Chapter 2: Getting The Gang Back Together

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Y/N: Get Ready everyone! A New Adventure for the Books is about to begin!

Grand Priest: I am glad to see that you are in the proper spirit, I shall be on my way for now, we will meet you on the other side.

With that The Grand Priest flew off into the sky, quickly picking up speed as he disappeared into orbit

Lotus: So...what now...?

Y/N: We call everyone!

Kasai: How are we gonna do that...? Gathering everyone by grabbing them from their own worlds is gonna take too long, The Grand Priest will be waiting for us!

Y/N: I've got that one covered! Just watch this!

Lotus, Kasai, and everyone else watched as you raised your hand into the air, forming a small amount of Green Holographic energy from your hand just like the Angels do

Y/N: I can call them from here, all we need to do is convince them to come along, which shouldn't be long at all!

With that everyone watched as Green Energy formed and split into three circles, each one glowing as everyone awaited for an answer

Goten: Who needs a Telephone when you have Y/N?

Meanwhile: Beacon Academy

It was a pretty normal day at Beacon, the academy where Remnant enrolls and trains all of their students to grow into strong Huntsmen and Huntresses

Everyone in a certain class group was having a training class where a specific amount of students, team or not, would face off in a sparring match to see who is the better fighter

Glynda: Now then, we have Pyrrha Nikos vs Jaune Arc, seeing as how much the two of you have improved this last year, this should be an interesting match!

Both Pyrrha and Jaune then entered the arena as everyone around them watched in excitement

Ruby: Wow, Jaune his fighting against Pyrrha! I can't wait to see the results of this fight!

Ren: I heard that Jaune was trained by Y/N, so this fight could be very one-sided.

Blake: Geez, That's a name I haven't heard in a while...

Nora: I know right?! I remember when we were there parting ways with everyone, "Until we Meet Again"!

Everyone watched as Jaune and Pyrrha were about to start their match, Both fighters readying their weapons as Jaune smiled

Jaune: I'm not the same weak guy that you first met, Pyrrha, I'm sure you're the first one to know.

Pyrrha: Yes, I'm eager to see how much you've improved!

Glynda: Let the match begin!

With that both warriors began to circle around each other, preparing to take charge and trying to predict their first moves

This went in for a little while until Jaune made the first move and charged forth, readying his blade as he let out a scream

However, just as Jaune was about to attack, a small orb of energy began to form in the Center of the ring

Everyone went wide eyed as the bright circle stopped shining to reveal your face with a somewhat excited look on your face

Y/N: Hey everyone! It's been a while!

Everyone: Y/N?!?!

Meanwhile: ORC Club Building

Things were as normal as ever in the earth of Issei's world, the sounds of Teenage laughter could be heard all the way from Kuoh as Rias was currently training her team


Everyone watched as Issei fired a massive beam of red energy from his boosted gear, zooming across the field as the projectile hit a mountain and completely obliterated it, much more powerful than his first Dragon Shot

Rias: Good Work Issei, You really have improved!

Issei: Yeah! I guess I have!

Asia: Good Job Issei!

Kiba: Yeah Good Work, Man!

Issei: Thanks Guys!

Koneko slightly scoffed as she smiled and looked at the sky, thinking of you as she spoke up

Koneko: After all of that you can only destroy a mountain, someone like Y/N could destroy pretty much the whole universe just like that if he wanted to.

Issei: Oh Shit, I completely forgot about Y/N, I wonder how the guy's doing?

Kiba: Knowing him he's probably training with other Saiyans.

Asia: Yeah...I sure do miss him..."Until we Meet Again"!

Rias: Well, I'm sure Y/N is doing just fine, that day will come Asia, I promise you that.

All of a sudden a medium sized circle of green energy began to form in the middle of the group, causing everyone to sharpen their guards as Rias spoke

Issei: What the hell is That?!

Rias: Be on your guard!

Everyone was prepared for the worst when all of a sudden the energy revealed your face, with the same look that the Beacon Crew saw

Y/N: Hey everyone! It's been a while!

Rias: Y-Y/N?!

Issei: OH SHIT!

