Chapter 31: Easy Wins

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The Sports Festival Preliminaries has now just begun as you were already running around with one elimination, you simply needed two more

Luckily, you were surrounded by other contestants as Caulifla had flown into the scene to lend a helping hand, the two of you now standing back to back as she spoke to you

Caulifla: You've already got one kill, I'll be takin' these two.

Y/N: Fine, then leave this one to me...

Caulifla: Okay Okay...

Y/N: Good, but before we begin, I've a present for ya.

Caulifla: Eh...?

You suddenly flashed into your Omni God form, surprising everyone as you placed your hand on Caulifla's back, concentrating and focusing as she then felt a strange energy flowing through her

A familiar red aura then began to flow through her body like fire as she had just transcended to the next level of power she had hoped for

Caulifla: Wait...this is...Haha!

Super Saiyan God Caulifla

Caulifla was now excited as you had given her access to Super Saiyan God, surprising everyone as you smirked and faced your opponent as you reverted back to normal

Y/N: The Omni God form isn't like any other form Y'Know, it comes with a variety of special abilities, and this happens to be one of them!

Caulifla: This is nothin' like I imagined...! Thanks a bunch!!

Y/N: Don't mention it...I'd like to have at least some decent competition for the later rounds, Y'know?

Caulifla: This is awesome! Now I'll be at Super Saiyan Blue before I know it!

Y/N: One step at a time, Caulifla.

With that the two of you got into your fighting stances as you charged towards your opponent who was eager to get the fight started

???: About time! I was waiting for the two of you to stop talking!

Y/N: I appreciate your patience!

Ready? FIGHT!!

With that the two of you threw your first punch, resulting in a swift fist clash as you have him a toothy smile

You and your opponent then clashed fists multiple more times before you dodged one of them, moving around it and sending the guy flying straight back with a fierce punch to the gut

Your opponent went crashing through multiple buildings as you placed your hand on your shoulder and cracked your neck

Y/N: Man, sitting in that bus for so long made me a little stiff, Hopefully this will warm me up!

Meanwhile Caulifla faced her opponents, now ready to test out the powers of her new form as she cracked her knuckles and laughed

Caulifla: Hahaha! You're in for it now! If you couldn't even keep up with Y/N in base form, you won't stand a chance against me in God Form!

Girl 1: Bring it! I'll tear you to shreds!!

Caulifla: Yeah right!

With that being said, the first girl then charged towards Caulifla who leaped into the air and avoided a large claw attack, countering with another kick to her face as she went skidding across the ground and into a building

That one kick was enough to render her eliminated as Caulifla's eyes widened along with her jaw dropping


Y/N: I guess that makes us even.

Girl 2: N-No way...!!

Caulifla: Aw Yeah! You ready to beg for mercy?!

The second and last remaining Girl, began to panic as she didn't know what to do, looking around as she then leaped towards Caulifla with her blade ready to slice her up

Girl 2: You'll pay!!

Caulifla: Oh Yeah...?

All of a sudden before the girl could even reach her, Caulifla moved at high enough speeds to appear in front of her within the blink of an eye and slugged her right in the face, sending her hurling towards a building and shattering it completely on contact

Caulifla: That's Right! Two down and one to go!

Caulifla then looked over to see you and your opponent duking it out in a contest of skill, with the guy attacking you with a series of punches and kicks to which you dodged each one with ease

Y/N: Well, I'm ready to end this!

With that you caught both of the guy's fists and threw him into the air as you aimed your palm towards him as he screamed

A large ball of blue energy began to take form over your palm as you smiled and chanted the name of the attack which echoed through the battlefield


You then launched the charged up ball of Ki as it flew towards your opponents direction at high speeds, the poor guy couldn't even react as it got closer and closer to him


Kirishima was currently working with Diana as they had ran into each other, the both of them took an a group of opponents together as the ground suddenly began to shake

Kirishima went wide eyed as he could see a massive explosion in the distance that lit up the whole city as Diana gasped

Diana: Who could've done that...?!

Kirishima: Wanna take a solid guess...?

Both: .........Y/N.


With that your opponent was sent back to the stadium as you also too now had two eliminations, you and Caulifla simply needed one more each go advance

Y/N: Well, that takes care of that, Um...hold on...

You then noticed that you were also glowing bright blue, you raised a brow in confusion as you began to warp back to the stadium

Y/N: What happened?! I only got one person...I think...

Caulifla: I dunno, that was a pretty big explosion.


A random contestant was currently walking through the streets of the city, deciding that he would start traveling via the wings that he had

Contestant: Alright! Let's take flight!

With that he flew off into the sky at high speeds, ready to take on anyone as the contestant that you had thrown into the air suddenly appeared around 15 feet away from him

Contestant: Wait what the—

He was then interrupted when a large orb of blue light suddenly made contact with the person in front of him, unleashing a massive explosion that obliterated everything in it's radius

Contestant: OH SHIT!!

Flashback End

You now found yourself back at the stadium in a waiting area as you saw multiple of your classmates there, Mori, Bakugo, Weiss, and Xenovia to name a few

Mori: Hey! You made it!

Weiss: It's No surprise that you made it too.

Xenovia: That's to be expected of Y/N.

Y/N: Uh...Yeah...My last elimination was kinda accidental, I think...someone must've got caught in my blast.

Bakugo: Well you're here's that extra's fault for getting in your way...

Time Skip

It had been around an hour or so since you got your three eliminations, there was a lot more people in the waiting room now as you were talking with Kirishima

Kirishima: So it was you!

Y/N: Yup.

