Chapter 9: Going to Dungeon of Fatui and Giant Robot!

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At Doct

Seeing of Doct arrive and crashed through in his house he got stuck by his parachute, as he notices the reader.

Doct: Oh! Minna san! Bonne lecture! I am on the currently story of (Y/N) Williams! Last time our heroes has meet Venti once again! He asked them a favor to steal the Holy Lyre and the Amulet of Wind, but however the mystery masked girl manages to steal the Amulet and the Lyre now they been framed as the thief! And meeting Diluc the owner of Winery who joins the team to find where is the real thief. But who is the mystery person coming? 

At (Y/N)

(Y/N): Huh?! Jean?! *Shock tone*

Yep! It none then other the reincarnation of Saber from Fate, is the Acting Grand Master Jean.

Jean: Wait, you're (Y/N)?! And guys?! *Exclaimed tone*

Lumine: Why are you here? *Shock tone*

Diluc: Well, first of all, I contacted more than one person. Secondly, she came here as "Jean" herself, not as the Acting Grand Master. A Jean you would never see, even as the honorary Knight. *cross his arm with stoic tone*

Pyra: So that mean... You only have the high trust on her, right? *Asking to Diluc*

Diluc: Something like that.

Jean: What a surprise. I heard about the Holy Lyre and the Wind of Amulet, and I never suspected it was you. *smiles in coincidence*

(Y/N): Yeah.... We don't even like about stealing the people of Mondstadt's sacred treasures. But we decided to call Nox for help. *look at his childhood friend*

Nox: Ohhhhhh~ You flatter me, (Y/NNY!) *smiles at him*

Jean: I'm sorry you are? *Notices and never meet Nox*

Nox: Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Nox Goldstar, I am the childhood friend with (Y/NNY) during our childhood and I am the pirate! *grin with his arms cross*

As it trigger on Jean's mind.

Jean: A...A...A Pirate?! *shock and dumbfounded tone*

Nox: That right!

As Nox begins to singing.

Nox: Ho-yo-hoh! *grins*

Jean: (Y/N)..... Are you sure you can trust on the pirate? Because it is proven he is dangerous and outlaw for the rule. *Serious tone*

Before (Y/N) could speak but interrupted by Nox.

Nox: Don't worry about it! So.... Cue for opening! *grin to break the fourth wall*

(Opening: ALMIGHTY ~ Kamen no Yakusoku by Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra)

(Instrumental) Showing of (Y/N) reading of his book, changes to bookshelf, books flipping, changes, (Y/N) is writing. Showing of someone pulling the book from the shelf, revealing "Story Of Teyvat". Showing of (Y/N) smiling on the Hill before the book turns the page and pop up the picture of (Y/N) and school.

(The saber in your hand) Showing inside of the book where (Y/N) resting his arms, and zooming the camera up.

(Is a pen to write it down) Showing the World of Teyvat in Nation of Mondstadlt and showing of the magnificent creatures flying in the air.

(Words to save this world) Before the titles appears, before Stormterror or Dvalin flying in the air and release the roaring.

(Dare ni mo mirarezu) Seeing of (Y/N) writing on the book for his future story. He looks with the smiles on his face feeling so much inspire from his father.

(Saku hana wa mushou no ai) Lumine is moving her feet slowly in the lake having the footbath. She turns before facing at camera with smiles, changes to Archie scratching on Paimon for accidentally step on him. As (Y/N) and Lumine let out of the smiles and holding their companions. And Pyra turns facing at camera with smiles. Changes to Nox with his siblings on their ships.

(Hisoyakana yasashi sa wa) Revealing of (Y/N) staring at his sword, the Sword of Flame's emblem. Seeing of pop up open book that (Y/N) with his friends are walking to seeing the worlds.

(Hitoshirezu saite chiru) Showing the next page showing of Seven Gods. Changes to (Y/N) with his childhood friends are riding the books together. Moving to (Y/N) and his two friends made the promise before forming the oath, they are holding the sticks like swords like Three Musketeers.