Meanwhile: Class 2-A Dorm

Things were more wondrous than ever at Musutafu Japan, nearby was a school called U.A, a famous academy known for training the world's greatest Heroes

Izuku Midoriya along with his entire class had now been promoted to second years for a little while now, with Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki graduating and becoming Pro Heroes

Midoriya was currently sitting in the open living space of the dorms as he was accompanied by Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, Tsuyu, and Jiro

Uraraka: I still can't believe we've made it this far, we're even closer to becoming Pro Heroes!

Iida: Yes! This is definitely a milestone for us to remember!

Todoroki: We still have most of our second year and all of our third year to go though...

Tsuyu: I'm Glad that we've come this far, we all grew so much as Students and People as a whole.

Midoriya: Yeah, but remember that the only reason that we're still here is because Y/N saves us all, not only that, but he even trained some of us himself!

Uraraka: I wonder how everyone else is doing?

All of a sudden a medium sized aura began to form in the middle of the room as everyone went wide eyed and sharpened their guard

Jiro: What's That?!

Iida: Be careful! It might be the doing of a Villain!!

Everyone prepared their Quirks for action as the circle of energy was quick to reveal your face with the same look given to the Beacon and Kuoh crews

Y/N: Hey everyone! It's Been a while!

Everyone: EEEEEH?!


Every single soul at the moment was beyond surprised by your sudden call, however this surprise quickly erupted into happiness and excitement as they all began to speak

Ruby: Y/N!

Midoriya: Is it really you?!

Issei: Bro! It's so good to see you again!

Y/N: Hehe! Yeah! I'm glad to see you all again, even if it is through call...anyway, there's actually a reason why I called!

Rias: And what would that be—

Rias was then loudly interrupted when Kirishima pushed everyone out of his way and looked into the circle of energy to see you


Y/N: Kirishima!


Y/N: I'm Great, Man! It's great to see you again! but like I was saying, the Reason why I called was to hand all of you an offer.

Blake: An Offer...?

Y/N: Well...more like an invitation...but nonetheless, Me along with The Grand Priest are arranging something new for all of us to experience, a Brand New World for us to explore! So what do you say? Are you all down to go on another crazy ride with us?



Everyone then thought to themselves for a moment, staying silent until they all turned around in union

Midoriya: We're in!

Issei: As are we!

Ruby: Count us in too!

Y/N: Alright! Now that it's settled, you have about an hour to prepare, so pack your stuff, grab some snacks, gather everyone around, whatever you need to do, I'll warp you all to my around that time.

Midoriya: Right! Let's do this!

Issei: Hell Yeah!

Ruby: Yes! Adventure Time!

With that all of the orbs disappeared as you were now feeling warm and fuzzy inside, being able to see and talk to all of your friends again

Y/N: Now, all that's left is the Portal, if I should be at the same place where we fought Ark.

Kasai: But wasn't the Portal like 5 feet from the ground...?

Lotus: Having to jump in each time would be somewhat of a pain...and some people like Mineta can't even jump that high...

Y/N: Well...

You then looked at Bulma who was currently just coming out to the balcony to check on everyone

Y/N: That's where Bulma's smarts come in!

Bulma: H-Huh...? Me...?!

Time Skip

You, Lotus, Kasai, Daiko, and everyone else along with Bulma were now at the battlefield where Ark's War had taken place, there was still debris everywhere, but most spots of the ground now had grass and some even had flowers

Y/N: Wow...This place changed and stayed the same at the same time...

Goku: You got that right...

Bulma: Okay...adjust something's here...along with a few things there...aaaand...done!

Bulma who was now wearing her lab coat, had just built some sort of structure around the portal that The Second Grand Priest had left behind

Bulma: I don't know how I pulled it off...but I did that all you needed...?

Y/N: Yep! Thanks a bunch, Bulma!

Bulma: Yeah...Don't mention it...

With that Bulma who was now tired and low on stamina due to all the building, she walked off and hopped in her little plane before flying off, leaving you and the other Saiyans to do the rest of the work

Y/N:'s been around an hour! Let's do this! It's been a while so I might be a little rusty...

With that you unlocked your True Power as you spread your arms out, both of your hands glowing as you took a deep breath and yelled

Y/N: HAA!!

With that the entire area was engulfed in a bright white light, blinding everyone for a short moment until they uncovered their eyes

Daiko: Hey! It worked!

