Chapter 5: Gliding License and Bike?!

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At Doct

Doxt: Minna san bonne lecture! I am currently on the story about (Y/N) Williams. Last time when (Y/N) meet Pyra the blade now claim (Y/N) as her driver. Now they are on the treasure hunt when Kaeya talk about his grandfather's treasure. But it was all the lied now (Y/N) throw the punch to hit him! But..... There is the young man who is the dimension traveller like (Y/N) and Lumine his name is Nox Goldstar the descendent of Pirate! Now then..... (Y/N) and Lumine have to get their own Gliding License! *grins*

At (Y/N)

Seeing of (Y/N) is currently to be writing on his book about the novel that he travel alongside with his friends in the World of Teyvat starting with Mondstadt.

Inner (Y/N): I'm surprised to seeing Nox again, during in long time ago. But.....Why he here? It good to see my childhood friend during in long time ago..... He sure doesn't have change... *Smiles in fonding of memory*


Seeing of young (Y/N) about 8 years old he wear glasses. That right, he used to wear glasses when he was a kid. While to be reading of books for his love of books and story and was inspire by his father to follow his footstep. 

Suddenly he heard the sound of rustle, making young (Y/N) to move his head up to be searching for the bit. Suddenly there is the young boy upside down hanging on the tree branch revealing is young Nox same age with (Y/N) which startled him.

Young Nox: Hey there! What you doing?! *Smiles in cheerful*

Young (Y/N): I-I'm just.... Reading the book about the knight. *Shy tone*

Young Nox: Ehhhhh? Reading the book about the knight? Sound amazing! *Grin in toothy*

Young (Y/N): Really? You don't think it childish?

Young Nox: Why do I think it childish? I think you have the potential and talent for it! *grins*

Making (Y/N) looks surprised before he forms the smiles knowing this is the first time he made a friend with Nox.

Young Nox perform a frontflip to free hanging from upside down from the tree branch, he landed on the tree.

Young Nox: My name is Nox, Nox Goldstar! And you are.... *introduce himself*

Young (Y/N): My name is (Y/N) Williams I planning to become a novelist writer like my dad. To bring a happiness and joy to everyone! *Smiles*

Young Nox: Ohhhh.... Sound fun and amazing! You should join my crew! 

Young (Y/N): Crew? *confusion*

Young Nox: That right..... I am going to become the Pirate King in the whole worlds like my grandpa! Let get along! *grins*

Flashback forward in 8 years ago

Now seeing of 16 years old (Y/N) Williams reunited with Nox while he joins the Inter Dimensional Agent.

(Y/N): Nox? 

Nox: Hey, (Y/NNY)! It been a long time ago, is that the sword known as Seiken would you mind hand that over for me? *Smirk*

Flashback ended

Inner (Y/N): He still hasn't change for over that years ago.... But.... 

He looks down, before summoning his journal from his pocket dimension. Before he pull it revealing the old photo of young (Y/N) age 10 no longer wearing glasses with his two childhood friend the one with blue hair and the other one has brown hair. They are wielding of the wooden swords like musketeers in oath. 

Inner (Y/N): I wonder how they're doing?

(Opening: ALMIGHTY ~ Kamen no Yakusoku by Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra)

(Instrumental) Showing of (Y/N) reading of his book, changes to bookshelf, books flipping, changes, (Y/N) is writing. Showing of someone pulling the book from the shelf, revealing "Story Of Teyvat". Showing of (Y/N) smiling on the Hill before the book turns the page and pop up the picture of (Y/N) and school.

(The saber in your hand) Showing inside of the book where (Y/N) resting his arms, and zooming the camera up.

(Is a pen to write it down) Showing the World of Teyvat in Nation of Mondstadlt and showing of the magnificent creatures flying in the air.

(Words to save this world) Before the titles appears, before Stormterror or Dvalin flying in the air and release the roaring.

(Dare ni mo mirarezu) Seeing of (Y/N) writing on the book for his future story. He looks with the smiles on his face feeling so much inspire from his father.

(Saku hana wa mushou no ai) Lumine is moving her feet slowly in the lake having the footbath. She turns before facing at camera with smiles, changes to Archie scratching on Paimon for accidentally step on him. As (Y/N) and Lumine let out of the smiles and holding their companions. And Pyra turns facing at camera with smiles. Changes to Nox with his siblings on their ships.

(Hisoyakana yasashi sa wa) Revealing of (Y/N) staring at his sword, the Sword of Flame's emblem. Seeing of pop up open book that (Y/N) with his friends are walking to seeing the worlds.

