Chapter 3

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Hey, sorry once more, but I only own Clover!

Clover POV

I got back to the camp just as I saw Leo leave the dining pavilion. I called, “Hey Leo!” but he ignored me. I thought that was odd and that he wasn’t in the bunker surprised me too. I walked into the dining pavilion and grabbed a cup of yogurt off of a plate that was set for me. I asked the magical cup to fill with apple juice and I took it with me as well. I grabbed a spoon and a granola bar on the way out too. I decided to go to the pegasus stables to tend to the horses. They seemed to like me, which I could totally live with. I opened up my granola bar and broke it up into small pieces. I opened up my yogurt cup and sprinkled the granola into the yogurt. I stirred it with my spoon and took a bite. Not bad. It wasn’t a birthday breakfast, but it was going to last me the morning, which was good. I walked into the stables and stepped into Blackjack's stable. The black horse whinnied at me as I started to fill his bucket up with water. Since Percy was gone, (NOT!) a few other campers and I took care of him. I usually changed his food and water, but sometimes I took him for a ride, just so he could stretch his wings. Once I filled the bucket up with new water, I set it by the empty food bucket. I was about to go and fetch some food, but Blackjack whinnied at me. I turned and he nodded his head toward a note that was sitting on the stool by the water spout. I dropped the food bucket and walked over to the note. I picked it up. It was nothing more than notepaper, but inside was something written in scribbled letters.

Clover, There is a place. Somewhere you dearly love. I suspect you have heard one clue, but you might not realize it. Go to this dear place, and it is not the place you have already visited. Not now. Go when you have been told.

I stuffed the note into my front pocket and sat down on the stool it had been sitting on. It wasn’t there when I walked in. There was a crash outside of the stable and I stood up. I stepped out of the stable and spotted someone turn around the corner.

"Hey!" I called and sprinted after the person. I turned the corner, but no one was there. I looked around, but no one was around me for at least twenty feet. I walked back into the stables and looked at the knocked over bag of feed for the pegasi. I picked it up and spotted something stuck to it's side. I untapped it from the feed bag and smiled. It was a pack of extra gum. I knew the person was someone I knew, but it didn't narrow the list down. I knew a lot of people at camp. On the back of the gum pack was a piece of paper that read,

Happy Birthday Clover!

I smiled big and pulled out one of the pieces. The smell was amazing! The camp didn't allow mortal drinks, snacks or even any type of food. I hadn't had a piece of gum for at least four months and it felt good to have a piece in my mouth. I chewed it a couple times before I stuffed the pack into my back pocket. I went over to Blackjack's stable at filled up his food bucket. After that, I grabbed his grooming brush from off of a peg and started to brush his hair. I thought about the future as I brushed. Percy would be back. He had to come back. I knew his friends would find him, but I didn't know if he would ever come back to Camp Half Blood alive. I hoped he did. I never really got to meet him, I had just seen him walking around or about seven month or so ago. Sure I had been here for three years, and I may have said hi a couple times, but I never really got to know him. His mom would be heartbroken if he died on this important quest. Annabeth would be heartbroken as well. Oh, I don’t even want to think about what she would do. Sure he would save the world, but if my child gave up his life to do so, I wouldn't be able to live with myself any more. I brushed until Blackjack's hair was gleaming. I knew that Percy would be happy to see his horse looking so good. I put the brush back onto its peg and closed the stable door. I waved goodbye to Blackjack and left. I pulled the notebook paper out of my front pocket and reread it. Somewhere dear to me? There were a few places that could be. Go at the time you were told? Aspen said something about noon. Maybe that was it. Go to tho place at noon. I wondered what time it was. Probably around nine to ten in the morning, I thought. I remembered that I left my yogurt  in the stable and I went to fetch it.

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