Midoriya: What happened...?

You along with your Fellow Saiyans looked in front of yourselves to see a large crowd of students all looking around

Ruby: Wait...Isn't this the place where we beat Ark...?

Rias: So if we're here then...

Everyone's eyes at last landed on you and your group as they all went wide eyed with shock, everyone's hearts overflowing with excitement as they ran towards you

Everyone: Y/N! Lotus! Kasai!

Y/N: It's about time we've met again!

Everyone in the crowd ran over to you as they began to question things about your daily life and such, Ruby cuddling with Kasai as Ibara cuddled with Lotus upon their reunion

Midoriya: How have you been...?

Ruby: has anything changed...?

Issei: Did you learn anymore badass moves...?

Y/N: Great, Yes, and Maybe, things have been boring lately, so we arranged this!

You then noticed how the crowd was beginning to split into a path, clearing up for a certain blonde female that was more than excited to see you once again, and even rocking a new outfit

Y/N: Yang...

Yang: H-Hey Y/N...

Y/N: ...Well don't just stand there! C'mon and bring it in!

Yang upon hearing your words, immediately ran towards you and leaped into your arms, practically crashing into you as she wrapped her arms around you into a hug

Yang: I missed you so much...I can't even process what's going on...

Y/N: I missed you, my burning Star...

Yang: *Sniff*...You remembered my Nickname...!

Y/N: Of course I did!

Blake: Yeah...Out of all of us, Yang was probably the one that missed you the most...

Yang: It just didn't feel the same without you...

Y/N: I understand, with you around there's never a dull moment...

???: Bro!

You then peeked over Yang's Shoulder as she got off of you and turned around, both do you spotting Kirishima in the distance as he too was rocking a new outfit

Y/N: Bro!

The two of you then embraced into a manly hug as the two of you spoke up in union

Both: My Man!

Ruby and Ashido were also embraced in a hug as they were both nearly crying in happiness

Both: I missed you so much, Bestie! Me too!!

Y/N: Welp, before we get too comfortable, we've got things to do...

Everyone then turned and looked towards the Portal, growing curious of just what was on the other side

Goku: It's nice to see that you've reunited with your friends again, Y/N, now we can head into the second reality!

Y/N: Yeah, Let's do this guys!

With that you walked up the short set of stairs, facing the portal as Kirishima and Yang stood by your sides

Y/N: Ready to venture into the unknown...?

Kirishima: Yep!

Yang: Nope...let's do it!

With that the three of you walked in together as you grew excited deep within

Time Skip: ???

The three of you, with a massive group of others behind you, were now all soaring through a large portal at high speeds, some were excited, others were screaming in fear


Kirishima: GAAAAAAH!!!

Y/N: YEAH!!!

You screamed in excitement as if this was some sort of roller coaster as you threw your arms in the air, a certain amount of light could be seen at the end of the rift as everyone was seemingly engulfed in the light

For a little while you blacked out, but after a few minutes you regained consciousness, opening your eyes with blurry sight as you looked around

Y/N: Ugh...What Happened...?

Asia: P-Please tell me that it's over...

Kaminari: I-I think my brain turned inside

Kirishima: No Amount of Hardening could prepare me for that...

Lotus and Kasai: AGAIN! AGAIN!!

After a few seconds of regaining your composure you looked around at just where you were

Y/N: Wait...what is

After a few seconds of your sight coming back to you, you came for the conclusion that it was indeed a school, hedges and other plants

Y/N: An Academy...? Just like the first one!

Yang: I hope that it's got a ballroom, that was fun for the most part!

Kirishima: Well whatever it has, I'm ready for it!

All of a sudden, another group of people then appeared in a flash of green light, everyone looking over to see that is was The Grand Priest, along with a new group of students behind him

Grand Priest: Well, it looks as though you beat us to it.

Everyone then redirected their attention to the group of students that was behind him, Six of them standing beside The Grand Priest, but there were a few others behind them

???: Alright! After hearing what this guy had to say, this is bound to be exciting! Fun Adventure here I come!

Yang: Huh...? Who are those people...?

Kirishima: Teens like us...?

Y/N: Wait, are those the New Students you were talking about...?

???: Huh...? Wait, there are other students here...?

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