Chapter 10 Dragon Tears and Truth Reveal!

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Cutnaner: I can't believe we are related that old fool of Pirate.... *Annoyed tone*

Making both young men let out of the laugh with the smiles on their face, remembering of the old time they did adventures when they were children in their wackiest adventure.

But Nox's expression becomes sorrow remembering that he blame himself that his younger twin brothers got cursed become small robot during in another adventure. And one thing that fear Nox would happened (Y/N) in future....

He has the dream about it....

Seeing all the realms and the Earth has been restored by the destruction, seeing of Nox holding dying (Y/N) on floor.

Nox: (Y/NNY)! *Shouted*

As (Y/N) weakly smile at Nox one last time, seeing his body started disappearing....

As Nox in his distressed mind can't help thinking about his childhood best friend is really going to die in the future....

Until a voice snap out of his thought.

(Y/N): Nox.... Are you alright? *Worried tone*

Nox: No.... I'm fine, don't worry about. Let make a promise. *half smiles*

(Y/N): Promise? *confusion tone*

Nox: Yeah.... Let promise if I needed help.... I call you it the way to break of my brothers' curses and returns back in their original body. *Smiles*

(Y/N): Yeah.... *Smiles*

As they take out of their respective weapon, as they throw their weapon in greeted like fist bump. Nox determine to save his best friend from worst possible future event.

(A/N: Pretended the Blue Sword is Nox's gun bumps on (Y/N)'s sword)

(Y/N): That reminded me.... Where your sister?

Nox: She was going be here but until the Author decided she will be here until the Liyue Chapter, (Y/NNY) she will be happy to see you again, (Y/NNY). *Smiles with break fourth wall*

(Y/N): Oh.... Huh?! *confusion tone in dumbfounded*

Nox: Oops! Sorry, you weren't supposed to known that! Timeskipped Author! *Break fourth wall*

Timeskipped brought you by funny comic dub! (Seriously.... Stopping breaking fourth wall Nox! It cost a lot of money! P.S Nox will be scared that his sister will kill him because hasn't met with (Y/N))

And now they have arrive in the destination, and now seeing of (Y/N) with Nox and his younger twin brothers are facing at the Ruined Guard.

Nox: Well.... Looks like we going to fight the rip off Titanfall.... 

(Y/N): Game reference.... Yeah... let go, Nox! *take out of his sword*

Nox: Yeah!

As they charging before transformed into their armor/suit toward at the Ruined Guard.

(Y/N) as Dragon Knight.

Nox as Super GoldPirate

As the Ruined Guard notices them, started to firing like the missiles toward on our heroes. Dragon Knight swing his sword to deflecting hitting the missiles send the random directions to hit, as aid to Super GoldPirate hop past through his back before pulls the trigger, sending the blasts out.

As the energy blasts hit on the Ruined Guard's chest before forming the sparks on the chest to contact as it stumbled back. Seeing of Dragon Knight jumped in midair charging at Ruin Guard unable to react in time.

Dragon Knight's sword covers with the powerful flame on his blade, before  he swing across to giving the powerful slash in overhead against the Ruin Head. Dragon Knight give the few multiple slashes attack to effect against the Ruin Guard.

As the Ruin Guard attempted to slam him with its' both hands, but Dragon Knight to dodge in one big leapt from incoming slams.

Joining to Super GoldPirate's side with one knee, as they fired their long ranged fire shooting rapidly at the Iron Guard, causing it stumbled back move back.

Super GoldPirate: Now, (Y/NNY)! 

Dragon Knight: Yeah, we will decide of the story's ending!

He summons another weapon revealing is Buster Sword!

Dragon Knight: Cross Flame Slash!!!

As the Buster Sword cover with the powerful flames cover he dashing with the quick powerful speed, before deliver of the powerful finisher.

As both teenagers/childhood friends revert back in their normal citizen form. As they releasing panting, before looks at each other.

Nox: Ho-yo-hoh! Our combi duo has never failed us, (Y/NNY)! *grins*

(Y/N): Yeah! 

Rikki: No fair, we never get in our action, again!

Cutanner: Indeed....

As (Y/N) and Nox go to treasure chest, and (Y/N) opens the chest revealing the teardrop crystal alongside the diamonds and gold.

