Chapter 5

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Lucy Pov
I'll have to stay with Ciel for 4 days because the girls are way too busy to protect him. Yay.
I showed him to his room and we talked about our interests. "What do you like to do for fun?" I asked him. "Sing" he replied monotoned. "Oh we have a music room so you could use that if you want to sing or anything music related" I smiled. "Hey, would you like to hear me sing a song" he asked "of course" I answered.
He was just about to begin when. "Lucy are you in here" my brother Sting entered the room and stared at Ciel. "Oh, Sting your home early" I said nervously while thinking of an explanation why Ciel was here. "Ciel Phantomhive, your Ciel Phantomhive I'm a huge fan of your music" he shook Ciel's hand and dragged him out of my room into his. 'That was weird. Atleast I don't have to explain to him why he was even here in the first place.'

Stings Pov
I dragged Ciel into my room and started in interogating the suckered.
"What is your real reason for Ciel. Why would an international popular sensation want with my sister?." I asked glaring at the dude. I have to say when it comes to my sister I'm a bit overprotective especially when she let's a boy in the house. "Well she happens to be my Penpal l, did you know I am from France" he said in a French accent which was obviously fake. "What do you take me for an idiot!" I whisper shouted at him, "Yes"  he replied without hesitation. "Well you should know that I'm a detective,no, the best detective you could find in this country, one of my best friends is also a detective his name is Jimmy Kudo." "I've heard of him but if your the best how come nobody knows about you?" he said in a sassy tone while getting up to leave. "Well, well, well.... Emmmm.... I was never a fan of your music. Your voice sounds like a cat being dragged down an alleyway" I retorted.
He waved goodbye as he left the room. 'I know something is up with that dude and as a detective I am gonna find out what' i took out my notebook and started spying on the sucker.' he'll never see me coming' i smirked then continued keeping tabs on him.

Natsu Pov I was on my phone texting and maintaining the amount of followers I have on instagram. I smiled at the amount, 1,000,000 followers I'm soo gonna win ice princess at this. I wasn't about to feed my cat until I heard an ear piercing scream which caused me to run down stairs to see what was wrong." Mom what happened are you hurt is it a robber!!??" I kept bombarding her with similar questions until she answered
"I lost my favourite pair of earnings!"

"Are you serious mom I just ran down a flight of stairs for you and Happy Is probably starving!"

"but I need them tonight I'm going to a party"

"Why don't you just wear those pearl earrings that dad got you"

" Because I already wore them and people who have seen me wear them are gonna be attending the party"

"Fine what do you want me to do?"

"Could you please get that famous detective"

"Jimmy Kudo he lives like 3 hours away from here!!!!!!"

"No Sting Heartfilia"

"Oh where does he live"

"He is our next neighbour, he's been our next neighbour for the past week and you still don't know him"
"I think I'll go get him before you blow a fuse"

I walked out of the house and closed the door and walked to our neighbours house. I knocked on the door then put my hands in my pocket. I waited until someone opened the door. "Luce what are you doing here?" I asked. "I should be asking you that question, I live here" she answered. "Well I live right next to this house I'm your neighbour" I exclaimed. "Oh, so what brings you here" she questioned. "Well I was looking for Sting Heartfilia, does he live here." I asked, "Yeah he's my brother, I'll go get him for you" she walked away to go get her brother but as soon as she was gone I saw an unwanted face. "Hello Ciel", I fake smiled as I forced myself to wave.  "Oh hello pinky" he grinned. "Salmon" I growled. "What brings you here?" he asked. "I could say the same for you" I replied. "Well  here because I'm her Penpal and your here because?" he asked again. "I wanna talk to Sting Heartfilia" "Oh that idiot he has been following me nonstop for the whole day, please take him away!" he pleaded. "You wanted to speak with me Sting asked  as he walked out the door glaring at Ciel. I also glared at him." Oh yeah my mom would like to see you it would only take five minutes my house is just there" I pointed to the house right next to theirs. He was about to leave but the came back, "could you please stay with my sister I'm trusting you because you look trustworthy, and also because I don't trust that dude and I can see you dislike him too" he whispered in my ear. "I don't trust him either he looks too suspicious" he smiled at me then left. I invited myself into Luce's house and walked upstairs looking for her I opened one of the doors and assumed it was Luce's room but it looks more of a library, but why would there be a bed in a library. I walked in and found Luce buried in a book. I used this as an opportunity to scare her I walked up behind her and "BOO!!!" i screamed in her ear, she jumped an dropped her book she turned around to elbow me but stopped when she saw me. "Natsu I could have seriously injured you!" she yelled. "Well if you did you'd just have to take care of me" I smirked then we heard a book drop and turned around to see Ciel looking through the bookshelf " so Ciel what are you doing" Luce said in a sing song voice. "Oh did I not tell you I love reading" he smiled.

Ciel Pov
'yeah I like reading spy documents about my enemies where are they I could of had more time to check for it but that stupid professional detective amateur kept following me why does my jobs have to be so hard?'
I continued looking for the documents while picking up books once in a while and reading the blurb. I hate books, I'm getting bored I bet getting that pinky would make things better. I smiled "so Lucy who's your best friend" I asked acting innocent. "Well, Erza and Juvia", she said "and Natsu is her bestest friend in the whole world" the idiot said " nah I think I'm a better friend"i grinned" No I'm a way better friend I even gave her a nickname right Luce" Lucy sweatdropped. "No I'm a better friend because I know her favourite thing to do is to read" I smirked. "Well I know her favourite colour is blue, do you know what her favourite book is called" I looked at the book in her hand "Girl Missing by Sophie Mckenzie do you know when her birthday is?." I saw him glance at her calendar. "February 14 Valentines day do you know how many friends she has?" "loads do you know her dads name?" "Emmmm..... Emmmm..... Michael!" he guessed "ha no its John, that means Im her true best friend." I smiled at the annoyed look on his face with satisfaction.

Lucy's Pov
'what annoys me the most is that they didn't get one thing about me correct, even my dad's name and he's also a famous buisnessman I can't believe them.'

Stings Pov
' I can't believe that woman called my all the way to her house to find an earring that was  right where she left it, I've gotta tell Rogue and Jimmy about this.'
I took out my phone and started texting them in our group chat.

Yo guys you won't believe what just happened to me......

Thank so much for reading

🎃FT1 out

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