Chapter 8: Venti's Plan and..... Batman?!

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At Doct

Seeing of Doct flew down with his parachute.

Doct: Minna san! Bonne lecture! I am currently on the view of our heroes (Y/N) Williams! After defeating Lizardman, the true culprit of the Perverts who has stolen of their panties and bras now he has meeting Barbara the popular Idol nun, part of Church of Favonius! And he didn't known she is Jean's little sister! And now let see what our heroes doing?

At (Y/N)

Seeing of (Y/N) arriving, before dropping the load bag of sack, revealing is the primogems of.... 10 MILLIONS OF IT!!!

Making them to be let out of the oooooo sound in awe, staring at the primogems.

Paimon: That is alot!

Pyra: Amazing! You manage gets the reward during your first mission!

Lumine: How did you do it, (Y/N)? *looks at her crushed*

As (Y/N) merely let out of the shrugged shoulders. With the neutral looks on his face.

(Y/N): Just some business.... Also Archie. I be going out to do some fishing. *holding the fishing rod*

Archie: Yes, please! *eyes stars*

(Y/N): Great! I be back!

As (Y/N) left the building, seeing he arriving at the pond in the forest, but encounter seeing of the hilichurls he released the heavy sigh.

(Y/N): Seriously.... Well good thing I brought this!

As (Y/N) summoned the weapon from his pocket dimension. Introducing.... BFG-9000!!!!

As the Hilichurls notices him before they could charged. Suddenly seeing of the heavy cannon gun is beginning to charging up with the massive energy.

Notices of (Y/N) making like the scary grin on his face with sharp like sharks. 

(Y/N): Hasta la vista.... baby!

He pulls the trigger releasing the powerful single blast to hit. Suddenly there is the big explosion with the mushroom cloud in the sky. In the middle of the forest, as it released the big shockwaves.

Seeing of (Y/N) covers with the smokes on him, before he released the cough to blow out the small smoke out from his mouth. 

(Y/N): Good thing, Master Doom Guy gave me this baby. *grin at the big gun*

As (Y/N) put his BFG-900 away in his pocket dimension, before he sit down and resting on the chair. And swing his rod to throw the fishline in the river waiting for the fish to be come.

(Y/N): Come on, come on, come on please be the good fish. If I don't get one.... Archie is going to killed me! *remember the memory* 

He cringed and shiver of the memory, that he doesn't wanted to be messed around with the dragon cat.

Suddenly he felt the wind blown behind him, as he flinched a bit.

???: Oh you are really author.

(Y/N): Yes, thank you it a funny story that I'm as.... *cut and froze*

Seeing of person behind him is none then other is Venti the mystery boy, known as the famous bard.

Venti: Bonjour, it been a while. *cheeky grin*

(Y/N): IT'S YOU!!!

He blinked twice.

At Forest

In the dark forest, there is the fireflies flying around glowing. However there is the beautiful woman singing with the flute.

Yoko the Mystery Musician!

As she continue playing suddenly she heard the claps, before she stopped playing her flute as the plants go dark and dying.

She turns facing at someone surrounding with the massive cold aura and darkness. She glaring with pure hatred.


Storious: I see you playing with the sad song again... *evil grins*

(Opening: ALMIGHTY ~ Kamen no Yakusoku by Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra)

(Instrumental) Showing of (Y/N) reading of his book, changes to bookshelf, books flipping, changes, (Y/N) is writing. Showing of someone pulling the book from the shelf, revealing "Story Of Teyvat". Showing of (Y/N) smiling on the Hill before the book turns the page and pop up the picture of (Y/N) and school.

(The saber in your hand) Showing inside of the book where (Y/N) resting his arms, and zooming the camera up.

(Is a pen to write it down) Showing the World of Teyvat in Nation of Mondstadlt and showing of the magnificent creatures flying in the air.

(Words to save this world) Before the titles appears, before Stormterror or Dvalin flying in the air and release the roaring.

(Dare ni mo mirarezu) Seeing of (Y/N) writing on the book for his future story. He looks with the smiles on his face feeling so much inspire from his father.

(Saku hana wa mushou no ai) Lumine is moving her feet slowly in the lake having the footbath. She turns before facing at camera with smiles, changes to Archie scratching on Paimon for accidentally step on him. As (Y/N) and Lumine let out of the smiles and holding their companions. And Pyra turns facing at camera with smiles. Changes to Nox with his siblings on their ships.

(Hisoyakana yasashi sa wa) Revealing of (Y/N) staring at his sword, the Sword of Flame's emblem. Seeing of pop up open book that (Y/N) with his friends are walking to seeing the worlds.

(Hitoshirezu saite chiru) Showing the next page showing of Seven Gods. Changes to (Y/N) with his childhood friends are riding the books together. Moving to (Y/N) and his two friends made the promise before forming the oath, they are holding the sticks like swords like Three Musketeers.