The Goldstars Brothers: Ohhhhhhh..... Treasures! *cheers like the Pirates*

(Y/N): There is it. *Smiles at Teardrop crystal*

Timeskipped brought you by chibi (Y/N) and Nox dancing of their old dances moves

And now seeing of (Y/N) and Nox arriving to meeting of Lumine and the others, after they manage to succeeded of the second one. Now going to last gates.

(Y/N): Hey, guys glad we all together. *Smiles*

Girls: (Y/N)! 

Nox: Hey, Fuck buddy! *grins at Diluc and Jean*

Jean: Please, don't call us like that... *Annoyed tone*

Diluc: I going to punch you in the face, Pirate....

Nox: I wish you can try that.... *grins at Diluc in mockery*

And now they enter inside of the Gate, defeated all the monsters inside of the gate as they walking but spotted of the enemy.

Tomato Mage!

Nox: What the hell is that?! It looks like a Tomato teddy! *pointed at Red Abyss Order*

Diluc: Tch! It the Abyss Mage...*growled at Abyss Order*

Jean: Be careful, (Y/N) and everyone. This one is the Pyro Abyss Mage....

As the Pyro Abyss Mage chanting the spell, creating of the shield barrier surrounding on the Mage.

Pyra: It created the barrier! 

Lumine: I guess the way is to defeated on the shield is we needed like the water and ice to destroyed it!

Nox: Well.... Looks like you won't able to summons your armor (Y/NNY).

(Y/N): You're right..... I guess I use this!

He summoning of the twin ice shields in his gribs, swinging around a bit before forming the combat stances.

(Y/N): Let go!

Nox: Right with ya, (Y/NNY)!

He transformed as Super GoldPirate again!

Shocking Jean.

Jean: The Pirate can transformed?!

The Mage proceed to make a three lines of fire attempted to hit them, but (Y/N) swing his sword to cut the balls of fire in half to send the blast behind them, before creating the big explosion when it hit the wall.

Diluc dodging from the fires, knowing his vision has the same element he has to dodge from the elements. Plus Pyra too.

Super GoldPirate firing his gun shooting rapidly at the barrier try to break through, as he quickly dodge from the ray of flame using of backflipped, Lumine went behind the Mage using the ball of wind and water to hit on the barrier.

Suddenly it made the explosion on the barrier knocking him toward at (Y/N) as his sword cover with the powerful ice on his blade as he several slashes in quick speed to swinging his sword powerful.

Jean uses the power of the wind with the speed, dashes in several slashes against barrier as it weakening. Before Jean could finish it, but Mage got it chance and fire the fire at Jean to let her guard down and unable to react in time.

Suddenly in blink of eyes, seeing of (Y/N) carried her in bridal style to dodge from the fire in line, before he landed on the floor.

(Y/N): Are you alright, Jean?

Jean: Y-Y-Yes, of course! *blush madly*

Inner Jean: What is this feeling...

(Y/N): Good... *place Jean back to ground* Leave it to me.... I take care of this... *Serious tone and take out of his sword and eyes shut*

Diluc: Are you stupid, it has...

Super GoldPirate: No.... I know what he planning for.... Trust him. *Serious tone*

Making them to be confuse to watching on (Y/N).

(Y/N): Eternity float..... Form of emptiness... Emptiness form...









Suddenly there is the powerful explosion destroying the barrier of shield, as the mage screamed in pain and going defeated.

Making everyone to be looks shocked and surprised on their faces, except for Super GoldPirate and Archie.


Archie: Eight Leaves One Blade.... *Serious tone*

Jean: Eight Leaves One Blade.... I never heard of that technique....

Archie: That because it is manmade.... It is the school culmination of the eastern swords style, let just say (Y/N) taught by the good teacher of the hermit swordsman seeing him of the determine and seed of hopes.

Lumine: Hope.... *Staring at (Y/N)*

(Y/N): Now, Nox! Rikki!

Super GoldPirate/Rikki: Leave it to me!

Seeing of Super GoldPirate in his other form Ancient Power Mode. Before he spinning of the wheel on his gun.

Super GoldPirate/Rikki: BIG ULTRA PUNCH!!!

