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Ever wonder how Demons and Angels could coexist in peace? Their kingdom meet in the middle of both realms, and citizens always tell stories about how far and lucky they have been, all thanks to their rulers.
Two completely different individuals, some might call them enemies, and they're not wrong, one's the Demons princess when the other's just a normal Angels, but never underestimate her she's the only one that got the princess head over heals for. Their love is a journey that goes down in history books, and like any book opening, this's theirs.

The King has never kept secrets, especially to his only daughter.
Princess View Benyapa, the moment he laid eyes on her, held her in his arms. He had already made a promise to protect her at all costs and gave her everything she wanted. As View grows up, she shows undeniable talents and strengths as the heir, making him proud. He teaches her everything he knows, but his daughter really surprise him at how outstanding she is.
At every school she attended, no one dared approach, talk, or even look at her. Who dare come close will get burnt by the fire she creates, the teacher also knows to stay away, she's the Queen while others obey and kneel beneath her feet.

View's turning one hundred soon, which means she's going to transfer to a different school. The school for both Demons and Angels, this's where the King secret caught up to him.

Years ago a prophet appear in his dream telling him that, his princess fate is linked to another soul and they would bring changes to this world, he didn't believe it at first but then there's a prophecy going around the whole kingdom that sounds too much like his dream. Luckily, the King's the only one who knows View's involved. He started to gather as much information about the prophecy as possible, one peak his interest. There's a possibility that the "other soul" could be an angels, just the thought makes him rage.
Even though the war had become a cold war but just one provoke movement from either sides could break the thin ice, so he decided to keep the secret for himself and anyone who continue spreading the rumors will face death.

Night before View goes to her new school
"View what do you think about angels?"
View look up from her book, thinking before answering her father
"I only meet a few... but they're all rats"
The King nods
"Are you asking cause i will be surrounded by rats tomorrow?"
He smile
"Always a smart one, my princess"
"Don't worry, father. I promise to behave and lay low only for this time"
He smiled, wanting to tease her
"Remember, I am very open with you having girlfriends" he drags out the 's' making View roll her eyes
"You should be fine when I burn that school down too"
The King smirk
"You know I would be the happiest."

"My princess, I will miss you so much" he smooth View's hair, holding her tightly
"I already miss you, maybe I should stay"
The King laughs, pulling away
"There's no chance, your mother would kill me"
At her mother mentioned View silence, sadness washed over them.
"Princess, everything is ready"
"Take care of the princess and raise hell on them love"
View clear her throat
"Don't worry too much. I have P'Milk and P'Love with me, I will be fine"
The King nods, but something is not right
"What did you just call them.."
"Okay, I'm leaving father take care"
View salute her father entering the car.

The King watches until his princess is fully out of sight, sighs can be heard from him, from now on he can't protect her anymore and have no control over her fate, but what can happen, right?

"Did you see the King's face?" Milk says, laughing out of control, Love rolls her eyes

"Get it together, P'Milk." She scolded her girlfriend but also chuckled.

Milk and Love are two people who have been with View since the day she can walk. Even though they're both older than her, somehow their energy match each other.
Milk's the daughter of the royal general, so she knows View when she's a baby and quickly befriended. They meet Love in a different situation, at that time View also shows her ability as the respected future Queen.

Love's actually a fallen Angels, she have committed a crime, got into fight with the young superior angels, and almost killed one, as punishment, they banish her to Hell. There's still chances for Love to come back, but she never wants to be back there anyway. She meets Milk first and likes one of those cliche movies. It was love at first sight, and from then they're inseparable, Love got introduced to View and see her a few times, but they never have any conversations.
Until some demons thinks she doesn't belong there, they start messing with her so much to the point that once again Love stand in trial, this time she didn't even have rights to defend herself, none of them let her speak and everyone's forbidden from going inside the court.
Milk want to be with her girlfriend, but her parents lock her in the house cause they know if letting their daughter walk through that door, they would lose her.
The Demons want her out of the kingdom, and right when the decision is made, View calmly walks through the door as she casts her eyes at the guards. They immediately step away from Love
"She's staying" Love hears View's cold voice, and she swallows
"Princess, you have no rights barging in here like that" the elders yell angrily at her.
View smirk
"See, this kingdom's mine and I could walk in any place at any time I wanted."
Her answers shut them up, they all turn to the King. He's watching his daughter with a proud smile on his face.
"I'm still alive, princess"
View look at her father
"Yes, and you should focus more on important things like the wars father"
The elders are speechless. This's such disrespectful acts from the princess
"Maybe we should also put you in trial." Someone stupid enough speak up, the room went dead silence, they all knew that View at that age had very short temper.
Her eyes changed color, she quickly blinked them away
"Keep close eyes on your sons" it's not a threat but her voice's so cold and calm, it also has clear meaning: a warning.
Before anyone can say another words, the King slams his hand on the table, standing up, nodding at his princess
"Very well, the girl can stay, but if anything happens in the future, it would be your responsibility" he smirked
View hold eyes contact with him while breaking off the cuff from Love wrist, leading her out.