(Kamen ni kakureta) Seeing of Jean with Lisa, changes to Diluc with Kaeya, Venti playing his music instruments, changes to Amber meeting with Noelle. And showing of Fatui Master with evil grins alongside with his Harbringers. Changes to The Dark Orders Generals with evil grins behind the background are Shadow Figure of Shadow Master with red eyes flashed.

(Namida wo misezu ni) Showing of the mystery wielding the Sword of Darkness known as Darkness Knight. Behind him is the destructions of the city before he swing his sword sending the energy slash. Showing of (Y/N) looks away before he determine and held his sword.

(ALMIGHTY!) As (Y/N) pulls out his sword to summoning of his armor to transformed as Dragon Knight.

(Hon ni kakareta) Seeing of Dragon Knight slashing of his sword against on the Hilichurls, with the Powers of Flames.

(chie to yuuki wo tsukande) Changes to new knight like the Blue Knight swinging his sword with the Power Water and finally the Golden Knight with the Power of Lightning on his enemy. And finally Super GoldPirate shooting at his enemy. Showing the page to flip as Doct dancing around with a smiles on his face in his room.

(ALMIGHTY!) Seeing of Dragon Knight swinging of his sword before forming of the stance, seeing of different elements with him.

(Shinjita hou e) Seeing of (Y/N) riding his bike Diego Speedy Lumine smiling and holding his wrist. Changes to 11 Seikens stabbing on the floor.

(Ugokaserusa mirai) Dragon Knight turns facing at camera.

Yoko: What do you want Storius? *cold and bitter tone*

Storious: Didn't you heard? Dragon Knight has finally here after thousand years ago, now he will lead us to the remaining Seikens to the Great Books. *Evil grins*

Yoko: Why should I help you monsters? *cold tone and bitter*

Storious: *chuckles* Monster? Don't you remember.... You made the deal with the demon, to thinking that to bring your pathetic beloving Swordsman of Lightn.... *cut*

Making Yoko open wide for the snaps with the pure hatred and angry expression looks on her face. Before she pulls out her short sword pops out her sleeves.

Dashed toward in blink of eyes, seeing she place her short sword placing at Storious's throat as he unfazed with the devious and mocking grins.

Yoko: You bastard.... *bitter tone*

Storious: Don't even try it.... You do known that I am Master's favourite and his right hand man. I follow his order and, still jealous? *mock grin*

Yoko: Kisama.... *gritted her teeth*

???: Yonna..... *Dark menacing tone*

Making Yoko open wide, that her eyes filled with fear before she remove her short sword off Storious' throat. As Storious unfazed for that, but kept his smirk.

Yoko: L-Lord Shadow Master? *Shiver and fear tone*

???: You have your mission. Go steal the Holy Lyre der Himmel and the Amulet of the Wind Ninja, before our enemy Fatui will steal it in the Vault. *Dark menacing tone*

Yoko: I..... Yes, Shadow Master. *bow her head down in defeated*

???: Good.... Now get out of my sight otherwise I destroyed you..... *dark menacing tone*

Yoko: As you wished.

She takes out of her flute, before place it on her mouth, as it playing her music started manipulating the wind as she vanished.

???: Storious....

Storious: I know.... I won't let you deal. I will find out the identify of Darkness Knight who wielded of the Sword of Darkness and..... Soon the Gnosis will be ours. *Evil grins*

???: *laugh* I knew you are my favourite and worthy as my Right Hand Man!

Storious: Of course, I am. Why wouldn't be. *evil grins*

At (Y/N)

Seeing of the girls to be looks surprised, as Archie give the stink glare at (Y/N). As (Y/N) let out of the nervous smiles and Venti smiles.

It was when (Y/N) called them to meeting in the tree where the statue is close by to the tree.

Pyra: (Y/N).... Why Venti is here?

(Y/N): Well funny and short story you side. Venti insisted wanted to meet us here where the Statue of the Anemo God is closed by the tree. *nervous smiles*

Archie: Where my fish, (Y/N)? *demanded tone*

(Y/N): Not now, Archie shut up.

Inner Archie: Did he just shut up me?! Oh hell no! I'm going threat him what he deserve!  *Irritated tone*

Lumine: Um.... I wanted to ask you about. I want to know more about the Anemo God. Do you known about it? *Asking tone with hope tone*

Venti: You wanted to know and speak about the Anemo God, Barbatos? *Exclaimed tone* He already disappeared from Mondstadt a long time ago.

Making them to be open wide with the shocked looks, unaware that Pyra already has taken the guess.

(Y/N): Disappeared.... How?

Venti: Beat me. I heard Liyue and Inazuma's respective gods of Geo and Electro are still in present, but the Mondstadt has seen many a moon since they last saw their own god. 

Lumine: I see.... *Sad tone and frown*

As (Y/N) looks at her in worried, knowing her chance might be searching for her missing brother has the clue.

As Venti notices her expression, as he ask a question for her.

Venti: Why do you wish to know about the God of Anemo? Does it have something to do with Dvalin?

