Chapter 10 Dragon Tears and Truth Reveal!

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Stormterror formerly as Dvalin he used to be goods but become bad boi!

Stormterror: You have come.... What has done cannot be undone.... *facing Venti*

Venti: If so... then I do I see sadness in your eyes? Sadness that speaks of your yearning for this song... *Asking tone*

Stormterror: Gr.... *growled tone*

Jean: They are.... communicating? *intrigued tone*

(Y/N): Amazing....

Suddenly he felt glowing, before he takes out of the two item, revealing is the Sword of Flame's emblem glowing including the wind of Amulet. 

As Stormterror notices the Seiken in (Y/N)'s hand including the amulet.

Stormterror: So.... That boy is the another user of Seikens? 

Venti: Yeah..... It has been thousands years ago after the previous Dragon Knight has left our worlds and now the times has come! He will united the remaining Seikens and decide for the Story's ending! I see him hope! Let us help you!

Stormterror: You...

Suddenly there is two energy beam of ray charging at Venti and (Y/N), making (Y/N) reacted in time to deflect the ray hit the random direction.

But.... It destroyed the Holy Lyre.

(Y/N): Venti!

Making them rushes toward at Venti, suddenly there is something behind Dvalin revealing is the Abyss Mage.

Abyss Mage: Do not fool by him... Dear dragon... He left you to rot alone... Now he attempts to decieve you once more...

(Y/N): Abyss Mage, what you planning for?! *Shouted in demanded*

He and Nox are on defensive stance.

Abyss Mage: Ahhhhh.... The Dragon Knight.... It finally meet you another wielder of the Seiken. You see dear dragon.... He wanted him to killed you because the Seikens are the cause of the destruction...

(Y/N): What?!

Stormterror: Barbatos.... *growled in hatred*

Making everyone opens wide and realize of Venti's true identify.

Abyss Mage: Let your wraith fester! Mondstadt has already turns its back on you! 

Stormterror: You! You were planning this all along? TO HAVE ME SLAIN BY THE PATHETIC HUMANS?!?! *Shouted in anger*

He roaring at anger at them.

Venti: No, listen to me! *Shouted in protested*

Abyss Mage: The time has come for the dragon to serve it true master... To watch your pathetic worlds to destroyed! *mocking tone*

As the Dragon prepares to charging, before firing the mixture of wind and fire at them from it's mouth. Making them cover to attempted defend themselves, as it made the explosion.

As the Abyss Mage grins, seeing the large smokes, suddenly there is the large shadow of dragon. Making Abyss Mage to be realize and forming of the fear, his smug is gone. Revealing is Darkness Knight!

Abyss Mage: D-D-Darkness Knight?! *Fear tone*

(Y/N): It him! *remember him*

Jean: Who is he?! 

Venti: Impossible.... Why does he have the Sword of Darkness?! *Notices his sword*

Darkness Knight: Abyss Order.... Where is your master? *cold tone point his sword at Abyss Mage*

Abyss Mage: Run away! *fear tone with order*

As the dragon started fly away, before Darkness Knight chant as the darkness purple energy on his blade, before he swing sending the energy slash on the dragon with non-lethal.

So he can track and follow his shadow.

(Y/N): You.... Why you helping us?

Darkness Knight: *Scoff* I'm not helping you... I only have the goals....

Jean: Goal.... *confusion tone*

Darkness Knight: That right.... My goal is to save the world of the future and sealing the Seikens.... Because they are the masses of destruction... *cold tone*

Making them opens wide.

(Y/N): Hey! What the hell does it me...

He attempted to grabbed Darkness Knight, suddenly he vanished with the powers of shadow to vanished as (Y/N) unable to catch him.

Nox: This guy...

Pyra: Archie..... What does he means the Seiken are the Masses of Destruction.... Does all the swords can be really seals....

Archie: I do.... But it is not the right time to answer it....*Eyes shut*

Paimon: Oh come on! Why does you always act secretive! You need to te...