Diana: And that was in what you call your "Base Form"...?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm strong enough in my base form to destroy a planet at least, probably more than that.

Diana: I-I see...



Announcer: All of the remaining slots have been taken! Congratulations to all who have made it to the next round, and a token of gratitude for those who unfortunately didn't make it!

Remaining Contestants: 32

Announcer: Now, before we continue, let us have a nice dinner break to strengthen our contestants to their max!

Everyone: Ahh!

After a little while, all of dinner was set up to be fit for the likes of every single contestant, even those who didn't make it along with a few of the normal spectators were allowed to stick around and eat with everyone else

You were of course stuffing your face with practically everything, along with Goku and Luffy, the three of your appetites together were demolishing the entire feast alone

Y/N: Mm!! Nothing beats a good meal after a big fight!

Luffy: I just love food!!

Goku: Same here!!

Amanda: What is with you guys...?!

All: We Love to Eat!!

Jiro: You kinda get used to it, I remember the first time I saw Y/N eat, I almost lost my appetite.

Announcer: Now then! I'm happy to see that you are all enjoying your meals! My apologies but can I have your attention for just a quick moment?

Everyone then looked towards the announcer with different looks on their faces, you personally were annoyed for being interrupted from your meal

Announcer: The Rest of this Sports Festival Tournament shall be held similar to how it was done in remnant! You shall all be placed in teams of 4 with partners of your choosing, and shall face each other one match at a time!

Y/N: A Team thing...? Dammit...

Lotus: Hey Y/N, I think that is Saiyans should split into different teams, Y'Know, give everyone else a chance at winning.

Y/N: I was thinking the same thing.

Kasai: Sounds like a plan!

Beerus: Hm, Delicious!

Y/N: Beerus, THAT'S MY PLATE!!

Meanwhile, what you had forgot was that there were people from dozens of other worlds here with you, as two people in the distance, both of them being female, were in the distance, a brown haired girl stuffing her face, and a black haired girl with a red bang just sitting there

Ryūko Matoi and Mako Mankanshoku

The two girls continued to chill as one of them spoke while still stuffing her face

Mako: Wow! They have such good food here! I wonder why we were invited to watch this tournament thingy!

Ryūko: I don't get it...I don't even know where we are...a lot of the people here are strong though.

Meanwhile, at another table, two other people, both of them being male, were also stuffing their faces with anything they could grab, but to a lesser extent

Gon Freecss and Killua Zoldyck

The both of them proceeded to stuff their faces as Gon had realized that he had seen you before, specifically at the War against Ark

Killua: So...Mm...You know that Y/N Guy...?

Gon: Uh-Huh! I don't know him personally, but I saw him at this big fight a while back, there was a lot of people there!

There were lots of other groups chatting amongst themselves as well, at this point, You, Goku, and Luffy had eaten over half of the place's food supply as the three of you were seemingly satisfied, for now at least

Y/N: Ah, now that was good!

Luffy: It was great!

Goku: Yum!

Announcer: Alright! Everyone seems to have filled themselves up good! Now that everyone is satisfied, may the remaining contestants please make up your teams, you have 20 minutes to do so!

With that everyone looked around at each other for a short moment, and in the blink of an eye, everything was absolute Chaos, everyone asking everyone who they wanted to team up with

Yang: Y/N! Let's team up!

Y/N: Sure, that's already half of our team, we just need two more.

???: Y/N.

Y/N: Eh?

You then looked to your left to see Diana walking towards you with her eyes closed, you and Yang both looked at each other and shrugged as she spoke up

Diana: I feel as if we could make a good team. What do you think? Do you accept?

Y/N: Sure, so it's you, me, and Yang.

Yang: Welcome aboard! We just need one more!

Y/N: Well, who could that be...?

With that the three of you began to look around, you honestly didn't care who was in your team, you weren't exactly willing to do much teamwork in tournament based battles

???: Hey...

You then turned around with a raised brow to see Bakugo standing behind you as he was now in his hero outfit

Bakugo: Team up with me, Y/N.

Diana: That's sort of intimidating...

Yang: Bakugo? You wanna team up?! That's new!

Y/N: Well, why not, welcome abound.

Time Skip

Eventually all of the teams were made, everyone was gathered up at the spectator bleachers as you looked at the new arena

Y/N: Hm, not bad, a nice, flat, open space, for us to fight in!

Midoriya: It really does give off a Tournament kind of feel to it.

Announcer: Alright everybody!! The Main event is about to be underway! Allow us to show you the teams!

Team 1:
- Issei
- Blake
- Rias
- Todoroki

Team 2:
- Mori
- Kirishima
- Akko
- Tokoyami

Team 3:
- Mizuna
- Chimamire
- Cumber
- Caulifla

Team 4:
- Midoriya
- Ruby
- Kasai
- Weiss

Team 5:
- Y/N
- Yang
- Diana
- Bakugo

Team 6:
- Lotus
- Sucy
- Kale
- Jaune

Team 7:
- Iida
- Pyrrha
- Lotte
- Koneko

Team 8:
- Sun
- Uraraka
- Cardin
- Akeno

Announcer: Now that the teams are ready to go! We shall start the first match of the night! Starting with...

All of a sudden a holographic slot machine appeared in the middle of the stadium, drawing every team to see which two would be fighting first

It then landed on the two teams that made it in as the announcer shouted

Announcer: Team 1 V.S Team 6! Please enter the ring now!

Lotus: That's our cue!

Rias: This is a good opportunity to see how much stronger I've become.

Y/N: Hm, This should be good.

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