Chapter 125: SCP Escape

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You and the others had just returned after a rather destructive game of Paintball, seeing as how you had completely torn Issei apart after shooting your chocolate bar, it was clear that he wouldn't be participating in the next event which was now being spoken of

Grand Priest: Now That Issei has been sent to the nurse's office for obvious reasons, we shall start our third event!

Y/N: This that "Survival" event that you were going on about, right...?

Grand Priest: Yes, only four of you shall be chosen at a time, those four shall be warped to another location and will be split up from one another, your goal is to find each other and escape together, however, along with the 4 participants, there shall be 4 main obstacles, entity's known as the SCP...if you take too much damage from an SCP then you shall be brought back here.

Midoriya: So it's like a big video game, huh...?

Grand Priest: Now, without further ado, let us begin.

With that The Grand Priest raised his hands as you began to glow green, suddenly disappearing along with three other people

SCP Escape
- Y/N
- Ban
- Android 17
- Kiba

You suddenly appeared in a dark room with a very wide and open space, two doors came into view as you had a decision to make

Y/N: Okay, let's do this!

With that you went to the right, pressing the button on the door and causing it to slowly open, you ran out the door and began looking around to find your fellow participants

Y/N: Where am I supposed to find these guys? Who knows how big this place is...

As you ran off a large entity turned around a corner that you had just past, growling as it watched you run away before turning and walking away


Kiba was walking around in the dark, looking for you and the two other participants as he scratched his head

Kiba: It's really dark, it wouldn't be surprised if I past one of them without knowing...

Kiba continued to advance through the facility, keeping his eyes open for the other participants  while listening closely for any sounds

This tactic came to use when Kiba heard a sound come from a room that was next to him, he listened closely as he heard what sounded like stone grinding against the floor as he raised a brow

At that moment Kiba made a reckless move and opened the door, as it fully opened he peeked inside to not see anything, that is besides a strange entity that faced the wall, standing very still


Kiba who raised a brow, didn't think much of it as looked away to hear the sound of stone grinding on the floor again, quickly looking back over to see the entity now facing him and closer to the door

Kiba: What the hell...?


Ban was aimlessly wandering the facility while picking his ear with his pinky as he let out a sigh of boredom

Ban: Man...I thought that these were actually gonna be fun...but I guess not...

At that moment Ban could hear the sound of metal clicking, this confused Ban when the sound suddenly stopped, Ban looked around to see nothing, however, he peeked when he heard a set of foot steps getting closer

Ban quickly turned around to see a person in a medieval plague doctor's outfit, staring directly at Ban who kept his guard up


Ban: Uh...Hey, Sir...can I help you...?

049: Hello good sir, I was just wandering these hallways to eventually stumble into your presence.

Ban: I guess that makes sense...Where the hell did this guy come from...?

Ban quickly noticed that this entity looked as if he began to grow anxious while still looking directly at him, this caused Ban to slowly back away

049: Sir, are you feeling well...?

Ban: Why am I backing away...?! There's something off about this guy...!

049 suddenly began to slowly walk towards Ban who was now slightly speeding up as he backed away, 049 continued to grow more anxious as he suddenly started sprinting towards Ban

This caused Ban to clench his fist tighter as he suddenly gave off a menacing smile

Ban: Ah Screw it...BRING IT ON!!

Ban suddenly rushed towards the man who had stopped in his tracks, Ban reeling his fist back as 049 put his hand out and lunged towards Ban, touching his neck

Not even a moment later, Ban went wide eyed as he fell to the floor with a dead expression on his face

049: I sense that you have been infected with the pestilence...allow me to cure you...

049 was about to grab the body when Ban suddenly perked up and leaped away, gasping for air and definitely catching 049 by surprise

Ban: *Gasp*...What the hell...?!?!

049: Odd...nobody has ever managed to survive even the slightest touch from me...

Ban: The fuck was that?! He just touched me and I practically died! If this weren't an event I'd say bash his face in...but I should probably find the others and get out of here...!

With that Ban ran off without saying a word, causing 049 to grow quite irritated as he sprinted straight towards Ban as the two had now engaged in a chase

Back To You

You were no longer running in the hallways as you took a moment to slow down, listening for any potential sounds

Y/N: Hello...? Anyone there?

You suddenly heard the sound of something hitting the floor as you felt the floor shake, the floor suddenly shook again as the same sound occurred

You turned around while getting into a fighting stance as a shadow could be seen around the corner, it definitely wasn't a person

Y/N: Who are you?! Come into the light!

