Chapter 4

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Hey. Sorry if I am repeating myself, but I don't own anyone but Clover and her friends!


Piper came running toward the arts and crafts pavilion. Leo motioned for her to come faster and nodded to Jason. Jason nodded too and dove behind a table. A couple of Apollo kids looked at the boys in confusion, but didn't say anything. Piper came running into the pavilion and dove behind a table. A second later, Clover came around the corner. She looked around, trying to spot Piper. She didn't see her and went back inside the stables. Leo exhaled and turned to his friends.  

"That should get her to the bunker. Now we need to find a way to get her friends there without her noticing." Jason nodded and Piper put on a brave face. The three left the pavilion, heading toward the big house. Leo looked around at all of the campers, trying to figure out which ones were Clover's friends. When she had spent time with him in the bunker, she would tell him funny things that would happen to her friends. She had mentioned a couple of girls and a handful of guys. There was Zachary, Mable, Courtney, Sierra, Tyson, and Flora, at least those were the ones Leo had heard of. Not one of them he knew. He wasn't really the people person. That was why he came to Jason and Piper, other than that they were his friends of course. Piper was the head councillor for the Aphrodite cabin which meant she knew almost everyone who went to camp by name. Jason was someone everyone wanted to know, since he was the son of Zeus, so he knew a lot of people.

"I know that Zach is the son of Athena along with Courtney. I think Tyson is in Hermes and Sierra is in Apollo. Mable I am sure is in Demeter. I think Flora is in Demeter too." Said Piper, ticking off the names on her fingers. Jason nodded.

"Yeah, I am positive Zach is in Athena. I duel with him sometimes." Leo looked at him.

"Do you not like him or something?" He asked. Jason shook his head.

"No! He is actually really nice! I can understand why Clover likes him as a friend." Leo pulled out a piece of paper from his tool belt and started to write down the names.

“Alright, I will take the Athena kids and Apollo kids. Jason, you get the Demeter girls. Leo could go get the Hermes kid. Fair?” said Piper looking at the list. Jason nodded. Leo gave her some big thumbs up and Piper rolled her eyes. “Leo, his name is Tyson. Jason, Flora and Mable. I will have Courtney and Zach.” The friends split up and went to fetch Clover’s friends.

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