(Y/N): No, he right.... Also.... You really the God of Anemos..... Are you Lord Barbatos? *Serious tone*

Venti: *Sigh*... I guess you know about it is. It is true I am Barbatos the God of Anemo! *Smiles to reveal his identify*

Nox: Nani?! The trap is the kami sama?! *Shock tone*

Archie: I knew it... You really are the God because you have the connections with the Seikens, Dvalin, Holy Lyre and Wind of Amulet.

Venti: Yep, you know my identify do you talking cat and also Jean know do you?

Everyone: Huh?! *Shock tone*

Jean: That is true...

Venti: Through.... I thank you for continuing using the name of Venti?

Diluc: So how the Holy Lyre? Can it still be played? Or does it need to be repaid? *Asking tone*

Pyra: I think it needed to be repaired for that since the Abyss Mage has destroyed it.... *staring at the Lyre*

(Y/N): Anyway! We can't let this Abyss Mage to get away with it! They need to pay for what they did for Dvalin and Venti! *Serious tone*

Diluc: You're right. If we don't fight evil at it's source, then we can't save Dvalin at all. *Serious tone*

Jean: In which case I shall call upon Outrider Amber to track it down.... *cut*

Diluc: No need... I eradicated one not long ago, in one of the Four Wind Temples. 

Paimon: What when?! *Shock tone*

Diluc: If you want to track those monsters down, then I'll seek answers for my contects. I've got other means for getting the job done. 

Nox: Damn.... He really like Batman, (Y/NNY). *Whisper at (Y/N)*

(Y/N): Yeah.... He even fond liking of the comic.... *Whisper to Nox*

Paimon: Diluc... Through he do dislikes the Knights of Favonius, he protects Mondstadt in his own way. *cooed at Diluc*

Pyra: Yeah.... He do have the soft side has care for his city and people, wanted to do his city. *Smiles*

Diluc: Hmph! Wait for my words. I'll be make sure to let the Abyss Order know that their balant disregerd for Mondstadt.... will not go unpunished. *Serious tone*

Lumine: That does remind me... Lord Barb... I mean Venti why does you wanted needed for Amulet.

Venti: I'm glad you ask Lumine. The Wind of Amulet is the Key to be leading toward to finding what (Y/N) needed for.

(Y/N): About what? *Asking tone*

Venti: To finding the other seikens like the Sword of Winds. *Serious tone*

Making them to be opens wide in shocked.

Jean: Venti what does you means?

Venti: The truth is.... There aren't the Four Winds but there is other like Five Winds who is the wielder of Sword of Winds...
















Everyone: EHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?!?!?

At Stormterror

And now seeing of the person looking at the sky, suddenly seeing of the Abyss Mage bow down at someone.

Abyss Mage: Your highness... Your humble servant returns. When your homeworld returns to this world... We shall revel in its glory.

As the blond young man turns facing at his servant, revealing it's none then other is Lumine's older brother is Aether!

Aether: I see.... Have you sign my sister....

Abyss Mage: yes your highness..... She is here...

Inner Aether: Lumine.... Soon we finally reunited....

Abyss Mage: Also your highness.... There is the big problem for that..... Darkness Knight has found us...

Aether: Darkness Knight.... *gritted his teeth*

Before Abyss Mage could talk about (Y/N) with Lumine, suddenly there several tendrils of shadows entangled on the Abyss Mage started dragging down to the void of shadow....

Making them screaming and pulling down to their death as Aether notices it, and felt the familiar dark aura behind him. As he unfazed the aura.

Aether: So.... You finally here.... Darkness Knight. *cold tone*

Revealing he face at Darkness Knight behind.

Darkness Knight: Indeed, Ae.... No.... The Leader of Abyss Leader, Abyss Knight! *cold tone*

Aether: It time to settle of rivalness.... *cold tone*

Aether summons his sword revealing is Sword of Abyss!

At Doct

Doct: Oh no! Venti unable to calm down Dvalin, but we learn there aren't Four Wind but there is Five Winds! And..... Abyss Order's Leader is Lumine's older brother Aether?! And.... Why does he have connection with Darkness Knight?!

End of Chapter 10

Ending Theme:

Next Chapter: Meeting Noelle the Maid Knight! And Adventuer Fishcl!

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