The entity that was causing the sound suddenly turned around the corner, revealing a large reptilian creature with fur all over it's body, it's rib cage exposed as it let out a loud roar


Y/N: What in the name of the multiverse...?

The beast suddenly let out another loud roar as it didn't waste anymore time, lunging directly at you

Y/N: Okay I guess we're doing THIS now!

You suddenly lunged at the beast as well as it swung it's large claw at you, you then weaved under it and grabbed it by it's tail

Y/N: Enjoy your flight!!

You suddenly threw 682 sending him hurling across the hallway, the beast skidded across the floor and eventually hit the wall as you faced it once again

Y/N: Is this really the best they can throw at us...? They didn't even nerf my abilities this time!

You suddenly heard what sounded like a man screaming in the distance, all of a sudden 17 bursted through the wall beside you as you rolled out of his way as a tall and pale humanoid creature followed and emerged from the wall



Android 17: I don't have much time to explain...but I can't destroy this thing...and it's surprisingly fast for it's size...

Y/N: Well at least we found each other...

Android 17: Look out!

You suddenly turned around to see 682 right in your face, you suddenly leaped and maneuvered around the reptile and delivered a leg drop kick to the top of it's head

682 let out a loud roar as you landed next to 17 who had kicked 096 away, not doing much damage but still keeping it at bay

682 almost instantly got back up as it lunged towards you once again, you suddenly heard a voice screaming as you and 17 looked to see Ban running from 049

Ban: This guy is crazy!!

Y/N: Ban?!

Android 17: Who?

Y/N: Well that makes three—

You suddenly received a slash to the face by 682 who was not letting up, doing its absolute best to kill you

Y/N: Geez this thing doesn't let up...!!

You suddenly put your palm out as you formed an orb of yellow Ki in your hand, unleashing a large blast that completely engulfed 682 and blew it away

Ban: Woah! Try your best not to blow the place up! We're trying to get out of this place not destroy it!

Y/N: I'm aware!

The smoke from your blast quickly cleared to reveal 682 on the floor with most of his body mass absent, all being left was the head, some of the upper torso, and one arm

682: Tch...!! Why you little...!!

Y/N: It can talk?! AND IT'S ALIVE?!

682 began to pick himself up as you went wide eyed, watching the beast slowly regenerate it's flesh and bones

Android 17: Should we get out of here...?

Ban: Yeah let's make a break for it!

With that the three of you dashed away, leaving three angry SCP's to run after you, the three of you were now rushing through the hallways as you noticed Kiba in the distance

Y/N: Wait...that's Kiba!

Kiba quickly noticed the three of you and looked towards you, however this was not a wise thing to do as 173 suddenly appeared behind Kiba

However he came to a halt as he came into your view, being in your eye sight he couldn't move

Y/N: Kiba get out of there!!

With that Kiba dashed towards all of you and appeared beside Ban, the four of you had now located each other, now all that was left was to get out of there

Ban: So where's the exit?!

Y/N: How should I know?!

As time went by the three of you managed to get away from most of the SCP's, however, there was one who was still after you, 682, who was chasing the four of you across the hallways

Kiba: Y/N, why don't you blast him?!

Y/N: You think I haven't tried?!

Ban: Wait! I see something!!

All of you suddenly looked ahead to see a large door that lead to a very long hallway, above the door was an exit sign

Android 17: That must be it.

Y/N: Let's go!

However, your little celebration was cut short when SCP's 049 and 096 appeared in front of the door

Kiba: Shit! We're done for!

Y/N: Not yet, pretty boy! 17!!

17 nodded as the two of you placed your palms out towards the two SCP blocking the exit, preparing a blast as Ban turned back for a second

Ban: The reptile thing is still onto us, and it's catching up!

Y/N: Calm down, we got this!! On my

SCP 682 got closer as Kiba went wide eyed, Ban doing the same as 682 roared in anger

Y/N: two...

682 was practically scratching Ban's jacket as 096 and 049 were prepared to lung forward as you smirked


You and 17 suddenly fired a dual blast that bolted towards the two SCP's at the front, however they suddenly turned and hit both SCP's and pushed them away from the door

Ban: GO GO GO!!

With that you grabbed Kiba and Ban as you and 17 suddenly flew at full speed, leaving 682 in the dust as the two of you went flying into the exit and down the long hallway to eventually find a green portal

The Auditorium

The portal suddenly warped the four of you back to the auditorium as the portal closed behind you, surprising everyone


Grand Priest: It seems our first batch managed to survive without a single casualty. Once this event is over with, we shall prepare to commence The 30-Man Royal Rumble!

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