Witnessing everything going down in that room Love almost cry when they're outside
"Thank you, princess"
View grumble
"Just call me View like P'Milk" Love smile
"You know we will get in trouble for that, right?" The princess shrugs
"Why don't you fight back?" She asks, knowing Love's more powerful than them
"There's no point, and they're right. I don't belong here"
View stare at her
"You really think that? cause I can't change how you think, and I am also not P'Milk" Love smiled at her mention
"Did she send you?"
"No, she's grounded, and...it would be so sad watching her mourn when you're not around" Love giggles

"I guess this's more like home to me than Heaven ever be" View nods, lips twich
"It used to be your home, you belong here now, and you have every right protecting yourself"
Love couldn't help being surprised
"Woah, you're so..."
"P'Milk is probably bawling her eyes out, so you go over her house and keep her company" Love nods, smiling wide.
That's how the trio form, when View knows Love's older than her she pouted, Love then later learn there's a lot more sides of View than the coldhearted and ruthless princess.

At last, they arrived at the school, View pulled down her sunglasses and she's disappointed, there's nothing special about it just another fancy boarding school.
"Why do they have to dress all in white, i'm about to go blind" Milk comment got View to chuckle
"Luckily, I have my glasses. Did you used to wear like that also P'Love?"
"I was before, but now yeah" Love answered, quietly judging the way she used to dress.

The trio are all dressed in black from head to toes but still stand out in their own way. MilkLove matching each others clothes, while Love have on cute grey hairclip then Milk have on grey necklace, the Princess already stand out by her height then on her right index finger laid a gold ring, her family heirloom same as her necklace she always wears.

"P'Milk, let's make a bet" View smiles cheekily
"Uh uh, no, not this time. Love's gonna kill me"
Milk answers, knowing what View wanna bet.
Her girlfriend's in charge of talking to the principal, who's an angel, so Love volunteer she's the safest choice out of them three.
"Oh, come on" View whines
"Are you a baby or what? No" Milk shakes her head, View thinks for a bit, then she proposes
"If you win, you and P'Love can have a week off duty" This peak Milk interest, View smirk
"A week to enjoy with P'Love without worrying I might cause trouble"
"Hmm, very tempting indeed"
Milk sigh
"Fine, I will lose anyway. Who's the target?"
View point at a girl, an angel, smile wide
"What? An Angel? You're kidding"
"Nope, you can't chicken out now P'Milk" Milk glared at her
"Urgh fine".
She walks over to the girl
"Hey" Milk smiled. The girl looked up from her phone, confused and guarded
"What do you want, demon?" The girl snap, her voice's very unpleasant to Milk 'let's get this over with', she flash her eyes, it's not her normal brown eyes anymore. Now it's purple as she stares into the girl eyes
"Can I have your phone number?"
It took the angel a while before she pushed Milk harshly away, giving her disgusted looks
"You're crazy stay away from me"

View watch from afar trying to contain her laughter, Milk's more irritated she knows the Demons charms is not gonna work on Angels, but this also count as a win for her cause there's no way View could have the girl numbers.