(Kamen ni kakureta) Seeing of Jean with Lisa, changes to Diluc with Kaeya, Venti playing his music instruments, changes to Amber meeting with Noelle. And showing of Fatui Master with evil grins alongside with his Harbringers. Changes to The Dark Orders Generals with evil grins behind the background are Shadow Figure of Shadow Master with red eyes flashed.

(Namida wo misezu ni) Showing of the mystery wielding the Sword of Darkness known as Darkness Knight. Behind him is the destructions of the city before he swing his sword sending the energy slash. Showing of (Y/N) looks away before he determine and held his sword.

(ALMIGHTY!) As (Y/N) pulls out his sword to summoning of his armor to transformed as Dragon Knight.

(Hon ni kakareta) Seeing of Dragon Knight slashing of his sword against on the Hilichurls, with the Powers of Flames.

(chie to yuuki wo tsukande) Changes to new knight like the Blue Knight swinging his sword with the Power Water and finally the Golden Knight with the Power of Lightning on his enemy. And finally Super GoldPirate shooting at his enemy. Showing the page to flip as Doct dancing around with a smiles on his face in his room.

(ALMIGHTY!) Seeing of Dragon Knight swinging of his sword before forming of the stance, seeing of different elements with him.

(Shinjita hou e) Seeing of (Y/N) riding his bike Diego Speedy Lumine smiling and holding his wrist. Changes to 11 Seikens stabbing on the floor.

(Ugokaserusa mirai) Dragon Knight turns facing at camera.

Jean: So the sound of Holy Lyre can purify Stormterror and return to normal... Is that true? 

Venti: That's right! (Y/N) and the others are putting themselves on the front line to try and resolve this Stormterror issue. Now that's the hotspot of the Knights of Favonius I'm talking about. *Grins*

Paimon: Feels like we're breaking the law through.... *stated*

Lumine: There no other way isn't it? 

Diluc: I understand this kind of absurd explanation is hard to believe. But we can ask the bard to play the song again to try and persuade.... 

Jean: I believe you. *Serious tone*

(Y/N): Really?! *surprised tone*

Diluc: To persuade our stubborn comman.... Wait, what?! *exclaimed tone*

Jean: I can't really think of any reason for Dvalin's betrayal, given it was once of the four winds.  However, if it was poisoned in the battle over Mondstadt all those years ago...

Pyra: It must be the corrupted by the Abyss Mage that made his mind go deep hatred on humanity, after it wake up. *Realize it*

Jean: That is correct, we can't really blame it. Diplomatic pressure from the Fatui makes it hard for us to seek a peaceful resolution to the Stormterror issue.

(Y/N): Which mean we got the bigger problem for that. Abyss Mage wanted to use the Stormterror as their weapons to wipe out on humanity. And the Fatui wanted to killed Stormterror and then take over all the Nations. *Serious tone with sarcastic*

Jean: Indeed, people would think I've lost grip on the gravity of the situation. That's why I can only do in private.

Diluc: Hmph! That's one of the reasons I don't like the Knights of Favonius. *Bitter tone* What surprises me is that you would believe an outlander so easily. *blunt at Jean*

Jean: My cautious and meticulous superior, even you trust them, do you senpai? *Smirk at Diluc*

Lumine/Pyra: Superior? *Exclaimed tone*

(Y/N)/ Nox: Senpai? *Exclaimed tone*

Diluc: Tch! I already told you not to call me sir... Nevermind. We don't get often to work together after all. 

(Y/N): Wait, wait, wait, wait you two known each others? Do you guys have the history for long time ago. *Dumbfounded tone*

Archie: Yes, it appears you have close relationship. *Nodded his head*

Making Jean and Diluc to be froze, before they're turns their head away to avoid eyes contact causing it turns into awkward silence.

Paimon: Wow! Um.... This is really awkward....

Archie: Indeed....

Nox: Oh, I see what is going on....

Making them turns facing toward on Nox with the mischievous grins, as (Y/N) and Archie open wide and realize it and doesn't like it.

Inner (Y/N): No, Nox! Don't you do it! 

