Don't Love Me, I'm Straight

Don't Love Me, I'm Straight

424 25 3

Poom works for Up whom he believes to be a closeted gay. As the days go by, Poom increasingly believes that Up is attracted to him, and one fateful day when Up makes a move which Poom mistakenly thinks is a sign of affection for him, Poom utters the words to warn Up, "Don't love me, I'm straight", words that he will regret for the rest of his life.…



8,015 405 37

Ben has been in a serious relationship with his P'Man for the last three years now. Unfortunately, just before Man and Ben could celebrate their third year anniversary Man gets assigned for a year to manage his company's newly opened hotel in Tokyo, Japan. Man and Ben keep in touch daily through video chats but as the year goes on, Ben's responses to Man's video chats get fewer and fewer until finally Man no longer gets any responses from Ben. Has Ben ghosted him for good?Man Trisanu and Ben Bunyapol are the main leads in the recently concluded Thai Bl "Step by Step".This story is a fan fiction. None of the events in this story happened in real life. This story will also feature Bright and Metawin who starred in "2gether" the series.The cover image for this fanfic does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.…

I Fell in Love with a Plus Size Boy

I Fell in Love with a Plus Size Boy

2,172 250 25

DISCLAIMER: THIS STORY IS N0T MEANT TO PROMOTE ANY JUDGMENT ON PHYSICAL APPEARANCE OR TO MAKE PHYSICAL APPEARANCE A CRITERIA FOR A PERSON'S SELF WORTH. THIS AUTHOR FIRMLY BELIEVES THAT ONE'S KINDNESS AND GENTLENESS AND GENEROSITY AND NURTURING AND SENSITIVITY TO ALL LIVING BEINGS ARE HUMAN TRAITS THAT SHOULD BE PROMOTED ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE.Synopsis:JJ and Euro are best friends. They have been best friends for six years. JJ is tall and athletic while Euro is of shorter stature and heavier build. They are an inseparable duo. They share the same interests and think the same way and have the same opinions on most things. They spend every single day with each other. They are literally attached at the hip. Then one day Euro announces to JJ that he and his family are moving abroad. And that's when JJ realizes that he can't live without Euro... because he has been in love with Euro all this time without him realizing it.This is a work of fiction. None of the events in this story happened in real life.The cover photo of this fan fiction does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.…

How Not to Fall in Love with Your Worst Enemy

How Not to Fall in Love with Your Worst Enemy

16,647 581 36

This is a Thai BL fan fiction with multiple pairings.…

Against Parental Advice

Against Parental Advice

239 20 2

The son of a wealthy businessman finds himself falling in love with the family driver and faces his father's wrath upon discovery of this forbidden affair.…

What I Failed to Do

What I Failed to Do

1,535 80 8

I am Perth Tanapon Sukumpantanasan and this is my story. It is a story of regret. I hope that if any reader experiences a situation similar to what I have been through, that they will learn from this story.Author's note: This is pure fiction. None of the events in this story happened. The image on the cover of this story does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.…

A Sulawesi Romance

A Sulawesi Romance

9,545 1,116 45

Mark Siwat is the son of the owners of a seaside tourist villa in Sulawesi Island in Indonesia. His parents used to have another beach resort business in Thailand but the business had flopped because of too much competition from other Thai businessmen so they decided to try their luck in Sulawesi, a beautiful island in Indonesia. Gun Napat Narong's parents have newly divorced and Gun's mother has remarried but Gun does not get along with his new step father. He decides to run away from home, outside of Thailand where there was no possibility of his stepfather finding him. So he flies out of Thailand and ends up looking for work in Indonesia.This is a MarkGun fan fiction. None of the events in this story happened in real life.The images in this story do not belong to me. They belong to the persons who uploaded them on the internet.…

Best to Say Goodbye

Best to Say Goodbye

2,832 323 14

KimCop was not supposed to happen. Neither was MeanPlan. But the fates conspired to bring them together. Will they manage to stick together through thick and thin? Will they try to work things out when the going gets rough?This is a fan fiction. None of the events in this story ever happened. The image for this story does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.…

Wicked Hot

Wicked Hot

8,143 517 36

Peat has developed a big crush on his new neighbor. The problem is Peat is only seventeen and his neighbor Mr. Kaewbumrung is thirty two. Peat will not be turning eighteen until the end of September which is still two months away. As if the age problem was not yet enough, his two best friends Gemini and Fourth are also trying to get the neighbor's affection.Will Peat ever be able to convince his neighbor that he is old enough to be his boyfriend, or will his neighbor be willing to at least wait for Peat to get to his eighteenth birthday and then agree to be his boyfriend?The main characters in this story are the second lead actors who played the role of Baiboon and Kom in the BL series "Unforgotten Night". This is a fan fiction. The events in this story did not happen in real life. The cover image for this story does not belong to me/ It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.…

How to Get Over Your Ex 101

How to Get Over Your Ex 101

6,405 471 26

Gun is heartbroken after discovering that his boyfriend has been dating someone else behind his back. Even though he loves his boyfriend so much, Gun knows that it is futile to stay in their relationship. "Once a cheater, always a cheater," someone had said. "He will continue to break your heart over and over again."This is a fan fiction therefore all events in it never happened. Also, the cover photo and all images used in this ff do not belong to me. They belong to the person/s who uploaded them on the internet.…