(Hitoshirezu saite chiru) Showing the next page showing of Seven Gods. Changes to (Y/N) with his childhood friends are riding the books together. Moving to (Y/N) and his two friends made the promise before forming the oath, they are holding the sticks like swords like Three Musketeers.

(Kamen ni kakureta) Seeing of Jean with Lisa, changes to Diluc with Kaeya, Venti playing his music instruments, changes to Amber meeting with Noelle. And showing of Fatui Master with evil grins alongside with his Harbringers.

(Namida wo misezu ni) Showing of the mystery wielding the Sword of Darkness known as Darkness Knight. Behind him is the destructions of the city before he swing his sword sending the energy slash. Showing of (Y/N) looks away before he determine and held his sword.

(ALMIGHTY!) As (Y/N) pulls out his sword to summoning of his armor to transformed as Dragon Knight.

(Hon ni kakareta) Seeing of Dragon Knight slashing of his sword against on the Hilichurls, with the Powers of Flames.

(chie to yuuki wo tsukande) Changes to new knight like the Blue Knight swinging his sword with the Power Water and finally the Golden Knight with the Power of Lightning on his enemy. And finally Super GoldPirate shooting at his enemy. Showing the page to flip as Doct dancing around with a smiles on his face in his room.

(ALMIGHTY!) Seeing of Dragon Knight swinging of his sword before forming of the stance, seeing of different elements with him.

(Shinjita hou e) Seeing of (Y/N) riding his bike Diego Speedy Lumine smiling and holding his wrist. Changes to 11 Seikens stabbing on the floor.

(Ugokaserusa mirai) Dragon Knight turns facing at camera.

And now seeing of (Y/N) with Pyra are holding the missing poster of Aether. 

Thankfully Lumine was able to memorized of her brother's appearance and (Y/N) is good at drawing in art when he was at 9th grades. They are currently giving the missing posters to the citizens of Mondstadt.

(Y/N): Please contact us if you find him. Here, we're looking for him. *giving posters to them*

Pyra: Sorry for bothering you but tell us if you find him. *giving posters to them*

While Lumine is currently to be giving the other posters to the other people, while Archie laying down and resting and Paimon placing the missing posters on the wall.

Lumine: Excuse please tell me if you find him, he my brother. *giving paper to them*

As she continue to be passing on someone suddenly, she accidentally bumps on the person before dropping on the floor.

Lumine: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I'm sorry! *panic & apology tone*

She started to be picking up of the missing posters on the ground, before the person help her and handed the posters to her.

???: Here....

Lumine: Thank you so much....

Suddenly she opens wide, seeing of the young man who is few years older then her and (Y/N). He wearing the good suit but wearing the mask.

Zero/Stranger! The Mystery Man!

Inner Lumine: So handsome but.... His aura.... It felt similar to (Y/N).....

Zero: Are you alright? *asking tone*

Lumine: *Snap out her senses* Ye-Ye-Yes, thank you so much! 

Zero: My pleasure..... Also....  Would you reminded of you and your friend go to see Amber at the Anemo Archon Statue. You guys need to do of your exam of Wind Gliding License.

Lumine: Wind Gliding License? *Confusion tone*

Zero: Yes.... *Shut his eyes feeling the wind blown to him before turn to Lumine* Otherwise Amber would be upset.... *Smirk*

As Lumine staring in confusion at Zero, suddenly there is thunder struck appears on the cloud seeing of the shadow figure behind him similar of Darkness Knight. 

Making Lumine opens wide before shut her eyes for the few minutes and open it again. Seeing of mystery man has disappeared.

Timeskiped brought you by Chibi (Y/N) burning all the Twilights books using his Sword of Flames while the others are watching

And now seeing of (Y/N) with Lumine, Pyra, Archie and Paimon going to see Amber at the Barbatos statue Lumine decided to not to tell them about the mystery man she has met ago.

Amber: Hey you guys! *Smiles notices them*

(Y/N): Hey, Amber. *Smiles*

Lumine: It been a long time. *Smiles*

Amber: Yeah, new clothes?

She notices the new clothes style that (Y/N) is wearing is the red shirt alongside with the black pant.

(Y/N): Yeah.... It has been my favourite clothes during in my time in Winter when I have visit my family at Thanksgiving so.... What you think? *Smiles*

Amber: Hmmm..... I think it's looks fine to you I don't wanna remember of your ridiculous clothes, when we're first met.

Making the visible arrow stab through his heart, before he placing his hand on his chest where his heart located at feeling hurt.

She spokes another word....

Amber: But..... It looks fine to you.... Red is my favourite color.... *Smiles*

Making (Y/N) to be snap out his depression before he forms the goofy and happy smiles while Lumine and Pyra looks jealous.

Not before Amber started to be notices on Pyra.

