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Jessica loved a man once and now as she flew on her cloud-pine, she was thinking of him and of all the errors she had made. She was flying low, away from her bickering sisters and sought temporary refuge in the wide span of the night sky. There was only the sound of the wind and the moon bathed her in its gleam light.

"Where am I going?" She asked herself, suddenly aware of what she had done and what she was supposed to do. She imagined what her sisters must have thought of her sudden departure from the council. She could already hear her oldest sister say: "That wasn't very polite, Jessica."

Jessica was three hundred years old and not once did she disobey tradition. But tonight, Jessica, third-in-line to the Divine Throne of the Soshi Empire, would do it twice.


Kwon Yuri was running. She was running for her life. The man had a gun and like everyone else, Yuri knew that one shot was all it would take to end someone's life. The adrenaline rush went steady for her. She was now sure she was almost flying as she jumped up the fence and landed easily.


Yuri fell forward, her hands automatically shielding her face against the impact. She rolled on the hard cement for a good two meters before lying flat on her back and panting hard. She didn't feel anything, couldn't feel anything other than how it was difficult to breathe after the fall. The man in pursuit slowly walked towards her. He seemed almost afraid to get near his victim. He slightly raised his hand that held the gun towards the now unusually quiet girl. His aim was steady and most certainly precise.

A swift and flawless death -

his superior had ordered. The hitman took forty-three seconds before he finally pulled the trigger. Yuri closed her eyes and felt the bullet hit her or rather, felt a searing pain enter through her heart that travelled swiftly across her body. Amidst the ordeal, Kwon Yuri had the time to ask herself:

Am I even supposed to feel any pain with this kind of death?

Then she opened her eyes and for forty-three seconds, saw Jessica's world

and it was dying.


Jessica witnessed the sudden flash up ahead. It looked like someone drew a straight yellow line across the sky. She didn't have time to shield her eyes as she saw the brilliant glow from where the light struck. It was in the mountains, the strike destroyed a mile's worth of trees. Under the moonlight, the damage looked ominous. Jessica cautiously descended towards the center point of the impact.

Keeping a firm hand on her cloud-pine in case of unexpected situations, she hovered above the mist and saw a form. It was human, that much she could tell. Jumping off her cloud-pine, she walked towards the lying figure. She quickly summoned a light with her right hand, circling her index finger as the soft light grew bigger above them. The girl's face came into view and Jessica decided right there and then that she was harmless. She bent down low, taking in more of the other person's features.

"What are you?" came from the girl. So low was her voice that it was almost a whisper. It was enough indication for Jessica to know that she was in pain and it was only later, in the comfort of her own home, that Jessica had the time to reflect on the girl's peculiar question.

Suddenly feeling impatient, Jessica abruptly pushed the light she created a while ago higher above them.


As soon as Jessica finished the last syllable, the small ball of light burst into the sky and effectively lit the entire forest. She looked down and noticed for the first time that the girl's clothes were soaked with blood and so was the ground beneath her. The girl weakly raised one of her hands to cover her eyes from the blinding light. At the slight movement, more blood slowly trailed away from the girl. The grass underneath her was turning into crimson, intent on erasing any traces of green at all.

Jessica felt her heart skip a beat at the sight. She was afraid. Jessica who never once felt 'real' fear in her life was now trying to stay calm and focused.

"What have you done to end up in such a state?" For two seconds, Jessica could have sworn she felt irritation towards the girl. The feeling quickly vanished and the overwhelming fear took over again. The girl was losing too much blood. Jessica had no choice. She had to take the girl back home.

And it was forbidden.

Chapter 1  

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Seohyun was not in the mood. In fact, as she strolled down the palace garden, she was sure that everyone within the walls, servants included was not in the mood. After Jessica's dramatic exit from the evening council, she was positive things are about to get...

She looked around and noticed instantly that all the flowers are wilting, turning into browns and blacks. Letting out a sigh, she knelt down and picked up a fallen flower. It was dying rapidly and Seohyun smiled sadly. I'm sorry, she thought, my mood got the better of me.