For Real and For Ever

For Real and For Ever

3,821 235 12

Jeff and Barcode have been together not too long ago, just close to three months so Barcode's feelings for Jeff are not yet that stable. Some of his friends at school tease him a lot about being with someone so much older than him and so when he meets Ken who is closer to his age... Jeff and Barcode's love life finds itself on rocky ground.This is fan fiction. None of the events in this story ever happened.All images for this story, including the cover image, do not belong to me. They belong to the person/s who uploaded them on the internet.…

The No-Kiss Agreement

The No-Kiss Agreement

17,863 803 33

A Thai BL fan fiction involving multiple pairings, MileApo, KimCop, MarkGun, BillkinPP, OhmNanon, BrightWin, MaxTul, MewGulf, TaeTee, PerthSaint, KristSingto, OffGun, TayNew, MeanPlan, SantaEarth, BibleBuild, JeffBarcode and EarthMix. Also featuring Toptap and AJ.This is a fan fiction therefore none of the events in this story happened. All the images used for this story are not mine. They belong to the person/s who uploaded them on the internet.…

If You So Desire (sequel to Turn... and Walk Away)

If You So Desire (sequel to Turn... and Walk Away)

11,234 891 30

Max and Tul are on their way back to Bangkok from Taiwan on board the Thai Airways International. Several weeks earlier they had flown to Taiwan where they had exchanged their wedding vows . They have just spent a three-week blissful honeymoon vacation and are ready to go back to work and settle down to a life of roses and peaches. How long is this peaceful and rosy life going to last when there is someone who is constantly hounding Tul and tempting Tul to start a fling with him?…

The Best Candidate

The Best Candidate

13,260 1,084 33

Max and Tul have been best buddies for a very long time. They met each other when Max had come over to borrow Tul's jumper cables because something was wrong with Max's car battery. They had become good friends since then. Max would invite Tul over for dinner with him and his girlfriend Mook. Max has been trying to find a boyfriend for Mook's best friend Ella, and in Max's discernment, Tul was the best candidate ... until Max realizes that he wants the best candidate for himself.This is a fan fiction. The events in this story are not real. They happened only in my imagination. The cover image for this story does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.…

The House by the River

The House by the River

8,964 745 21

Perth, Saint, Mean, Plan, Mark, Gun, Earth and Title have agreed to spend a week's vacation at Gun's parents' vacation house by the river, far from the city. They felt that they needed to have a short respite from work before starting their work shop sessions in preparation for season two of Love By Chance. Although Saint was not going to take part in season 2 they wanted Saint to spend the vacation time with them for old times' sake. This vacation was only meant to be a time to relax and unwind. They did not foresee the chaos and confusion that would ensue due to unresolved and unspoken feelings and sentiments.None of the events in this story took place and all images used for this fan fiction do not belong to the author. They belong to the persons who uploaded them on the internet.…

When the Tables are Turned

When the Tables are Turned

52,680 3,526 21

Mark has been doing a great job of giving excellent fan service with his LBC partner Gun. He has always secretly believed that Gun is actually gay so he doesn't want to give too much encouragement in case Gun falls for him for real. Although he doesn't openly admit it, Gun considers himself as gay but gets the shock of his life when he finds himself getting attracted to a lovely girl. This is a fan fiction. Not a single event in this story happened in real life. The image for this fiction does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.…

For the Last Time

For the Last Time

58,876 3,812 26

Saint enters a church in a clever disguise as he watches Perth standing at the altar waiting for his bride to march up the aisle. Perth would never know that Saint had attended his wedding to silently say goodbye to him FOR THE LAST TIME. This is a fan fiction. None of the events in this story happened in real life. The image for this story does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.…

Mixed Signals

Mixed Signals

1,643 197 7

Although Fourth was doing well in school, there was one particular subject that he was in danger of failing, and that was his English subject.Fourth's mom hires the top student in Fourth's school to tutor Fourth for a very attractive fee. Gemini agrees to do so but throughout the course of the tutorial lessons Gemini and Fourth develop a love hate relationship.…

Are We Really Over???

Are We Really Over???

8,404 539 16

By an ugly twist of fate, the beautiful relationship between Perth and Saint is abruptly ended because so many people, especially the powerful ones who had a say in their career, have stepped in to break them apart. All PerthSaint fans know the real life tragic story behind this. But PerthSaint fans can always ease the pain by indulging in a happier although fictional world, right?Obviously, not a single event in this fiction happened in real life.The images for this story are not mine. They belong to the persons who uploaded them on the internet.…

If You Love Me

If You Love Me

3,449 520 30

This is not a ChaoPlan fanfic but because he is one of the main characters, it is his image and Plan that are in the profile picture of this fanfic.Synopsis:Chao fell in love at first sight. Even though he knew that he and Plan had a wide age gap, it did not deter him from falling hard for Plan.This is a fan fiction therefore none of the events in this story took place. The cover image for this story does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.…