Chapter 3

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I'm so so so sorry for not updating I went to a different country for holidays and it had no and I mean no WiFi I was mentally and physically crying so I had to go outside and I think I got bitten by a tiny insect for the first one minute I was outside anyway I've got Internet and I can update now hope you enjoy this chapter.
Jellal POV

I was waiting at the gate for Natsu and Gray bit they were late it has already been an hour since the bell rang and they are no where to be seen I don't even think any teachers are in the building. I think I'll go look for them, so I walked through the hallways of the school opening classroom door after door and they were no where to be found. 'i try to stay calm but this is so annoying how is it possible to go missing on a school with signs' I mentally screamed. When I was just about to quit searching f them I heard a crash in my Spanish class. I ran over to investigate and saw Natsu and Gray fighting the were equally bruised and it looks like Natsu kicked Gray into a chair causing it to break. I've had enough of this.

Grays Pov
I was walking towards the exit of the school to meet up with Jellal and ashtray. "Yo Elsa wait up"
I turned around to see Natsu.
" Shut up ashtray " I yelled angrily. " Wow what's with all the anger Elsa, I think you should let it go" he snickers at the last part of his so called joke. " Oh so you wanna fight me hot head" " Yeah ice princess" as he said that last part I soccer punched him in through a classroom door that says Espanol in colourful letters. ' Must be Jellals Spanish class' I though but was soon interrupted by a kick in the gut which caused me to hit into a near by wall the fight went on for about an hour. Natsu kicked me into a chair which caused it to break in half. As I stood up and was about to punch Natsu in the face we were interrupted by someone with a scary aura surrounding them. "J-J-jellal!!???" we were shaking with fear. "I was standing at the gate where WE were supposed to meet for an hour and you never showed up so I'm gonna give you 20 seconds to convince me why I shouldn't kill the both of you right now" he said angrily. I looked at Natsu hoping he had something good to say." W-w-well you see Jellal..... Emmmm.... Gray was picking a fight with me and I just walked away but then he started throwing punches at me so I just defended myself" he lied. " what!!??" I screamed shocked hoping that Jellal wouldn't actually believe him." Oh so that's what happened I would belive you if I was as dumb as you?" Jellal yelled and before we could say another word Jellal knocked our heads together and dragged us to his place.

Erza's Pov
Me and the girls are currently looking at a cook book trying to figure out what to bake.
"We should bake some cupcakes"Lucy
"No cookies"Juvia
"strawberry cake, everyone loves strawberry cake" Me
We all laughed and decided on baking all of them. Lucy made the cupcakes, Juvia made the cookies and I made the strawberry cake.
Time skip: after they're finished baking and they cleaned up.🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Juvia POV

We walked out of the house and over to Erza's neighbours house it was a huge mansion it was about the exact same size as Erza's but you could tell it was a bit bigger. As soon as we made it to the door and Erza knocked we fell through the porch onto a slide. I landed on a chair and Lucy landed on top of me. "Ouuuuccchhh" I complained "sorry" Lucy apologised. "Get off your heavy" I yelled. "I'm not heavy" Lucy said." Your right your not heavy, your very heavy!!!!" I replied. "Will you two shut up. Now Barry why on earth did you whoop us here?." Erza Asked glaring at Barry. WHOOP is the name of our spy organisation and Barry gives us the missions we need to complete and also creates and gives us gadgets." Well today we just need you to test out only like 100 new gadgets we've created" Oh and he also tries to kill us. " Fine the faster we get it done the quicker we could leave" we all sighed as we walked towards the gadget testing room." Cheerio girls, let's start with the fire resistant party dress, just stand still while I throw fire at you" "are you sure this won't burn us" I asked worried "Actually there is a fifty percent chance that it will" he replied. We all hugged eachother and said goodbye like we were about to die.

Natsu Pov
The guys and I were chilling at Jellals place until we heard a knock at the door so I went to go open it and nobody was there but there was a huge hamper filled with cookies, cupcakes and strawberry cake. So I brought them upstairs to Jellal's room, "hey guys I found this hamper filled with goodies outside the door" I smiled. "Oh whose it from" Gray asked. "Eeeehhhhhhhh........... The Scarlets, Locksers and Heartfilias. I read the card that was attached to the hamper." Looks like your neighbour sent family a delicious gift" I smiled wider, " Fine you can eat it Natsu but the strawberry cake is mine" Jellal said " Dibs on the cookies " Gray said while running over to hamper I put down on the table, "Guess I'll have the cupcakes then," I exclaimed. We all ate the goodies bit Jellal went over to his little sisters room Wendy.

Wendy Pov
I heard a knock at my door and said "come in" Jellal entered. I was playing with my cat Carla, he came in with some strawberry cake. I smiled as he gave me the plate of strawberry cake I walked over to my bed and sat down while eating the cake. Jellal turned around to leave but I stopped him, "Jellal can I ask you a favour" I said, he laughed "of course," "Can you please sing the song mom always use to sing to me before I go to bed", I smiled hoping he would say yes. "Sure where is your guitar" he said walking over to my walk in wardrobe, I followed him in I put my guitar on a stand in the middle of my walk in wardrobe because I like the way it looks my dad says I should just put it in the music room but I refused. My mum went on a buisness trip and is hardly ever home bit when she is she sings this amazing song to me but when she's not around Jellal does it. "OK are you ready" he asked "yeah" I replied. He began playing the guitar while singing
(Play song now)

Toro, I am humble, for tonight I understand
Your royal blood was never meant to decorate this sand
You've suffered great injustice, so have thousands before you
I offer an apology, and one long overdue

I am sorry
Toro I am sorry,
Hear my song, and know I sing the truth
Although we were bred to fight, I reach for kindness in your heart tonight

And if you can forgive, and if you can forgive, love can truly live (x2)

Toro, I am frightend, but I'll use my final breath
To tell you that I'm sorry, let us end this dance of death
Two centuries of agony, that to your heart we sent
Here and now with my amends, the senseless killing ends

I am sorry,
Toro I am sorry,
Hear my song, and know I sing the truth
Although we were bred to fight, I reach for kindness in your heart tonight

And if you can forgive, and if you can forgive, love can truly live (x2)

And if you can forgive, and if you can forgive, love...
Love will truly live
(song end)
"Oh by the way Bro I saw three girls at our door but when I turned around for a sec they were gone I find that creepy" I said. "Oh really what do they look like?" he asked. "one had long blue wavy hair another had blonde and the last one and long Scarlet hair she looked like your type", I smirked. "Shut up" he said as he left that made me laugh.
💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝 💝
Thanks soo much for reading.
🐰FT1 out

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