Chapter 133: Doomsday

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Ark was currently clashing with both Korizen and The Anomaly. He was getting absolutely demolished in the process, bur he was still alive.

Korizen's power seemed to be literally infinite, and The Anomaly's energy at this point was on levels nobody could measure in a way that would be possible.

You were currently on the ground, getting healed by both Diana and Asia. Asia's magic was a bit more effective than Diana's from the fact that her magic had grown much stronger.

Granted the same could be said for Diana, but Asia was in another league in terms of healing.

Despite their enhanced magic, your wounds were healing incredibly slowly to the point where it looked as if you weren't healing at all.

Asia: D-Don't worry, Y/N! I'll make sure you're back in shake in no time!

Diana: Just please hang in there!!

Their calls were the only thing keeping you from breaking the string of consciousness. You were still processing how easily Korizen and The Anomaly man handed you.

Lotus: Even with Genkai Omni God, they brought him down so easily!!

Kasai: What are we supposed to do?!

Lotus: It seems that Omni Y/N is the only hope we have left...

Kasai: With Genkai Deity?! You're insane!!

Lotus: No. Genkai Deity mode cannot be involved. Even if he found a way to tap into Omni God 4 in Genkai Deity mode, not even he would be able to handle that much power. At least not yet.

Kasai: You're right...then again, it doesn't necessarily make a difference, does it...?

Lotus: Not really. Omni Y/N's power and energy infinitely grow with no end, and grows faster the longer he stays in that form. If there's an individual stronger than the Initial Omni God 4, he will eventually surpass said individual given time.

Kasai: So all Genkai Deity would do is speed up the process.

Lotus: Exactly. Initial Omni God 4 would be placed on a MUCH higher level, but in the end it's quite pointless since he'll eventually reach that level either way.

However, The Anomaly clones still had all the students on the run. With every clone growing more powerful the more they fight.

This managed to catch your attention. At this rate nobody on your side would survive if left unchecked. Luckily, Ark was around.

Y/N: Ark!

Ark's attention was quickly snatched by you calling his name. When you gestured him to come, he did so almost without hesitation.

Ark: Make it quick.

Y/N: K-Korizen and The Anomaly currently seem to be distracted by one another...I need you to lend the others a hand with all of these clones...

Ark: Tch...your weak friends can't even deal with these weaklings. How sad.

Y/N: *Sigh*...just do it!

Ark: ...Very Well...

With that Ark rushed into battle as you watched Korizen and The Anomaly fight one another. But something seemed off. Korizen wasn't focused on you or any of your friends at all.

It was almost as if all of you didn't exist in his eyes anymore. All he seemed to care about was The Anomaly. Even when Ark attacked him, he would simply smack him away, but he never bothered to finish him off.

It was strange. You assumed that it was because he was simply stronger, but you felt as if it was more than that. With the faces Korizen was making, and his movement patterns, it was almost as if he was...

Y/N: Protecting Us...?

Meanwhile Bakugo was currently fighting against an Anomaly Clone of himself. The Clone had inherited Bakugo's quick reaction time, and learned all the ins and outs to his fighting style.

On the other end of the stick, Bakugo couldn't seem to find any weakness from this clone. Everything he tried would inevitably fail.

Everybody was experiencing this issue. Overtime it became more and more difficult to battle these clones to the point where they couldn't even faze them.

Not only was the clone of him physically superior, but Bakugo noticed that The Clone's version of his quirk was also much more powerful than his own. A simple explosion from the clone was at least ten times greater than whatever Bakugo could muster.

Bakugo: Dammit! This faker won't quit!!

The clone then managed to catch Bakugo off guard. Grabbing him by the face and pinning him down to the ground. As The Clone's hand forcefully pressed against Bakugo's face, it started to glow purple as Bakugo's life began to flash before his eyes. Quite literally.

Bakugo: ?!?!

His struggles to break free were all but effective as the clone let out a silent laugh with a voice identical to Bakugo's.

He was certain that this was the end for him, but that's when The Clone then received a boot to the face. Ark kicking the clone in it's right cheek as it skidded into the distance.

Bakugo was too surprised for words. Ark, the same person who caused them so much stress and trouble, and almost destroyed them years ago, had just saved his life.

Bakugo: Y/N Must've hit me in the head too hard when he was in that monster form...

Ark only gave the boy a look. Remembering him well from when You, Him, Midoriya, and the others all jumped him during the final stretch against him.

Bakugo felt his heart sink to his stomach when Ark simply leaped away to save someone else. Bakugo merely fainting from both shock and exhaustion.

Meanwhile Goku and Vegeta oddly enough fortunately didn't have their own Anomaly clones. Thanks to this they were able to assist the other students in anyway they could.

Goku kicked away a clone of Koneko, as Vegeta blasted two clones of Todoroki and Ren.

Goku: It's good that we can help these guys out, but even for us there's too many! We need more help!

Vegeta: We don't need help to defeat this trash, Kakarot! They're only clones!

Goku: Yeah, strong ones at that!

???: Hey!!