Archie: Yes, you already told us about Dvalin's past. But can you tell us about more of his past, if we can find the way to stop him? *Asking tone*

Paimon: Hey, I was going to say that! *Offended and irritated tone*

Archie: Do you really? *Deadpanned tone*

Paimon: Well I.... No.... Not really.... *Defeated tone*

Venti: I wish I could, but I'm quite curious why people see him as Stormterror. Well there no need for rush. I have not been back in a while, it seems there are a few people who are unhappy with my arrival. *release the heavy sigh*

Lumine: What you mean? *confusion tone*

Venti: You see... *figdet and playing his index finger* There are here to killed us...

Making them let out of the huh, with the confusion. Suddenly as (Y/N) felt his sword glowing in brightly making them turns toward revealing the large orb fills with wind!

Eye of the Storm! Creepy Stalker with Wind!!!

Paimon: I can't open my eyes!

(Y/N): I guessed we in the hell of the fight Lumine, Pyra!

As they nodded, as Pyra started to be transforming into her sword mode as the Aegis. As (Y/N) held in his grip, and Lumine summons her sword.

As they started to be charging at the Eye of the Storm, as they quickly dodge to evade from incoming blast of wind. As both of them jumped in midair attempted to strike with their swords.

Suddenly seeing of the Eye of the Storm releasing the powerful wind of bursts, forcing them to be pushed back and landed roughly on the grasshill. They rolling on the ground as they looks up seeing the Eye of the Storm attempted to slam down as them.

They quickly roll to dodge on the ground.

Lumine: It too strong!

(Y/N): I had idea! If I can freeze the giant ball of the wind whatever it is, I summoned with my twins Ice Saber, it can be frozen as the iceball!

Pyra: It could work, (Y/N)! Let do this!

As (Y/N) stood up, before summoning of the new weapon appear in his grip from his pocket dimension, revealing is the Ice Saber.

As (Y/N) swing his swords to perform a style, as the fire and ice energy covers on the blades.

(Y/N): Twin Freezing TORNADO STORM!!!

As the Eye of the Storm charging attempted to tackle him, but (Y/N) dodge leapt up with one feat in great immune of jump.

As (Y/N) perform to spin his body around like tornado with the ice energy on his blades, spinning like tornado in midair and slashing repeatedly on the monster before it's body freezing by ice unable to move.

(Y/N): Now Pyra and Lumine! *Shouted*

Lumine/Pyra: Right! Fusion Attack Tornado Flames!!!

As Lumine thrust her arm firing the powerful wind from her palm, as Pyra in her human form before swing sending the massive flame toward the tornado as it absorbing into the massive tornado flame.

The tornado flame charging toward the Eye of the Storm before it hit against each other. As it made the Eye of the Storm exploded into pieces, as our heroes panting and resting.

(Y/N): What is going on, why it attacking us?

Venti: Seems like the dragon wasn't the only thing to be affected by this change of the wind.... 

Lumine: Wait, you mean there other has been affected of this?! *Shock tone*

Venti: That is correct! Now then, you were saying someone has told you about the dragon, right? 

Pyra: Yes....

As they proceeding to explaining Venti about Lisa has already told them about of Stormterror or Dvalin's past.

Venti: Is that so? Quite that scholar I must say, that Lisa. She not wrong. The conflict has reached this point, only because both sides have resorted to the use of force to the use of force. His hate however, did not arise from the people not making the tribute of the Four Winds or the Five Winds.

(Y/N): I see..... Wait, Five Winds? *exclaimed and bit of confusion with intrigued*

Paimon: Ehhhhh..... Paimon thought there is Four Winds. *confusion tone*

Venti: Don't worry about it. Nor it was born from his own nature, but instead to came about as the product of his degradation. 

Paimon: Degra... Dation? *confusion tone*

Archie: It has something to do like has controlling on Dvalin right? *curious tone*

Venti: Correct, the Black Blood flowing through his heart has been torturing him for years. That's what has allowed him to the led astray by the lies of the Abyss Mage.

Lumine: Abyss Mage, what that? We never heard of it?

Venti: They are from the Abyss Order, an organization comprised of non-human beings. They despise of mankind. 

(Y/N): Great we got another villains part of the organization, who definitely hatred on humankinds. *roll his eyes with sarcastic*

Pyra: Do you know where they come from?

Venti: I don't known where they come from. All I know that is they hold the deep hatred towards the human world. Many hilichurls out in the wild take orders from them and act their weapons. 

Archie: All they have the brute and fighting on human because they have the dumbest intelligent on their brain like that idiot useless fairy. *Deadpanned tone*

Paimon: That rig.... Hey! *offended tone*

(Y/N): Then.... Can you tell us about the Mist Guy we fight do you known him about? *Remembering about Joker*

Venti: Of course. I do known about who they are and where they come from. They are called the Dark Orders. *Serious tone*

Making Archie and Pyra to be open wide with the shocked looks on their eyes.

Lumine: Dark Orders what that? *confusion tone*

Venti: The Dark Orders are the most powerful organization but.... fills with darkness and corruption. They arrive here before Abyss Order were created, their goals is to cover all the worlds fill

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