...exciting. That was the word. It was about time something happened for a change in this awfully boring empire. She looked down on her hand.

"Live, little thing..." She whispered softly. And the garden brightened up, yellow and red and blue and white under the moonlight. Seohyun's smile widened and for a moment she felt inexplicably lonely having no one to share the view with.

"Sometimes I think you do that intentionally."

Seohyun didn't even turn around to acknowledge the owner of the voice. She stood up and continued walking albeit slowly this time, waiting for the newcomer to join her.

"How is everyone?"

The other girl shrugged. "You were there too. Everyone's upset."

"Are you?" Seohyun idly sat down near the pond. The girl followed suit and sat down in the opposite manner as Seohyun's: ungracefully. Seohyun gave out a small laugh as the girl gave her a small frown.

"I'm not sure."


"You really want to know?" the girl asked. Seohyun knew her well enough to know that she wasn't playing around anymore. That she was serious and that Seohyun had to listen because this girl says the most insightful things in all the land and she wouldn't want to miss that.

"Yes." Seohyun said. "I want to know."

"Because I think she's not ready. I don't think she'll be ready anytime soon. I don't think the ascension will do her any good."

Before Seohyun could answer, a gust of wind suddenly came; leaves suddenly flew all around in random motions. Seohyun didn't have time to shield her eyes as it was gone as soon as it arrived. There was a loud thud nearby and both of them were equally surprised to discover what the loud noise was.

It was Jessica covered in blood.

"Yoona, Seohyun. I need your help."


Yoona didn't even notice the other girl. As soon as Jessica flew down from her cloud-pine, she was filled with a unique sense of relief. A feeling reserved for her closest friends and Jessica wasn't one of them. It was trivial and Yoona didn't like trivial things.

"Help her." Jessica's voice stirred Yoona out of her thoughts. It was really more of a command than a request. Yoona instinctively bowed low, years of protocol drilled into her did not fail to remind her of Jessica's status; in her family, in their empire, in their world.

"What happened to her?" Seohyun knelt down touching the girl's face, apparently recovering faster from the situation compared to her. Yoona stood rooted on the ground as the things became clearer.

"I don't know. Can you fix her?"

Jessica was referring to the other girl, the one whose head Seohyun was now cradling on her lap. She was unconscious and obviously the reason for Jessica's stained clothes. The next thing Yoona noticed was not the girl's odd clothes or the fact that she was human. No. The most important thing Yoona noticed was that Jessica was sweating. Some of her blonde streaks clung to her forehead and sweat was dripping down the sides of her eyes. Yoona couldn't recall ever seeing Jessica in such state - even on the training field.

Just then Jessica looked up at her. Yoona blinked in surprise. She was caught staring. She was staring and a girl was dying. Expecting an icy glare, Jessica simply looked down again without so much as saying something arrogant like: 'Why are you standing there with your mouth hanging open while someone's bleeding to death?'

Odd, Yoona thought. Odd indeed.


"I can heal her. But unnie are you sure?" Seohyun said. They all knew what the question meant.

Jessica nodded. "Just fix her."

Seohyun bent down and whispered softly to the girl.

There is no darkness without light 

There is no life without death 

I call upon the forces that bind you, come to the light 

Come to the light, your time is not yet done 

Come to the light

Yoona held her breath. It wasn't everyday that one can see Seohyun saving someone's life. In fact, this was only the third time she has witnessed the ritual and she suddenly felt grateful having done so. There was beauty in power and Seohyun was known to wield one of the most beautiful chants throughout the empire.

A soft light emitted from within the girl and colour came to her once pale cheeks. Yoona wrinkled her nose. It was ironic that magic can bring back someone to life but not take away the awful pungent smell of blood.

Unlike the last two rituals Yoona had seen, this one was the strangest. The girl did not open her eyes in a graceful way like the others have done. No. In fact as soon as the girl took her first breath, she bolted up missing Seohyun by an inch. The girl let out an ear-piercing scream before eventually stopping to catch her breath.

"Done?" Was all Jessica said, Yoona noted irritation in her voice. The Ice Princess was back.