"Your turn, princess, it's not gonna work this time"
"Watch me"
View tap on the girl shoulder, she turned around annoyed, but it changed to impress fast
"Wh..what do you want, demon?" The girl stutter, View smirk her usual smirk, one hand come up swiping the girl hair
"I want your number" she flashed her purple eyes as well. The angel totally got hypnotized, writing her name and number on the note, then giving it to View
View shove the note in Milk face
"Not only her number but also name" View smugly smiles at her, Milk rolls her eyes
"Yeah, yeah, you only got that cause you have royalty privilege and single"
View smile goes wider, the note suddenly flies out of her hand
"Hm, who do we have this time, Amy?" Love stares at the two guilty looking people
"Really? Not even the first day yet"
"You were gone for a while, and I'm bored"
Love look to her girlfriend
"I'm sorry I tried, but she says we could have a week off of babysitting duty" Milk pouted, and Love shook her head
"At least you try P'Miew" Love peck her lips
"You two are disgusting"
"What was that?"
"I mean disgustingly cute" Love nods
"That's what I thought" She threw the note back to View
"Come on, let's not stand outside the gate" Love laces their arms, pulling them into the school hall.

View walk over the trash bin and throw away the note without looking at it once
"Poor girl" Milk voice
"Not the first one anyways"
"Hush you two, right even though you lost, I promise to behave at least for the first week" View says, winking at MilkLove. The older girls smile lovingly at each other, the trio didn't recognize the students who pass by Angels or Demons, turn around to look at them, and almost half of them in the hallway start whispering to one another.
One set of eyes stare extremely hard at the princess.

June Wanwimol was born in a normal Angels family with no connections with royalty. They only run a small business and stay away from the wars. Her life has always been easy and kinda boring, there was times she wanted to sneak out, but the fear of getting caught stops her. June's quiet, shy, and reserved person, she's also very friendly and humble. Her friends and classmates would describe her as the golden child or perfect girl, there's reasons for that. Throughout her school years, she always had the perfect scores, always got voted for class president, no one ever questioned her decision before, cause everything she said or chose was right. That makes June the school sweetheart. Everyone wants to get close to her romantically, though she turned all of them down softly, keeping them at arm's length.

As June grows she got more interest in soul mates and destiny, she reads lots about it mostly for fun, but one night a strange woman appear in her dream saying something about her fate and her soul are linked to someone else. She ignores it, but when the dreams keep appearing to her, she has to believe it.
Things got worse, eversince it happens June starting to feel a pull in her heart, a yearning telling her that she needs to find this person and be by her or his side, the feelings only gets stronger everyday that she starts feeling hurt physically, June couldn't ignore it anymore that she needs to do something such as research.
Unlucky, she didn't find anything related to her conditions, so to her, it could be anyone at this point. then there's hope rumors travel, and June quickly believes that her soul mates are a princess and also a Demon. She doesn't know how to react with the information, June never meet or interact with a demon before, she did get taught in school that demons are bad, they started the war so June best stay away from the princess.
When she took all the courage in her telling both of her parents about the situation, they believe her immediately and very calm, cause they didn't care if their daughter soul were linked to a demon, their priorities are always June's feelings and well-being. That night, June cried, hugging them tight. Her parents, being so supportive and comfort words, gave her strength.

Still it took her long time makes up her mind, holding the invitation letter from her dream boarding school, she knows the Demon princess also attended, once again June feels heartache that almost too much for her to handle.
June's conditions really worries her parents that they advised maybe she should go study at that school, not only for the soulmates things but also for her bright future.

Standing in front of the school gate, June takes in a deep breath sighing. She gave herself another pep talk in her head, 'nothing is gonna happen, everything will be fine just focus on your studies', she looks at some Demon students that soon to be her classmates. June sighs hand on her chest, the feeling have subsided a lot the moment she set foot here, 'haiz the princess probably not even going to spare a glance at you June'.
It's not like she's hoping her possible soul mates would give attention to her on their first days or anything.
Inside the hall, she's more sure now, there're lots of attractive peoples here, especially the demons their auras really are something else. First days so June have on a simple white floral dress pair with her silver earrings matching with her ring gifted by her mother, her father actually gifted to her a daggers with the 'W' symbol knowing his baby would be surrounded by demons, he tell her to use it without fear eventhough she have her own powers, June misses them already.
Suddenly, the hall went quiet, then June heard whispers around her, this peak up June curiosity as she walked closer to the front door. There stand three demons, they're very eye-catching, but her eyes go straight to the demon stand in the middle, even with her sunglasses on, she's alluring. There's something about her that makes June feel safe and calm. She also felt a pull force towards the girl, heart yearning to be closer. Eventually, June mind catch up to her 'that's her the Demon princess...her soulmates'.

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