Amber: Oh, I never seen or meet you. Who this? *curious tone*

(Y/N): Oh! Amber, this is Pyra some friend we're met during in the temple. Pyra this is Amber she the member of Knights of Favonius and Outrider. *introduce them*

Amber: Nice to meet you!

Pyra: You too. *bow down*

(Y/N): So.... What wanted to see us?

Amber: Oh! I been looking for you, how's the Wind Glider I give you? *Smiles*

(Y/N): It was pretty good. 

Lumine: Yes, it was fun using it. *Smiles*

Amber: Seems like it growing on you! But however.... Some people got the complaining about you guys.....

Lumine: What you means? *curious tone*

While (Y/N) to be sweat bulleting fast feeling nervous, before Amber started to be explaining about it.

Amber: Well..... Some people reported about some of the man got his bones broken and fall down when someone using of the wing glider.


Seeing of (Y/N) talking and having the conversation with Lumine and Pyra with the smiles on their face but passing by some man.

Man: Nice clothes, loser. *mock tone*

(Y/N): WHAT YOU SAYS?!?!? *Anger and rage in fury*

Later on seeing of the man enjoying on the view, but unaware seeing of (Y/N) gliding with his wind glider while glaring at him.

(Y/N): Target lock on.....

(Y/N) deactivate his wind glider before down charging toward at the man in few meter away, before activate his wind glider and throwing the glide kick causing him fall down.


Flashback ended

Amber: Luckily the man just survived but someone reported to us about someone using the wind glider throwing the yogurts shout 'BIRD SHITS'!!!!


Seeing of everyone were minding their mind business. Seeing of the man with ridiculous moustache and bald head.

Suddenly he felt his head being hit, before he place his hand touching on his backhead, before looking at it, revealing is yogurt.

Bald Man: What the hell? 

He felt his back got hit again, making him to be looks up seeing of (Y/N) with Wind Glider in air and holding the basket of yogurt.


Making the crowds started to be screaming and running away as (Y/N) laughing like the manic....

Flashback ended

Amber: And finally someone reported about someone has break into the girls' clothing room!


Seeing of (Y/N) perform the parkour on the town, he hasn't down the parkour during in long time before activate the wind glider flying in the air.

He smiles while to be enjoying in wind before he open wide with the reaction looks on his face, seeing he crushing through inside of the building. He releasing of the coughing and waving his arms. Before he open wide with the reaction looks on his face.....














He inside of Lady's room.

As they're remained in silence for the awkward moments in like a few minutes. As (Y/N) couldn't help to blush in madly and forms the small nosebleed.

(Y/N): Ummm.... Ladies..... Hello there.... This is awkward.... *nervous tone and gulped*














Flashback ended

Amber: So it was (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Okay looks first of all, that guy insulted me and he deserved it! Secondly I even like pranks and make fun of people because it been a long time ago and third.... I did not I enter inside of the lady room because it is the Bar room! *defending himself*

As the three of the girls give the deadpanned looks staring at him.

Amber: Really? *sigh* Looks if I remember correctly you're guys don't have the gliding license right?

Lumine: Gliding license what that?

Amber: Isn't it obviously? Both of you gotta have a gliding license to legally glide in the Mondstadt. 

(Y/N): Oh! It look like the version of the driving license! 

Amber: Driving what? *confusion tone*

(Y/N): Well it... *realize it* Oh..... Just forget it

Paimon: OH.... But (Y/N), Lumine, Pyra, Archie and Paimon have been gliding for ages. This is the first time we're heard about it.

Lumine: Yeah.... Isn't that your fault for not telling about us.

Archie: Indeed.... *nodded his head*

Making Amber turns glaring at them, making (Y/N) and his friends to be let out of the flinch and startled. 

Paimon: Eh-he... Sooo.... You're come looking for us because you wanna give us for the Gliding License?

Amber: No way! The Knights of Favonius have the strict rules. You need to pass for the exam and only then will the Knights issue your license. Todady I will be your examiner, to oversee as (Y/N) and Lumine's offical exam!

(Y/N): That right! But I already got my license!

Amber: Really, where it is?!

(Y/N): Here! *Smiles*

He take out of his driver license before handed to Amber as she grabbed it. She staring with the deadpanned looks.

(Replace Shinnosuke as yourself)

As Amber looks up seeing of (Y/N) with the smiles and raises his eyebrows twice. Knowing his schemes and planning to avoid getting the gliding license.

She started to be ripping the driving license making (Y/N) jaw dropped in horrified at his driver license being rip off.


Amber: I know what you planning for! Don't even try to run away you jerk! *Rant with annoyed tone*

Inner (Y/N): Man.....

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