zodiac signs after a heartbreak

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Aries: You don't take heartbreaks that easily since it leaves you with a sense of abondoment you expect a relationship to last.
Taurus: Having to start over after a heartbreak is a step out of your comfort zone, mainly because you hate change, you see your relationship as love investments and absolutely expect the same
Gemini: You easily get lost in your head after a heartbreak, you'll try to look at the situation in multiple angles, and may even question if there was something you could have done differently.
Cancer: You hate saying goodbye. You'd rather keep those who have been around you for a while, around. You'll even decided to stay around for the false sense of security. You thrive off emotional reassurance and comfort.
Leo: You're actually very much into love relationships, so breaking up is rarely an option for you. You will at least try to do what you can if things are dwindiling, but when things are over and done with, that's the time to be firm
Virgo: A breakup is not an easy pill for you to swallow, because you do invest in love a lot. Already an over thinker, your mind will likely go overdrive pondering all aspects of why things went wrong
Libra:  When your heart is genuinely broken, it can be a sad sight. You love the whole idea of love and relationships. You show your love in lots of different ways, so when things don't work out, it  leaves you very puzzled & even yearning for more romance
Scropio: You definitely prefer the more "permanent" option when it comes to relationships, which is why you tend to take your time or make sure the object of affection is on the same page as you. After a breakup though, that's when certain lightbulbs start to pop up; You realize how much you actually loved that person; Let's be real, throughout the relationship you tested your partner quite a few times; and they obviously did something right to be kept around. You might excessive in talks about your ex or take the hurt away by engaging unhealthy behaviors (overeating, self-pity, subtance abuse, ect.)
Sagittarius: (oh boy here I am) You get a rep for not having "commitment" high on your radar, but once you love you love hard, and you never expect your heart to be broken, for someone as optimistic as you are, you take heartbreaks hard. Deep down, you're a sensitive person and your feelings bruise easily. Because of your forgiving nature, you might let a lot of indiscretion go and stay in the midst of a shaky relationship and you wish things could have gone better, but all you need is time and for people not to get in your face about it.
Capircorn: you've likely taken your time and invested a whole lot during a relationship, so for it to go down the drain its like a slap in the face.
Aquarius: Your exterior will ⓝⓔⓥⓔⓡ match what you feel on the inside when your dealing with heartbreak. internally, your dealing with many insucurities and your neurotic side may be in over drive.
Pisces: you may feel guilty over a heartbreak, you gave a lot in the relationship and may feel like "what more can i give?". It can be hard for you to move On, so leaning on people that will help you is necessary.

I finally posted! yay, it took me two days to write this, idk why but it was needed. Im also struggling with ideas so request/ideas are needed
Livia out  ✌

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