Tuyển tập đoản văn QT GoYuu (5U)

Tuyển tập đoản văn QT GoYuu (5U)

21,501 817 200

Top - Gojo SatoruBot - Yujii ItadoriAi thích hoan nghênh, NOTP/nghịch cp vui lòng không nói lời cay đắng và back Mình không edit mà chỉ convert fix lại tên để tự đọc tự mua vui thôiBản convert chưa có sự cho phép của tác giả nên vui lòng không mang đi ạ…

BL - Lời thoại tâm đắc

BL - Lời thoại tâm đắc

56,136 2,349 152

Lời thoại tâm đắc được tổng hợp từ một số bộ BL mà mình đã xem…

Immortal Sword Emperor

Immortal Sword Emperor

190 0 74

The Wheel of Destiny brought him to the Aquamarine Continent, a world where Buddhas, immortals, and magic elves coexist. Half of "Spiritual Reality" and half of "Xuanling Sword Body Dafa" let him invent the "Eternal Immortal Kendo" of eternal ancient law, making him step by step to the top, stepping on five continents, killing gods, Breaking fate, fighting heaven, and finally becoming the immortal sword emperor!…

Boring n Motivation Awake Your Power

Boring n Motivation Awake Your Power

1,894 89 200

Đôi khi ta lạc lối kiếm tìm một con đường để đi...dù là đi đâu, dù đi trên con đường khó khăn thế nào, dù có đi một mình hay cùng ai thì điều quan trọng nhất là Hãy Trân Trọng Chính Mình.Hãy thử một lần dấn thân, lăn xả, để bản thân một lần thoát khỏi những khuôn khổ cuả gia đình, xã hội. Cũng đừng từ bỏ, muốn đi hãy đi, muốn ngồi hãy ngồi, muốn đọc hãy đọc, trên hết đừng do dự. Biết đâu đấy bạn sẽ tìm thấy được gì đó, chỉ ở ngay phía trước, hãy mạnh mẽ lên. Đừng để bản thân phải hối tiếc thêm nữa, hãy đi đến cùng....ButDarling,In the end, you have to be your own hero.Because everyone is busy trying to save themselves. There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path. Don't allow yourself to become one of them.Never ever give up, Because you never know what tomorrow may bring.P/S: góp nhặt trên face vì thấy hay, up lên để dành đọc.... Cũng có vài thứ rất có ích...tui nói thiệt đó cô ơi....^_^Đích thị là lẩu thập cẩm nhe....ai thích ăn lẩu thì mời bơi zô.... ~_~ cái hay vẫn còn ở phía sau.....…



26 0 65

Twenty years ago, a grave robber and his companion disappeared in search of a secret. Twenty years later, his descendants were forced to get involved in their father's old path, using thousands of corpses as a sacrifice and oil as their heart. Borrowing Zhuge Liang's star to continue his life can only die, difficult to live? Hundreds of yin soldiers escorted, thousands of gods chanted, but just made wedding dresses for others? The master of feng shui science fiddles with the movement of mountains and rivers. How many ambitions are hidden in the second pulse of Kunlun Taihang, and how do you know that before the fuxi gossip and Zhou Yi Scriptures, the ancient ancestors were tinkering with the stars? China 's five thousand years is the decline of another civilization, the rise of scientific and technological civilization, the two collided, strong and weak? The death-shattering situation that spans history looks at our sister-in-law, Zhao Sanliang, how to startle step by step and break the game again and again?…

dusk till dawn

dusk till dawn

402 46 4

tôi sẽ bên em, mặc dầu đêm dài đến đâuI'll hold you when things go wrong I'll be with you from dusk till dawn Baby, I am right here ~(Dusk Till Dawn - ZAYN ft SiA)----Tác giả: MaxCategory: slice of life, angst, character death, one-sided love, OE…

Li Hei

Li Hei

262 0 120

This is a village in the 1970s, Guangyi Village, Yunze Township. The village is approximately five kilometers in radius, and there are 13 villager groups of 135 households with 1201 people. In May, the setting sun shone obliquely over the houses, bridges, and rivers in the village, as if covered with a soft layer of gold.A straight road runs through from a distance, and an eight-meter-wide bungalow stands prominently on the roadside. This is the Guangyi Village Cooperative. The door is a row of glass cabinets, displaying stationery, paper and other supplies. At the left corner of the cabinet, there are 70s signature snacks-ear ears, 2 knits per pound, no food stamps. This is the favorite of Guangyi Village children. In many cases, children between the ages of 3 and 15 can often be seen wandering in front of the counter of the cooperative, staring straight at the jar full of snacks.…

My Wife Is A Fox

My Wife Is A Fox

137 3 197

Her name is a beaver, not a vixen fox;It is her specialty to do destruction and trouble;It is her nature to play tricks and trick people;Seventy-two changes is her magic weapon to defeat the enemy;Inadvertently took over a business, accidentally lost the pink crystal fox pendant, and accidentally involved her in a whirlpool of conspiracy and love ...(Readers please rest assured that there are millions of words before Xianer finishes this novel. Xianer will never be an eunuch or irrigation. Xianer will never do half-way things, so please believe Xianer!)…