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Third person POV
The villains captured Deku, while the others had no idea.

"Is he alive?" One of the villains asked, Deku couldn't make out who. His headache was throbbing.

"He better be! My poor Izu! Can I have his blood when we're finished?" Another asked in a weird tone.


"Yay!" The female smiled widely and bounced over to where Deku was strapped to the chair.

"Izu? Deku? IZUKUWU?" She screamed into his ear.  He tried to rub his eyes but realised he couldn't move his arms out of the strapped position they were in... "H-huh!?!?! W-w-where am I?" He looked at the villains as they smiled creepily, pulling on gloves.

Back to Bakugou and Shinsou.

Third person POV

Shinsou smirked thinking deeply about something when he turned the corner and saw his boyfriend being knocked over the head with a sledgehammer. He froze, then tried to spring into action, only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder. It was Bakugou.

Shinsou POV

What the actual does he want?! I'm trying to save my boyfriend!!! As I was about to protest, he pulled me behind a bush.

"You son of a-" I started, only to be cut off by him tch-ing.

"Tch! Shut the fuck up before I kill you!" He whisper-shouted.

"Let me go get my boyfriend!"

"Shut it! We need a plan! I know that sounds rich coming from me but.."

"But what?!"

"I LOVE HIM!!!" He sighed and tch-ed again. " We don't know what they want with him."

"1. He is mine and only mine, you bitch," Shinsou said also gay and sassy like, and then sighed, considering Bakugous' plan. "2. We don't know, you're exactly right. But they might- no! They WILL hurt him. What if they... ya'know... touch him."

"Let's make a plan then Extra!"

Back to Deku

Dabi POV

Damn, his file picture from UA was accurate! He's so cute. I want him to myself.

I need him to myself.

Deku POV

"W-what are y-you d-doin-ing?" I stuttered. I couldn't help myself, I am so scared that- No! Shinsou will come and get me. Please. Suddenly, a sharp pain breaks my skin. I look down, then up to see a thick, pinky-red liquid being syringed into me... then I remember learning about drugs and how different colours mean different things. Black was death. Green was poison. Red was lust. Pink was undying devotion to... the first person... that they... layed... their... eyes... on- my brain became foggy and clouded as I weakly looked up, realising the drug. A mixed one. Lust and undying devotion. The person injecting me had black hair and I saw flashes of purple and silver.

Who was it?

I blacked out.

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