The girl just sat there, breathing hard while clutching her heart.

"Do you have a name?" Seohyun gently touched her shoulders. The girl looked up at the inquiry, still confused. She was clearly afraid. However, it did not escape Yoona that the girl's face softened when her gaze turned towards Jessica. The girl seemed to recognize her.

"Yuri." She finally said. "My name is Kwon Yuri."


Chapter 2 

The Stranger

Taeyeon found herself woken up very early in the morning and for a good reason: News of Jessica bringing a human girl into the palace was spreading throughout the capital even now as she rubbed her eyes from sleep. The servant who came to tell her of Jessica's latest antic was trembling in fear, obviously more afraid of how she would react to the news rather than disturbing her sleep.

Astounding, she thought, Jessica wouldn't be so careless. She stood up and waved to dismiss the girl.

"Send for Jessica. I'll see her in the garden. Now."

Taeyeon sighed as she changed into more presentable attire. For this day, she chose a simple white silk dress. Today was tribute day, she remembered, no need to wear her official color. That and she wouldn't want to deal with Jessica according to their positions. No, not on tribute day.

Taeyeon walked out of her room and down the marbled hallway. Dawn was already fighting the night sky as she walked down the steps leading towards the garden. Taeyeon smiled fondly when she realized that the last time she was out this early was also with Jessica. It was ages ago, back when they were young, barely a hundred years old. They raced all over the empire the night before, trying to settle who can fly the fastest and gotten so far out that they had to travel using chants they learned from school just so they can get back before sunrise. And trying to bribe young Seohyun to not tell a soul - ultimately bullying her into silence when ceremonial gems wouldn't work.

Time flies so fast.

Taeyeon barely had time to recover from the change. Their schooldays were suddenly over; replaced with endless hours of observing and decision-making and giving out harsh and sometimes pointless orders. Taeyeon grew up, albeit close friends telling her otherwise, into her character. The eldest daughter of the ruling god, she was by default, the better daughter. The one who stayed awake while the tutors made Jessica run five miles, four on lucky days, as punishment for sleeping shamelessly in class. The one who probably won't have the chance of being with the person she loves because there are more important things to worry about. Like the empire and hundreds of worlds tasked for safekeeping.

So Taeyeon grew up, Seohyun started her own lessons and Jessica fell in love. It was the way things were bound to be. Taeyeon just wasn't expecting the change to happen sooner than she wanted it to be. The next thing she knew, Jessica was keeping secrets and sneaking out into the night and coming back flushed and excited with roses tucked behind the belt of her dress. Seohyun would ask her questions about their sister's unexpected behavior and she would be tired from meetings and would simply instruct her to leave Jessica alone.

Taeyeon stopped her thoughts when she finally spotted Jessica. With the dawn finally winning over the night sky, Jessica looked ethereal standing there. With flowers on her feet and the soft glow she had - secured by her birthright, she looked like someone who has just ascended.

"Jessica." She called out. Jessica turned around to face her and the magic suddenly disappeared. Taeyeon saw the tiredness in her sister's eyes and felt suddenly guilty for having to snatch her out of her warm bed.

"I take full responsibility for the girl. As soon as she's well enough, I'll escort her out of the capital myself." Jessica said, not even giving Taeyeon the chance to sit down.

Taeyeon sighed, her sister proved to be getting more and more diplomatic and straight to the point as the years went by. And she used to be such a nice person, she thought.

"I already know that. The question I want you to answer, dear sister, is why is she here?"

"That is what I'm about to find out. Now if you're done I'd like to see her now. Seeing it's already morning anyway. The sooner she gives me answer, the sooner she leaves."

"You're not going to give me a long explanation, are you?" Taeyeon said. So much hostility Jessica, what have I done for you to be this untoward?

"After my departure last night, I flew around and saw her up in the mountains, near the Eastern gate."

Taeyeon raised an eyebrow. "You saw her?" She folded her arms. "While flying?"

Check mate. Jessica looked irritated. "There was an explosion, like lighting of some sort and I went to examine the area. That's where I saw her."

"You didn't have to bring her here."

"She was bleeding."

