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Khẩu ngữ ngân hàng

New words:

1. Make a remittance: Làm một giao dịch chuyển tiền

+ Foreign remittance:Chuyển ngoại tệ 

+ Incoming remittance: (inward remittance) :Chuyển tiền đến

+ Outgoing remittance: (outward remittance):Chuyển tiền đi

2. Money order: Ngân-phiếu được trả tiền trước (có thể mua ở những nơi không phải là ngân hàng, thường là ở bưu điện)

3. Bank draft : Hối phiếu ngân hàng

Exchange rate: Tỷ giá hối đoái

+ + Fixed rates: Tỷ giá cố định

+ Fluctuate rates:Tỷ giá biến động

5. Foreign exchange : Hối đoái 

6. Traveller’s check: Séc du lịch 

7. Note(BE) = Bill( AME): Tiền giấy


Cùng luyện nghe và xây dựng vốn từ vựng với những hội thoại trong giao dịch chuyển tiền tại ngân hàng. 


Bank clerk: Hello. Can I help you, ma´am?

Mary Jones: Yes. Could you tell me how to send some money to someone with an account with a bank in Germany?

Bank clerk: Well, you can pay by mail, telegraphic or SWIFT transfer. Or you can have a banker´s draft and mail it yourself to the beneficiary

Mary Jones: Which is the best way?

Bank clerk: It depends on the amount and how fast you want that person to receive the money. A SWIFT transfer is the fastest method but a banker´s draft is usually the cheapest. How much do you wanna send?

Mary Jones: $800.

Bank clerk: Why don´t you send it by mail payment order?

Mary Jones: How long does it take?

Bank clerk: About a week.

Mary Jones: I don´t know. Can I send it more quickly?

Bank clerk: Sure. You can have a Telegraphic or a SWIFT transfer.

Mary Jones: And how long do those take?

Bank clerk: Both a Telegraphic Transfer and a SWIFT transfer will normally be credited to the payee´s account within three or four working days, depending on whether the beneficiary´s bank is among our correspondent banks or we have to routethe transfer through a third bank.

Mary Jones: I see. How can I pay by Telegraphic Transfer?

Bank clerk: You have to fill out this form, ma´am.

Bank Clerk: Good morning. May I help you, sir?

Paul Ryefield: Yes. I'd like to transfer 6,486 dollars to a company in New York. Bank Clerk: Certainly, sir. Will that be a mail transfer, a telegraphic transfer or a 

SWIFT transfer.

Paul Ryefield: I think a telegraphic transfer will do.

Bank Clerk: All right. Will you complete this form please?

Paul Ryefield: Sure. 

(Speaking to himself while he fills in the form Hmm... Let´s see. 

Method of payment... One: Advise and credit the account of the beneficiary... Two: Advise and pay to the beneficiary... Three: Pay to the beneficiary on personal application and identification... Please tick appropriate box... 

Err... One: Advise and credit the account of the beneficiary. Right. 

Now, amount of payment. Remit in... US Dollars... the sum of... 6,486. 

Amount in words... six thousand, four hundred and eighty-six US dollars and no cents. 

Beneficiary´s Bankers... City Bank - Wall Street Branch, 1903 Wall Street. 

Beneficiary´s account number... 2511.1-747.1/USD 

Beneficiary´s full name... Report North America Inc. 

Beneficiary´s full address... 1715 Fourth Avenue, 87504 New York, USA 

Sender´s name... LTP Distribution Ltd. 

Charges... One: Debit us with your charges, correspondent´s charges to be paid by beneficiary - No, ... Two: All charges to be paid by the beneficiary - No, ... Three: Debit us with all charges - Yes. 

Please debit our... Foreign Currency Account number ... 7466268 

Address... 764 King Eduard Street 

And signature. ... Right. (...)

Paul Ryefield: Here you are.

Bank Clerk: Thank you, sir.

International transfer vocabulary:

Telegraphic transfer or Telex Transfer 

Phương thức điện chuyển tiền

SWIFT transfer

Phương thức chuyển tiền bằng điện SWIFT

Mail transfer 

Phương thức chuyển tiền bằng thư

Banker's draft

Hối phiếu ngân hàng( Phương thức chuyển tiền bằng hối phiếu ngân hàng)


Người thụ hưởng( người nhận).

Payee's account

Tài khoản người nhận.

Corespondent bank

Ngân hàng đại lý.



Fill out/ Complete a form

Điền vào mẫu đơn

Payment order

Ủy nhiệm chi

Method of payment

Phương thức thanh toán

Advise and credit the account of the beneficiary

Thông báo và ghi vào tài khoản Có cho người thụ hưởng

Advise and pay to the beneficiary

Thông báo và trả tiền tới người thụ hưởng

Pay to the beneficiary on personal application and identification

Trả tiền trên ứng dụng và nhận dạng cá nhân

Amount of payment

Số tiền thanh toán

Beneficiary´s Bankers

Ngân hàng người thụ hưởng

Beneficiary´s account number

Số tài khoản của người thụ hưởng

hello everybody.I'm a new member.I'm very glad to take part in this forum.And today, I will give you something. 

Dưới đây là 3 bài hội thoại ngắn về giao dịch trong ngân hàng.1.Bank drafts

I want to make a remittance to New Delhi. 

Bank Clerk: Good morning. May I help you, sir? 

Bill Nichols: Yes. I want to make a remittance to New Delhi. 

Bank Clerk: Do you want an international money order or a banker´s draft? 

Bill Nichols: I´d like a banker´s draft please. It´s not really urgent.

2.Foreign exchange

What is the exchange rate for Euro?

Daniel Adams: Excuse me, what is the exchange rate for Euro? 

Bank clerk 1: I´m sorry, sir. I don´t know. You must go to the foreign exchange desk. 

Daniel Adams: Where´s that? 

Bank clerk 1: Over there, on your left. 


Daniel Adams: Excuse me, what is the exchange rate for Euro? 

Bank clerk 2: Do you want to buy Euro, or sell them, sir? 

Daniel Adams: I want to sell. 

3.Traveler´s checks

Could I have new notes?

Cashier: Good morning. 

Paul Ryefield: Good morning. I´d like to change these travellers cheques please. 

Cashier: Certainly sir... Could I have your passport please? 

Paul Ryefield: Here you are. 

Cashier: Thank you. Will you please sign each cheque on the dotted line? ... Thank you. And please write the name of the city and the date on both checks. ... All right. 

Paul Ryefield: Could I have new notes? 

Cashier: Yes sir. Two hundred dollars. Here you are. Have a nice day. 

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