Sting Eucliffe x Reader Book 1

Sting Eucliffe x Reader Book 1

240,601 7,803 34

Dear reader, welcome to Fiore Academy!Here you will find bodacious blondes, lovesick emos, tig bitty babes, and all the cliches you could ever ask for because what is a fourteen-year-old's fanfiction without love triangles, jealousy, drama, and DADDY ISSUES!!! 💫🌠Study hard, swoon safely, and remember to have fun because what is this if not a wild ride? 💃[Completed Story]…

❤️Fairy Tail x Reader One-Shots❤️

❤️Fairy Tail x Reader One-Shots❤️

1,095,498 24,958 67

Find cute stories with your favorite Fairy Tail characters here! Whatever thou heart desires, I shall type. This book is female-centered, however, I am going through the book to change the language so it can have more gender-neutral talk. For now, there are male reader one-shots being added on and don't be afraid to ask for new ones. It's my pleasure to bring you some delicious dragon slayers🐉, some bodacious babes😍, and some magical mages🎉!!!Note: Some of the older one-shots are in the process of editing, but the overall structure of the book remains the same and newer one-shots are still being released! Comment what you'd like to see in this book.…

Rogue Cheney x Reader Fanfiction

Rogue Cheney x Reader Fanfiction

684,682 17,414 53

You've loved Rogue Cheney from the first words he ever spoke to you and he has no problem letting you know that you're all that's on his mind. A mission-gone-wrong somehow goes incredibly right because it's what brought the two of you together. Both your worlds were now consumed with each other and your journies were set with only one destination - happiness.~~~For re-readers and future readers,First of all, thank you for taking a gander at my fanfic! This was my first ever fanfiction and right now it's going through a lot of hardcore editing. Old lemon chapters are also missing from it's deleted lemon book. Fear not! They are returning from the dead! I hope you enjoy this journey, as messy as it is.…

Sting Eucliffe x Reader Book 3

Sting Eucliffe x Reader Book 3

6,268 249 10

It seems that not matter what you do or what situation you get yourself in, you always come out as the bad guy. To keep your relationship from breaking apart and rumors from spreading, you stomach the biggest secret of your life. Growing up takes a lot of hard work. In your final year of high school you realize what growing up really means and why things happen the way they do.…

Sting Eucliffe x Reader Book 2

Sting Eucliffe x Reader Book 2

44,910 1,955 35

Your second year of high school did NOT start as planned. Your best friends stopped talking to you, your dad wants back in your life, and your boyfriend is on the fence about your relationship. A year that was supposed to be filled with love and laughter was now consumed by jealousy and envy. You just didn't get it. What was so bad about it anyway? All you did was try to be nice. You were just being you.…

In All Our Yesterdays ▪ A Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney Fanfiction

In All Our Yesterdays ▪ A Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney Fanfiction

4,679 294 26

The Holy White Kingdom and the Shadow Kingdom. For generations these two of the eight dragon kingdoms have held an unimaginable hatred. Years and years laid waste to lives through assassinations, war threats, violence, and battles that sent the nation in a panic. It wasn't until the two sons of the rival kingdoms were born that people saw a new sense of hope.On one fateful night the two sons of the opposing kingdoms will meet. Son of Weisslogia, Lord Sting.Son of Skiadrum, Lord Raios. The two couldn't be anymore different yet all the more similar.◇◇◇◇◇◇◇Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Fiore, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where dragon blood makes human hands unclean.A tale of two lovers destined to be apart.…

~Stingue~ Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney

~Stingue~ Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney

28,965 783 19

The only thing these two have in common are their love for cats, their virginity, and their undeniable need for each other. If the blonde could explain it, he'd put it in one word. Testosterone. The black-haired guy? Oh, he'd put it in a different word. Adoration. Sure, they'd describe it differently, but in the end they want the same thing. They want each other and their bodies practically convinced them that they need each other. So far they weren't convinced they were stuck in the closet. Maybe just stuck sucking face in the doorway?~~~This is a sexy Fairy Tail boy x boy fanfiction about the characters Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney. I understand some are uncomfortable with this so please, do not read if you do not want to. There are mature scenes (A LOT) not meant for little ones, so beware of that stuff too. For those of you intentionally searching for something like this, well then welcome.~~~Story is currently on hold for the time being. I'll be focusing on my other works for now until I find the path I want to take with this story. Hope you enjoy regardless and I'll catch y'all in later updates!!! :)…