Inner Archie: Oh no..... Not again... *frown tone*

Nox: I see.... YOU TWO ARE FUCK BUDDIES!!! *grins*

Jean: Wha...?!

Diluc: Huh?!

Lumine: Eh?!

Pyra: Ha?!

Venti: Pft!

Paimon: Say what?! 

(Y/N): Dammit Nox! *Facepalmed at him*

As the others are watching Nox in shocked, Diluc started eye twitching and uncomfortable glaring at the pirates, while the girls are blushing in madly embarrassed. As for Venti laughing his ass out leaning on the counter, holding his stomach.

Jean: You got it wrong! *shouted embarrassed at Nox*

Nox: Oh yes! I think it is!

Inner Diluc: Okay, it's the official. I hate this pirate... *glaring at Nox*

As Nox kept laughing, suddenly he felt his neck got shot, before he pull out the sharp item. Revealing is the tranquilizer dart.

He looks up, seeing of (Y/N) still in his Snake Eyes suit pressing on the side of his gauntlet on his right hand. Shoot out the tranquilizer.

Nox: (Y/NNY), whyyyyyyyyyy.... *felt his eye getting blurry*

As Nox fall down, faceplanted against the floor making the sound of thud. Causing everyone to be let out of the startled.

Paimon: Holy cow! (Y/N) you killed your childhood friend, why?! *Horrified tone*

(Y/N): Relax, Nox is fine, my suit may be as advanced, but also I can shoot the tranquilizer shot meaning it the non-lethal to knock him out he isn't dead.

Jean: Can I arrest him? I don't like him as the pirate. *Annoyed tone*

(Y/N): No.... You cannot arrest Nox, also we need him. 

Diluc: Impressive.... Can I have some of those? *impressive at the suits and gadgets*

(Y/N): Sure, but we need to focus to search the Holy Lyre and the Wind of Amulet.

Paimon: But how? Where do we can found them? *Asking tone*

(Y/N): Luckily I got the tracking device on the Lyre, after when the Fatui has stolen the relics. *typing his gauntlet*

Suddenly (Y/N) create the large wide of the hologram projector to showing the map of the Mondstadt. 

Making everyone to be awe, as Jean notices when her eyes spotted on the red dot located where it is.

Jean: This is.... *Staring at red dot* That it.... I know what they going do? 

Lumine: You know what it going to do? *Asking tone*

Jean: Yeah, the conflict between the Mondstadt and Snezhnaya stems from the conflict between the seven nations and their respective gods. The Cryo God's Fatui seems to be after the Anemo God's power.

Pyra: But why? What for?

(Y/N): I get it now. Because they needed to kill Dvalin. Since Dvalin was corrupted and control by Abyss Mage. *realize tone*

Jean: Correct. If the Knights of Favonius publicly prevented an attempt on Dvalin's head, then... The other way to affect the Anemo God's power is to take the Holy Lyre. 

Diluc: It means the number of Fatui that have come to Mondstadt is far from limited. I've already managed to....coerce a few reports out of them. *blunt tone*

Jean: Diluc has determined that the Holy Lyre is not being held in the Goth Grand Hotel. I imagine they don't want to be leave something stolen in a place where it could be easily found. 

Paimon: Paimon gets it. If too much of a scene gets made then it becomes a big diplomatic issue. *Brightly smiles*

Pyra: Something like that. *Smiles*

Diluc: Hmph! Such as the diplomacy between the Seven Nations. Outlanders, ready to go? *Look at them*

(Y/N): Alright, guys let go! Vigilante teams roll out! *Serious tone*

Before they could leave go search the relics of Holy Lyre and the Wind of Amulet, but Jean interrupted them.

Jean: (Y/N)....

Making them stops their tracks, before they're turns their head facing at Jean, with the small blush on her cheeks.

Jean: Be safe will you? *Smiles and blush at him*

(Y/N): Will do. *Smiles with two fingers salute*

As they departed, Lumine and Pyra notices Jean has the blush meaning they have another love rivals again!

As for Archie well....

Inner Archie: (Y/N) you are so dense for that.... *Annoyed tone*

At Unknown Location

Seeing the young woman is currently watching the moon, can't help to be admiring for it.

