Chapter 1

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   France's POV:
   "I don't even need you anymore !"

   "Go away then !"

   "Fine! Don't ever call me back again!"

   The atmosphere is tense as I stride away from the house and not looking back. Me and the UK just had a heated argument for a while now. I found some proof that he had been cheating on me lately, particularly with Portugal. But he keeps on denying it and won't listen to me. That bastard... It's just not fair! I will never be with him again...

   The cold wind blows straight to my face, giving me a cold sensation, which just adds up to my mood. Tears starts to run down on my cheeks. I feel very sad from what our relationship had become. I adjust my coat and starts to seek for a place to relax form all of this...
   3rd Person POV:
   France walks into a bar, sits down and order a glass of wine. She let out a deep breath and drink up. Tears starts to appear on her eyes despite her trying her best to hold them back. She gradually order more wine as she continues to drown herself in alcohol.
   Germany's POV:
   I was sitting in the bar, having a few drinks to refresh myself from working, until I hear sobbing. I look around and spotted someone. She's crying in the corner. "Jeez, is that France that I'm seeing ?" I thought to myself. Normally, she is very cheerful and positive. What's wrong with her today?
   What if I go talk to her, she'll probably feel better!... Or maybe not... She do not seem to be quite fond of me... I can just let her mind her own business.


   Poor France... The more I sit here, the more I feel guilty with myself. I'm her coworker, after all. So I decided to give a try to lift her mood up!

   3rd Person POV:

   Germany leaves his seat and slowly makes his way towards a weeping France. As France were crying, her shoulder receives a gentle touch.


   "Go away! I don't need you to help me!" France immediately snaps, pushing Germany's hand out.

   "Chill! It's just me! Germany!"



   "What are you here for?" France grunts, stops crying completely, but still have a big frown.

   "I'm just here to... You know... Check you out..."

   "Thanks, idiot. But I'm not really in a talky mood right now."

   "Come on, I'm just here to help you! Just tell me what happened, and we can work this out. Afterall, we are coworkers, right?"

   "...Ugh, fine! But you have to promise me not to tell anyone else."

   "Ok, I promise."

   France lets out a long sigh.

   "It's about me and the UK. We don't exactly get along well with each other recently..."


   "I found out that he has been cheating with Portugal." France says with a bitterfull voice.

   "Britain would never do that." Germany doubts.

   "That's what I thought too... I shouldn't have trusted him a long time ago!" France is on the verge of breaking down.

   "Perhaps there were some misunderstanding-

   "NO! Just shut up! I'll never give my trust to him again!" France sobs.

   "... Sorry for doubting you... I'm sorry for your relationship."

   France cries louder as she continues to down a few more glasses. Germany tries to change the topic, hoping to draw France's attention away from the story:

   "So... How is work lately?"

   *Sniffs* "I-I'm doing just fine..." France starts to calm down although still crying a little bit.

   "That's great to hear!"

   "...Sorry for yelling at your face. I just can't control my emotions sometimes..."

   "I-It's fine! No need to say sorry!"



   "Thanks for caring about me, Germany." France says with a serious tone

   "Your welcome! We are coworkers, afterall!"

   France lets out a slight smile after a long time sobbing.

   "I'm glad that you're finally feeling better, France!"

   "Yeah... By the way, how are you?"

   "Well, not much. I...


   They ordered plenty of drinks while they were chatting endlessly. Both enjoyed talking and laughing with eachother.

   *A while later*

   "See, I told you it was funny!"

   "Haha, yeah, you're right!"



   "I should have never trusted him, Germany. How naive I were." France suddenly snaps back."


   "But... I still have you, right, Germany?~" France says, while not being sober anymore. She emphasizes on the word 'Germany' with a seductive voice. France moves herself closer to him, catching Germany off-guarded.

   "W-What? I-I mean s-sure!" Germany's face starts to blush.

   France moves even closer to Germany. This time right next to him. She holds Germany's hand with hers, making him even more confused and nervous.

   "France, a-are you okay? You-You seemed... A bit off..."

   "I am *hic* just fine~" France assures Germany, moving her face closer to him.

   Relizing that she was probably drunk, Germany lightly pushes her away:
"France, you're drunk now. I-I think it's time to get you home."

   "No! I'm not going back to that home again!" France grunts.

   "But why?"

   "Don't you get the reason, nerd?! I sweared to never going back with him again!!" France says with a vengeful tone.

   Germany's POV:

   "She doesn't want to get back home. What can I do?" I thought to myself. Suddenly, I came up with an idea:

   "How about we go to my house for a night, maybe tomorrow you'll change your mind?" I told France.

   "Hmmm...Let's do that..." France says while resting her head on the table.

   She was drunk, so I have to help her get to my car. I put my hand over her shoulders and walk with her outside. I opened the car door and put her to the back seat:
   "There you go! Nice and steady!"
I put seatbelts around her and drove to my home.

   *At home*

   I opened the door, let lift her up and put her in the couch. After assuring everything was okay, I immediately rushed to my room. I breathed heavily as I don't believe what was about to happen earlier at the bar. Our faces were literally milimeters apart from eachother. We were about to kiss! And I actually can't believe it! But, I feel wrong as France was just recovering from her broken relationship. After getting lost in my jumbled thoughts for a while, I remember that I need to check on France. I walked downstairs to the living room to see her half asleep. I stand there for a while in the quiet room before glancing into my clock : It's 00:38 A.M now. Normally, I'd be working at this time, but after today, I need to get some rest.

   "You can get some sleep upstairs, I can sleep on the couch instead!" I said, tapping her shoulder.

   "Nahhh, I'm fine here..." France mutters.

   "You sure? It's pretty cozy up there!" I convinces her.

   "I'm sure."

   "Ok, then."

   I ran upstairs to grab her a warm blanket. Going downstairs, I sat by her side, slowly getting her to lay down the couch. But before I can do anything, she holds my left hand, saying:
"I feel so desperate right now, Germany."

   "I...I..." I stutters, still don't know how to respond.

   Said then, she starts to hug me, rest her face on my chest and started sobbing. I told her that everything will be fine. We sat like this for a while until she finally stopped crying. I was about to let her rest on the couch, but she won't let go of me. I really want to leave this hug right now, but... At the same time, I don't want to break this moment between us either. There's something that holding me back. I can feel her softness, her arms wrapping around me. Finally, I can't resist it anymore and wraps my hand around her. I never knew I needed this so much. This is the first time I've ever feel such a warm feeling. The feeling to be loved. My eyes begins to slowly close down as I fall asleep cuddling with her. I guess this is the first time I have a special feeling for someone. A feeling called: Love.

   Phew, that's the first chapter done! I was quite busy this time and I'm sorry if my work takes decades to finish. Thank you for supporting UwU~

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