Test lọc Translate (Vague Team)

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Have you ever asked yourself: "Why are we here, just to suffer?" 

Have you ever felt like, this world just wants to suffocate you, and that you have no purpose in life? 

If the answer is yes, then...

What did you do that time? Did you drown yourself in sorrow? Did you pity yourself? Did you have some kinds of jealousy when looking at the others being "happy"? 

I know, obviously, life is not fair as every single... well, hypocritical one keep preaching. No one on Earth can deny that life is full of unfairness. It leads you to nowhere, it makes you feel lost and useless.  Sometimes, it separates you from your loved ones.

But, take your time to reconsider if blaming every dull thing that happened to you on something worth your time. 

You may think you are the most unlucky one on Earth (and I may consider you as someone with victim mindset). You may get angry with the thinking "No one understands me!" And everything you see is, red. 

But, if they do not understand you, then you too, you do not understand them, and even cannot understand yourself, because, simply, no one wants to live with those negative feelings. Okay, I agree that you do not choose to be sad, but right the time you know exactly what your feelings are and where they come from, you choose to be happy. 

And, how can you know you are unlucky? Or, why can you think you are unlucky? 

You do not know that the best student in your class are dealing with stresses and expectations. You do not know that the one who appears to be the happiest one is the one who is dealing with "smiling depression". You do not know the fear of lost and betrayal of the one who has boyfriend/girlfriend.

Geez, life is too short for such envy. 

And, if this life is not fair, why not try to seek your own fairness?


Every time I am here, I have the feeling like I am being watched by those rows of green trees though no one is by my side. I still remember, he once said to me that there are million white blood cells that will always there to support and protect me, love me more than anyone else. So, I always have to cherish myself, always love myself no matter what happened, 'cause it's just not worth my time. 

- Send this to the Yesterday Me -


Em xin lỗi vì nộp trễ nha mọi người :(( Vì bài tập trên lớp với KT thường xuyên quá chừng :((

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