OMNIVERSE ☆ A Klance Omegaverse Fanfiction

OMNIVERSE ☆ A Klance Omegaverse Fanfiction

4,367 204 10

In the year XX200 a society was created to protect and control the remaining populous from the harsh environments and cruel elements. A wall, a country of sorts, was built to house every last person, no matter their race, ethnicity, gender, or even their secondary gender. The people were saved, but in fear of riots and disorder, the founders of this country decided the way to dissolve the conflict completely was to keep control of the citizens. Every last person was separated and segregated into six districts.Six districts of Voltron, the defender of the universe and the country of protection and courage. These six districts were the Magic, Sky, Fire, Water, Forest, and Earth districts. Each held a special place in Voltron.Alphas, betas, and omegas. All secondary genders to females and males. If you were a royal or a noble you were of the alpha status. Betas were often the workers of the country. They got the job done when no one else did. They take up 62% of the population while alphas take up 28%. Omegas are the weakest and the most outnumbered. They take up a mere 10% of the population but they are the most valuable.A perfectly imperfect society most would agree, but some could agree that it was full on corrupt to the point of it being toxic. The ones that strive for change and equality are called, The Rebels.Because of them, two mates from divided districts will meet and create a love Voltron had never seen before.…

My Prisoner ~ Jackal x Reader

My Prisoner ~ Jackal x Reader

98,742 2,222 7

Being a council member had it's ups and downs. One of those downs would probably have to be almost getting blown up and then taken prisoner by a demon. Yeah... not your best day. It's not too bad though, after all, you get to fall in love with a bomb crazy demon who just might have a bit love for you too.This story was based off of my Jackal x Reader one-shot in my Fairy Tail x Reader book. This story does contain a lemon (sexual story) so please, read at your own risk.Note: Currently undergoing some minor editing. 👌…

Defenders of Tomorrow - Voltron AU

Defenders of Tomorrow - Voltron AU

2,790 71 5

In the year 2325, the world is at a loss -- poverty littered the planet and the few cities still habitable were overpopulated. Earth wasn't the only planet like this. Venus, Mars, and planets out of the solar system were just as (if not more) run down as Earth -- all thanks to the Universal War two hundred years ago. The ones in power now were only after one thing -- immortality. They thrived off of the life source of others, constantly absorbing the energy from species all around the universe.It's up to six unlikely strangers to come together to change the universe and protect the souls of the ones they love.…

Candy Isn't Always Sweet

Candy Isn't Always Sweet

1,817 236 24

Westley McGee was a sixteen-year-old girl with no real friends and no Pops to call her own. Being a trapped fish in a barrel, she prays that high school won't kill her perfect world. New people, new conversations, and new subjects were never as eyeball-popping to her as these. She just hopes she can handle that one guy across the room and that one girl sitting on her left. Perhaps candy can suck away all her nonexistent problems?Note: Story is currently on hold but will return in a few months. The story is about a third of the way through but I've been stuck in a rump of author's block. Hold tight folks! Story isn't disappearing! Just taking a break :).…

Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney (Stingue) Lemon

Sting Eucliffe x Rogue Cheney (Stingue) Lemon

39,466 474 2

Here I show you a sour lemon involving two very handsome boys. Anyone like Stingue? Well, here I show you a lemon involving Sting x Rogue that I hope you all will love.P.S. This is in fact a yaoi lemon (boy x boy), so if some of you do not want to read a this, then I implore you to not do so. I respect people's opinions about these sort of things, so please, do not read unless you really want to.…

Eren Jaeger x Levi Ackerman (Ereri) Lemon

Eren Jaeger x Levi Ackerman (Ereri) Lemon

2,987 59 1

Oh yeah, I made an Eren x Levi lemon. A gift for all your fangirls and fanboys because why not? A college AU with nothing but needy love and aching hearts. Welcome to my seme Levi and uke Eren lemon!!! All are welcome, but if this story is not for you, feel free not to read it. No one's forcing anyone to do anything except for Levi. ;)…