Taeyeon nodded.

"I will see her later today."

Jessica gave her a quick nod, looking as unbending as ever. Taeyeon shivered and knew well enough that it was Jessica who caused the temperature to drop.

"And the rumor?"

"I sent for a servant to change the girl's clothes last night. No one else saw her."

"Just as I thought. Have you spoken to this servant?"

"She is already dismissed." Jessica said icily.

Taeyeon breathed out loud, her face showing a strange reaction. Jessica was never fond of her sister's facial exercises but she knew her well enough to know that she was being dismissed.

"Thank you." Jessica turned to leave but Taeyeon gently grabbed Jessica's arm, effectively stopping the blonde.

"Don't get too distracted. You have to decide on your ascension soon. I can't protect you forever little sister."

Jessica hated it when Taeyeon called her that but she simply nodded. "I know." And continued to walk away.

"Jessica!" Taeyeon called out as Jessica was about to leave her sight. Her sister stopped and looked at her.

"Three days." Taeyeon knew she was being unfair but Jessica strived in pressure and competition. That was how her younger sister worked. She knew her best of all.

Jessica merely raised an eyebrow.

"You have three days to find out and she's out of here."


Taeyeon smiled. Some things never change.

With Jessica gone, Taeyeon felt a sudden wave of nostalgia. She closed her eyes and saw Jessica and Seohyun and unplanned picnics and days of wandering outside the palace walls. They were the worst of the worst and their parents had to be creative each and every time with their punishments.

She opened her eyes and looked to where Jessica had walked out and felt the overwhelming sadness of the wonder years. Taeyeon gazed up at the sky and wasn't surprised that darks clouds started to gather.

Come back Jessica. I miss you. We miss you.

And then it started to rain.


"So this came from me?" Yuri said, holding out what looked to be a bullet fragment. Opposite her were Seohyun and Yoona. They were in Yoona's room and Yuri was propped up by the headboard, her body still weak from her healed injuries.

"Yes and there was another one but the pieces were too small." Yoona said. She was already starting to like the girl. Unlike most people in the palace, Seohyun and Yoona were probably the only ones who were actually excited to have Yuri around.

"Amazing!" Yuri said. "I thought I was dead when that man shot me. But I'm alive right? I can still eat right?"

Seohyun and Yoona looked at each other and laughed. What a strange girl to be worrying over food and admiring the weapon that almost took her life.

"You most certainly are. So do you remember why you're here?" Yoona said, offering a piece of fruit to Yuri. The girl accepted and brought it to her mouth without even inspecting it. Yuri's eyes disappeared, the fruit was inexplicably sour.

"What is this thing?" she said, swallowing down hard.

"It's called an Iba." Seohyun said, taking away the fruit from Yuri's hand. "I guess it's too strong for humans."

Yuri turned silent. She has been hearing this 'human' talk in reference to her since she woke up and she was hoping she wouldn't have to deal with the fact that she was in a strange land with strange people who coincidentally and conveniently talked in her own language.

"It's okay," Yoona smiled, taking in her abrupt silence, "you're in shock. We understand. You don't have to force yourself today."

"I don't remember much." Yuri wanted to tell them, explain to them how she got there but couldn't because she knew that telling them about the man who held a gun to her face wasn't important. It wasn't the point. Yuri knew, at the back of her mind, right after she opened her eyes and saw the blonde girl in the forest that she was supposed to remember something entirely different. Something so vital that she was supposed to tell them - these people who were kind enough to change her into fresh clothes and offer her sour fruits in the morning.

Yoona watched the emotions play out on Yuri's face. The girl seemed to get lost easily in her own world as she finally settled into a small frown. Yoona decided, right there and then, that the stranger was prettier when she was smiling.

"I remember pine trees." Yuri said, suddenly feeling tired.

"You were found outside the capital, in the mountains." Seohyun said. "That would explain it. Is there anything else you remember?"

"I remember..." Yuri paused as Jessica entered the room.

Yuri smiled.


Chapter 3  

The Way Things Are

The news also reached Tiffany, naturally. Perhaps the only difference was how

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