonna do exactly as I say, or your friends, go bye, bye" he smirked evily. I looked down. Then he grabbed my arm and dragged me across the room and pinned me Dow on to the bed. "Let me go!!" I yelled struggling against him. 'why is he so strong. He doesn't look like he works out' i thought. He began to stroke my left cheek and leaned in for a kiss but I spat in his face instead. "I have someone already" I muttered but he heard me and scowled. "Then I'll just have to get rid of him" he scoffed and got off me. He unlocked the door and before he left he said, "Hope the last words you said to that blueberry were good ones because your never gonna see him again". Then he left. I got off the bed and tried to run towards the door but something was pulling me back. I turned to see I was handcuffed to the bed. "Wait!! Don't hurt Jellal!!" I pulled against the handcuffs. Tears began streaming down my face. I sat on the floor and curled up into a ball. "Jellal won't stand a chance against him" I muttered hopelessly.

Jellal's Pov
"Aaaaaacccchhhooo" I sneezed. "Someone must be talking bad about you" Ciel scoffed. "Yeah right" I said. "Well ain't nobody gonna talk good about you sonny boy" Ciel said in a farmers accent. It was silent for a moment then we burst out laughing. "Your actually cool to hang out with short bread" I snickered. "Your not so bad yourself" he retorted. "Ciel who's that" a scary looking man came out of nowhere. "O-o-oh master Akuma. Errm this is emm-" I cut him off. " Hola, soy Jellal Fernandes. Soy de la organización española. Estoy aquí por el acuerdo de paz. Podemos hablar en su oficina.( Hi, I'm Jellal Fernandes. I'm from the Spanish organisation. I'm here for the peace agreement. Can we talk in your office.)"

The man smirked. "I'm Akuma, please follow me I'll bring you to my bedroom" I nodded and followed. He unlocked a door and opened it he gestured for me to walk in first. So I thanked him in Spanish and walked in. What I saw filled me with anger. Erza handcuffed to a bed crying her eyes out. "Erza" I mumbled Shocked at the fact he led me straight to her. She looked over and her eyes widened. "Jellal" she wiped away her tears and cracked a smile. Then that all disappeared in one measly second. "Jellal. Watch out!!!" she yelled pointing behind me. Before I noticed I felt a large pain on my back and fell to the ground, I closed my eyes and the last thing I saw was Erza trying to break the handcuffs and run to me.

Lucy's Pov
I am so annoyed right now I'm standing here with not a single scratch on me while Natsu is there covered in bruises. "Hey cat boy why don't you attack me" I provoked. "If you say so" he smiled and threw another bomb. But as usual Natsu blocked it with his fire gloves. "Natsu if you block one more attack I'm gonna kill you myself" I yelled. He looked at me confused. "So you wanna get hurt" he furrowed his eyebrows. "No, it just that I've been a spy for over 2 years so I should be the one fighting not you" I whined. "Fine but only for a minute" Natsu sighed. "Yaaayyy thanks Natsu" I kissed him on the cheek and stepped forward. "Aaawww what a cute couple" Juvia cooed. "Aren't you supposed to be fixing the jet" I asked. "Yeah I'm already do-" she was cut off by Gray yelling from inside, "Juvia I think I broke something". She rolled her eyes and walked back into the jet. "OK bring it" I yelled, taking out my whip. He laughed and threw another bomb and.....


It was blocked by Natsu. "Times up" he smirked. "Uuuuuggghhh" I yelled in out frustration.
I'm gonna kill him.

Sorry it's late my teachers have been bombarding me with tests anywho hope you enjoyed the chapter I won't the last chapter will be out sometime next week so stay tuned.

🐉FT1 out

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