Young Woman: So beautiful.... I wonder what Onii sama doing? *mutter*

Until then Fatui arriving to her side.

Fatui Agent: Milady we have the problem! *bow down*

Making her sigh before she turns facing at the Fatui.

Reiko the Messanger of Fatui!!!

Reiko: What it is? I am not in the mood right now.

Fatui Agent: Our men has reported to us, they have succeeded stolen the Relics but.... They were ambushed by the General of Dark Order! 

Reiko: What?! *Shock and furious tone*

She was furious knowing the Dark Order are the Fatui's enemy, knowing they infect the monsters with the darkness even the humans as well. 

Knowing they are same but different then their other enemy is the Abyss Order. Now knowing they must be after the Relics.

Fatui Agent: Yes, one of our has spotted the boy has wielding the red flame, it is confirms of Seiken. *Inform*

Reiko: Seiken, huh? *narrow her eyes in dangerous*

Fatui Agent: Should we....

Reiko: No.... Call my brother. He take care of it. *Serious tone*

Fatui Agent: Hai, but what about yo? You have the Sei.... *cut*

Reiko: No.... It is not my time to shine for this.... Until the time has come.... *Serious tone*

Timeskipped brought you by Noelle's yandere face!

And now seeing of (Y/N) driving of Nox's jeep after he asked borrow to got called from Rikki. The team he with is Lumine, Pyra, Diluc and Nox who still knocked out by the tranquilizer dart.

Diluc: What a fascinating machines. It is advanced and faster then riding the horses. I should get one of those.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Yeah.... Still admiring of the comic you reading of Batman.

Diluc: Indeed....

Seeing of Diluc continuing reading the comic about of Batman. He has quite grown fond of it and taken idea for Batman's suits and gadgets.

(Y/N): How you guys doing? *Smiles*

Lumine: It amazing and fast!

Pyra: It faster then the horse!

Paimon: IT AMAZING!!!

As Paimon screaming with the smiles on her face, while sticking her head out of the jeep like the dog do.

Suddenly something splat hitting on Paimon's face as one of them, got caught in her mouth. She pulls head out revealing her face got covers by several flies.

Paimon: Paimon thinks caught some flies in my mouth. *Disgusted tone*

Making them to be let out of the laugh except for Diluc let out of the soft chuckles, as Archie give her the deadpanned looks.

Nox: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... Ugh! *Woken up* What happened? (Y/NNY)..... Is that my jeep?! *Exclaimed tone*

(Y/N): Yeah, we going to receive the Relic in our hands, so you wanted to join us? *grins at Nox*

Nox: Hell yeah! *grins*

Diluc: It is good idea, to bring with the Pirate with us? *Disgusted and annoyed tone*

At Zero

After defeating and torturing the Knight of Favonius, seeing of Zero on top of the windmill staring at moon.

 Zero: He seems like to be closing to get the Holy Lyre and Wind of Amulet? Good.... I willl...

As he grabbed the rear of his sword's hilt, suddenly he felt a pulse and he opens wide. Receiving of the future vision.

Seeing the future is changing, seeing of Yoko is arriving then transformed as Yonna, seeing of Nox in his ship transformed as giant robot.

As his vision has ended.

Zero: Impossible.... The future has changed..... This isn't according to my plan. *mutter in growled*

At (Y/N)

As they arriving at the temple inside of the cave where the Fatui has taken the Holy Lyre and the Wind of Amulet.

Nox: Are you sure this is the place? 

(Y/N): Yeah.... Hope there no booby traps like from Indiana Jones. *mutter*

Nox: Ah! Love that, movie! *grins*

Paimon: Paimon thinks it safe.... le...

She was interrupted seeing the three side on the bridges started to be flipping turn activate the flamethrowers, as it retreated back.

As Paimon with the horrified looks staring the bridges.

Diluc: You have to jinxed do you.... *Deadpanned tone*

(Y/N): Alright.... We have to wait until the bridges to move down as there no flames on it, we have to move quickly fast as we can. *Suggest

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