The Game Masters

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Master of Backstreets
{First Floor}


~He's a punk to the core
~But he's also kind of a giant child
~Looks up to Death like a father
~Addicted to Pop\Soda\Whatever the fuck you want to call it
~Has burn marks up his arms and across his chest
~His "true mark" is on his left shoulder blade. It's a scythe. His flower is on his hip bone, the right side
~Stupid. Really, really stupid.
~Loves kids though.
~Also has a soft spot for old people and blind people.
~Is rarely seen without "The Twin Masters"
~Was in a really bad foster home. Death took him in after it burned down in a fire when he was twelve. He was the sole survivor. The other Masters are all pretty sure he started it, but only he and Death know if they're right.
~Has the power to manipulate shadows

Master of Flower Gardens
{Second Floor}


~Looks sweet, but everyone knows she could stab them to death with one swing of her spade
~Smells like lillies with an undertone of blood
~Wears a surgical mask pretty much all the time
~Hates getting wet
~Loves pizza
~Baggy clothing is life
~Her "true mark" is a rose, hidden behind her right ear. Her regular flower is on her collarbone, dead center.
~Pizza is the only acceptable junk food
~Hates The Master of Backstreets
~Only really listens to Death
~Has the power to manipulate plants
~Came to stay with Death at nineteen. Her father died at war, and her mother committed suicide. Her mother had attempted to stab her in the head, but hadn't gone deep enough.
~Twenty Five

Master of Gravestones
{Third Floor}


~Smol, pure boy.
~Thinks most people are better off dead
~Likes digging greaves and sewing
~Sees Master of the Backstreets as an annoying older brother
~Also sees Death as a father, since he was pretty much raised by him
~Has a pure crush on one of The Twin Masters {You can pick which one, or even both}
~Small spaces scare him
~But he loves the dark
~His "true mark" is on his stomach and back {Same placement on each side} it's a cross. His flower is on his foot.
~He came to be with Death at five. His mother was never in the picture, and his father was a crooked preacher who was poisoned by one of the older boys in the church.
~Avoids the Master of Prisons as much as possible.
~Never curses, but always uses replacement words. "Go frick yourself you poopy buttface!" Is a totally normal sentence for him.
~He's a Hufflepuff and proud of it.
~Can manipulate water.

Master of Prisons
{Fourth Floor}


~All punishments should be physical
~Pretty much the Evil Queen from Snow White
~Hates children
~Has an extremely creepy obsession with the Master of the Backstreets
~All criminals deserve the death penalty in her eyes
~Pretty much hated by all the others, but she really doesn't care
~Has a little, fluffy, mean fucking dog in her room
~If you're not carful, she will totally lock you in a cage.
~She's smart, but her confidence often gets the better of her
~She'd fight you, but she just got her nails done
~Her "true mark" is a flame on her left wrist, she hides it with a bracelet. Her flower is on her left ear, and it almost looks like a little earing at first glance.
~She came to death at thirty. She worked at a hospital before that, but she slipped poison into the lunches of some criminals being treated there.
They were drug dealers that only dealt weed and had never purposely hurt a soul. She was meant to get the Death Penalty herself, though she doesn't consider herself a criminal at all.
~Can manipulate guns to fire at will, regardless of who has it or if anyone has it.
~Thirty Six, but she never admits it. She definitely doesn't look it.

Master of Medicine
{Fifth Floor}


~He's a creep, but hides it well
~Very obsessed with the Twin Masters
~Has two different colored eyes
~Wears his lab coat pretty much all the time
~Prefers muted colors
~Even he doesn't like the Master of Prisons, but he hangs out with her because nobody else really talks to him except Death
~Lectures the others about their health constantly, even though it doesn't m a t t e r a t a l l.
~Pretends to be asleep so he can eavesdrop.
~Carries syringes full of mysterious liquid around with him
~His true mark is on his heart, it's the mark of Hermes. His flower is on the back of his left hand.
~He came to Death at twenty four. He used to work at a hospital as well. He convinced a few termanaly ill people under his care to form a suicide pact, which he was originally going to be a part of. But, he didn't die.
~Can heal pretty much any wound, as long as there heart hasn't stopped.
~Twenty Nine

Master of Holiness
{Sixth Floor}


~Team mom! Team mom!
~"Protect me father because I am your favorite among these heathens."
~She never wears anything other than a dress.
~Classical music and hymns are the only acceptable music
~Looks like she'll faint when you curse
~But then she beats your ass and washes your mouth out with soap
~Sews a lot
~Reminds everyone that they're going to hell because honestly she thinks everyone but the Master of Gravestones and the female Twin Master are terrible.
~Carries around a bible
~And beats you with it when you bad-mouth her or the Lord.
~She's always saying she's cold
~She sees Death as God.
~Her "true mark" is on her left cheek, its a snake. She hides it with make up. Her flower is on her right cheek.
~Came to Death at sixteen. She had attended an all girl's Catholic School her entire life. Her classmates that were known for causing trouble had started disappearing three years prior.
They were all found in her she'd, tied up with bible verses carved into their backs in neat, cursive writing. Most were dead, the rest were dying slowly.
~Twenty Three

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