Summoning the pyramid on the Mage, as Super GoldPirate cover with the powerful blue energy on the Pirate and portal in front of him and then throw his fist as his giant fist pop out of the portal smash to killed the mage with the explosion!!!

As Super GoldPirate release the cheer and (Y/N) stealth his sword back, with the confident smiles. Lumine couldn't help the smiles at him.

Inner Lumine: (Y/N).... He really with determine and hopes.... *Smiles*

Timeskipped brought you by funny comic!

And now after succeeding gathering the Teardrops Crystal and now seeing our heroes meeting up with Venti.

Paimon: Dvalin Protection Squad has arrive! *Smiles in gleeful*

Nox: Ho-yo-hoh! We are Dvalin Protector, everyone known as the evil dragon but he just hte misunderstanding dragon.... Now there is the enemies after him... There Fatui are going to killed him... Abyss Order use him to destroy humanity... We are only to save him... Me, (Y/NNY), blondie, sword lady, Batman and Saber going save him... Ho-yo-hoh! *Smiling with gleeful*

Diluc: Please, stop singing....

Venti: Let put the crystals together....

(Y/N): Right....

Seeing of (Y/N) pulls out of the crystals, revealing alot of the crystals they achieve as it made Venti surprised.

Venti: Oh.... 

Pyra: Something wrong, Venti? 

Venti: No... It just the colors looks so muddy.... Dvalin you're going too much pains... Let's start purifying the crystals.

(Y/N): Lumine, if you please.... *Looks at Lumine*

She nodded her head, before she shut her eyes to concentrate at the crystal to purify it. As it glow brightful shine as blue, making them looks surprised. 

Nox: Shiny....

Jean: So hard to believe such a thing is possible, until you've seen it with your own eyes. 

Diluc: Interesting... It's like filtering wine... The process is refreashing...

Nox: Wine huh? Can you make a rum for me? *Smiles*

Diluc: I would rather die making a drink for you, Pirate... *growled at Nox*

(Y/N): Nox... We still underaged... *Shook his head*

Venti: I think we have enough tears for now... (Y/N) would you like...

(Y/N): I know. I go for it.

As (Y/N) lend his hand holding of the amulet, before giving the power of the wind to the crystal as the lyre started absorbing it....

Paimon: It worked! *Smiles and clapped*

Archie: Indeed.... So magnificent...

Jean: It's completely different before....

Venti: The lyre's Anemo power seems fully restored. We should be able to use it now. It all thanks to you, (Y/N) and Lumine.  *Smiles*

(Y/N): Dude.... You flattering me come on.... *Smiles to rub his neck*

Nox: Yeah... Also you're still the trap for me. 

Jean: Now... where should we summon Dvalin? It must be far away from the city, else there will be casualties should we fail.. Perhaps at the winery... *Stated of the idea*

Diluc: If the winery was destroyed, it's not something I can't eventually fix, but I'd still rather not go through the hassle. *Annoyed tone*

Making Jean looks away knowing he has the points. 

Venti: The wind that blows at sea or high places should be able to carry a bard's words for away. It's never going to work if the air is too dry or suffocating. *small smiles*

Archie: I think I understand for that.... Sea at the high places, the best play the lyre it could be mean... the cliff. *Answer the question*

Diluc: if you go east from Starfell Lake, there are mountains south of the lake. 

(Y/N): Wait, isn't that the one we met Paimon? *Ask Archie*

Archie: Indeed.... I can't believe you save the stupid fairy.... *Annoyed tone*

Diluc: If you head to where the cliff juts out... that place is known as Starsnatch Cliff. What you think Bard? Meets the requirement, no? *Look at Venti*

Venti: Let me think.... Starsnatch cliff.... Alright, let's go! *Smiles*

Timeskipped brought you by Chibi Venti and Nox are singing together

And now seeing everyone has been meeting at the cliff where they meets at, and Diluc continue to criticizing on Knights of Favonius but seeing they did their jobs. 

Venti: Everyone, please step aside! I, the best wandering bard of the mortal world, shall begin my performance with the Holy Lyre. *Smiles in confident*

 And now seeing of Venti playing of his Lyre in calmly, everyone felt refreashing and smooth relax from the music.

Suddenly there is the something flying in the air with the powerful winds, making them shielding their eyes using their arms.

Revealing is Dvalin!

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