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Hello Readers!

Author bringing a new book about Ultraman Mebius

Keep your distance and always be healthy


"I know" : talking

'Oh no..' : thinking


Darkness greets him. High pilar, broken body, fallen building in front of him. He couldnt redo this, everything has come to end.

"I wish that I can protect everything"

The only wish that he have.

"I wish that I can turn back time"

Tears adorn his face. Grieve, sadness, and sorrow howling in his heart. With his last breath, sad smiles welcoming the embrace of nothingness. Everything blurr likes water.

"No! Principality!"

Mebius awaken, shocked from his sleep.

"That dreams again"

Bad dream has been plaguing him. This time he can feel it, at how realistic that dreams can be. He even feel the track of tear in his face.

"I must be crying in my sleep"

He drink water to calm his heart. Mebius wash his face and see his reflection in the mirror. Pale face, dark rings under eyes, and red nose.

"Universe, I look so bad"

He have to apply some white cream on his eyes and nose. He don't want to make everyone panic, okay.

"What kind of dream I just had?"

Mebius preparing himself to go to Inter Galactic Defense Force, his working place.

'Cmon keep your smile Mebius! Give everyone warmness eventhough your heart felt so cold right know'

Mebius cheering himself preventing that dreams to come back and haunt him. He enter IGDF building and register as overseer today. Cute smile adorning his face makes everyone who greet him smiling in return.

"Good morning, Mebius-san"

Twin Ultra come to him.

"Rosso, Blu?"

"Wah, is nice too meet you in here"

Blu as usual greet every person that he meet in the morning


Mebius nodding

"How are you?"

Rosso asked a question.

"I'm fine. Ah, you just come from mission?"

Mebius take a look at how dirty they are.

"Yep, we will take some nice bath and sleep after this"

Rosso can imagine what Mebius thinking.

"Enjoy your vacation then"

"Uwahhh, today is a great day!"

Blu truely enjoying the busy atsmosphere in here.

"I hope so"

Mebius forced a smile , he excuse himself since he have a job to finish. Rosso and Blu looking at each other.

"Is it just me or Mebius-san smile look forced?"

"That smile look so hollow"

Rosso a bit taken back by his own thinking.

"Should I be worried?"

"Let's focus continue what we are doing"


Lately Mebius is not really focused on his task. Usually when he get a shift, he will pay more attention on his work. However, his mind is too preoccupied with so many things. The dreams that keep appearing on his sleep like a disease clinging on the patient body, makes him discouraged on everything more importantly on himself. He felt like lost in the sea of emptyness never coming back. All of this come up because that dream influence. Even after two weeks enduring nightmares, he still not let anyone know about it. He dreams about peoples that so familiars like family and yet so foreigns at the same time. He saw his hand stained with black, red, and light liquid. He saw many Ultras fall protecting something so more precious than their life. Palace, house, building burn down to the ground and so on. Basically everything you don't want to see and happen on reality, is projected in that dreams.

'How can I have that much strength to endure this torment?'

Mebius is quite proud of himself to be able to bear with his current situation. He is careful to not let his brother find out . He don't know why but he is afraid. Mebius is afraid to tell this to someone. As if his mouth is sealed prevented him from telling the dream to other people. Mebius almost tempted to spill his dream on Hikari, but he don't want to bother Hikari even more.


Mebius nearly get heart attack.

"Orb, you suprised me"

"My apologize. Uh .... your shift has started earlier"

Orb come over to Mebius. He has been watching Mebius stare at window for half an hours. He doesn't want to disturb the serious expressions that Mebius unconciously wear.

'This is the first time I see Mebius-san to be so serious'

"Eh........ thanks Orb! Have a good day!"

Wake up from his daydreaming, Mebius run quickly to the Mission Control Tower on the upper level of IGDF. He is hoping beyond hope a flying kick will not grace his cute face.

'Hmmmm I smelt strangeness in here. Ah forget about it! I have a date with Ramen today. Wait for me, my cute, delicious Ramen!'

Orb humming on his way back to his place.

Mebius give his thanks to every deity that he know for giving him a chance to not be kicked by his brother.

"Sir, you are late"

"Sorry I have something to do earlier"

'Yes daydreaming on something really not important'

"There is condition on Planet......"

"The Ultra that has been assigned in this is.........."

"What should I do if ........"

Mebius provide direction to newbie Ultra who is fresh in here and to those who is having a trouble. Everyone know when it is Mebius shift to be overseer they can relax a little bit it will be a different case if the other ultra brother become overseer. Much worst if Seven get to be overseer. Every 15 minutes Seven will ask a new update. What make him frightening in the eyes of workers is Seven is very disciplined, so disciplined that they don't dare to go againts on his command. So yeah, the Ultras at there is having a bit relaxation time. Mebius is trying his hardest to focus on his task, but his mind is still troubled.

"Focus Mebius!"

Someone speak up behind Mebius.


"There are many Ultra that need your guidance!"

He is quite shocked to find Leo here. Mebius trust no one will tell Leo that he is late coming in here. Leo is about to pass by on here but when he see Mebius daze on, he have other plan to do


He reprimanded Mebius for neglecting his duties.

"I'm sorry, Leo-nii I don't possess any intention to neglecting my duties"

"If you keep that attitude on gawking at nothing, then what if emergency happen!"

Leo tone is harsh to everyone who hear it. They are pitying Mebius.

"Leo stop it. We don't want to create disturbance"

Someone chide Leo to shut up. The other Ultra is touched for they savior has come to save them and Mebius. Taro cease Leo rapid rough words. He reminds Leo not to do anything that could tarnish his name. As much as he doesn't like his favourite students to be cornered, they don't want to make Ultras in here get a cardiac arrest and get scolded by Mother of Ultra for bringing so many patients to Medical Wings.

'So much for asking a calm day"

Mebius sighing.



See you again

Author out! 

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