Everybody who heard the call looked up. They all went wide eyed at what they saw next. Almost as if by magic, Shenron could be seen flying in the distance. And he wasn't alone.

Riding on his back were Luffy, Naruto, Natsu, Meliodas, Steven, and even Sans of all people. Sans almost never fought. All of them were in their strongest forms they could access as well.

Natsu: We're here to lend a hand!

Naruto: The Dragon filled us in. We've got your back!

Steven: We'll do our best to support you in any way that we can!

Sans: Heh. Looks like these guys really wanna have a bad time...

With all of these guys going through their own special training, it was safe to say that they were well equipped to face these clones as well. Steven, being trained by you personally was the strongest of the six.

Him along with the help of the others, they were able to make short work of the weaker clones in their own unique ways. Natsu's fire, Luffy's arms, Naruto's Rasengan, Sans' Gaster Blasters, and Steven's Crystals were all over the place.

Midoriya: This is great! Thanks for the help, everyone!!

Naruto: We're just doin' our job!

Meanwhile you were still being healed by Asia and Diana. However you were definitely in better shake now than before.

However you were still not into proper condition to fight yet. Despite this you forced yourself to get up from the ground and face both Korizen and The Anomaly.



Asia: Y-Y/N! Please let us heal you more first!

Y/N: We don't have the time for me to fully heal, Asia. Even if I'm not at my full power, I can still sure as hell try!!

Using all the strength you had left, you slowly started to power up into Super Saiyan 3. Your hair growing longer and turning golden as you let out a loud scream.

However it wasn't over yet. Your hair then suddenly flashed to white. The Omni Symbols fading into your body as you transformed into Omni God 3.

Y/N: A Saiyan's gotta do what a Saiyan's gotta do!

With that you dashed back into battle at high speeds. Rushing towards both the the entities as Korizen noticed this first.

A few hits was all it took for you to realize that you couldn't effect Korizen in the slightest at this level. Your punches and kicks had literally no effect on him.

You then tried your luck with The Anomaly. And while you were able to move it, you didn't do any actual damage.

Korizen then smashed his fist into your stomach which caused you to gag up an unhealthy amount of blood. Gagging for air as he then kicked you away.

You crashed through several boulders and landed on the ground as Asia and Diana watched in horror.

However they were surprised to see that you were still able to fight. Rushing out of the rubble once again with a more pissed off look than before.

However now you had reverted back to normal Super Saiyan 3. No Genkai Deity, No Ultra Instinct, not even Kaioken, just Super Saiyan 3 all on it's own. It seemed that Korizen had knocked the Omni Power right out of you.



You then took a mighty punch to the face as you went flying into the distance. Rolling into the dirt and into the crowd of students.

You were no longer in commission. You were right a death's door. Even with how hard you pushed, it still wasn't enough for Korizen.

Korizen: I must say you are dedicated. With how many times I beat you into the dirt, you kept getting back up. But alas, you've finally cracked.

With that Korizen raised both of his hands and prepared himself for his next and final attack of the battle. His hands shining white in a fashion that you've seen in the past several times before.

Goku: H-His hands!! That move is just like...!!

Korizen: It is time to start over, and cleanse this world.


Without hesitation everybody started to make a run for it. Kirishima grabbing you and running off with you over his shoulders as Yang followed.

Yang: Go! I'm right behind you!!

Korizen's hands started to glow even brighter as a massive bright light started to engulf the surrounding area.

Everybody started to glow white as well. Slowly but surely, all of the students started to disappear before your very eyes. One by one.

Uraraka: D-Deku!! Help!!

Midoriya: Hold on!!

Right in front of him, Uraraka was erased into nothing. And he was next. Disappearing into thin air as everybody started to panic.

Y/N: What...? What's happening...?!

Your entire body was paralyzed, but you were still conscious. All you could do was watch as Korizen started to erase all of your friends and family from existence. One. By. One.

Lotus: NO!!

Kasai: AAAAAAH!!

Issei: DAMMIT!!!!

Ruby: NOOOOO!!


Goku/Vegeta: GAAAAAAAH!!!

Eventually everybody was gone besides You, Kirishima, Yang, and Amanda. The three of them trying their hardest to get you to safety.

Amanda: HELP ME!!

Amanda then vanished into thin air as Yang and Kirishima started to glow the same way. Kirishima tossing you forward as you faced both of them in mid air.

Y/N: G-Guys...?!

Kirishima and Yang could only shed a few tears as they looked at you with smiles. Your time was them, from the moment you met them to this very second, after everything you had been through, it had seemed as though it was time to say goodbye.

Kirishima: That guy really is a jerk...huh...? Hehe...You taught me so much...Thanks for everything...I love you, brother...

Yang: I-I guess I wasn't strong enough...did I do okay as a Girlfriend...? I hope so...but either way...I love you...I love you so Y/N...

See ya, later...

With those final words, both Eijiro Kirishima, the greatest friend you could ever ask for, and Yang Xiao Long, your first and most impactful love of your life, both disappeared into the light as all that was left was you.

All you could do was scream as you too were engulfed in the light of erasure.


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