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was deafening. They both looked ready to pummel the other if this continued on. As Director, it was her responsibility to stop this and finally she spoke.

"You're right. I don't."

"Director Kim-" Gyuri began but stopped when Taeyeon looked at her.

"Thank you Gyuri for defending me." Taeyeon lifted herself off her seat and spoke directly to Jessica.

"You are right. I don't have a good enough reason to stop you from handling this case. I admit that your relation with Joseph Jung did hinder me from assigning you this case. I have never doubted nor questioned your ability. The main reason why I did not want you to take this case was because I believed that it may cause unnecessary emotions to arise. I am not afraid that these emotions will affect the investigation but rather how it may hurt you."

Jessica wasn't expecting such a detailed explanation, much less its content. Jessica's anger deflated. Perhaps the rationale of 'it is for your own good' was the best reason.

"I'm sorry. I did not understand your intentions fully before coming up here."

"Aww, it's okay Sica," Taeyeon reverted back to her cheerful self, "It was partly my fault for not telling you anything and I understand how misleading my actions can look from the outside."

Jessica looked solemnly at the Director. No matter what she said earlier, Kim Taeyeon was still the most respected figure she ever had the fortune to meet. She was truly the best leader out there.

"I still want to take part in the case though. I understand that you want to protect me but I am also determined to put my efforts into this case. My association with IoSeph will act as my motivation and not as a hindrance."

Taeyeon nodded understandingly.

"I understand. Both teams, KARA and WYE, will take part in this case. IoSeph is deadly and can cause a lot of damage. Please put your full efforts into it."

Waving the two off, the two team leaders understood that it was time for their leave. They exited silently out of her office and into the elevator.

"I am looking forward to working with the Gyuri who deems herself as Goddess in both appearance and authority."

Jessica extended her hand with a small smile. Gyuri smirked.

"Very nice start, Officer Jung. Very nice," she commented and locked hands with the other.

Chapter Four

~Four Years Ago~

"A fire has arisen at ShinHwa Elementary School and firefighters are rushing to there as I speak. This is Johnson reporting live."

The bowl clattered loudly as it fell onto the floor. No, this could not be possible. Yoona and her friend were eating when the television in the restaurant announced the news. Yoona sprinted out of the shop and onto the streets. The school where her mother was teaching at was on fire.

"Yoona, where are you going?" her friend called after her. She continued running. Yoona's speed was slowly decreasing. It would be impossible to get there in time by foot. Winded, Yoona ran onto the road and cars screeched to avoid her. Loud honking noises filled the air but none of them stopped for her.

"Please! I need a ride! Please take me to my mother. She's trapped in a fire. PLEASE!" she screamed as she banged on the window of the passing cars. They all ignored the crying girl and sped off.

"Please, I beg of you. I need a ride. My mom is in danger. Please take me there!" No one heeded to her pleas. She sank to her knees and buried her face in her hands. How would she live knowing that she didn't get to her mom in time?

"Get up!"

A pair of strong hands grabbed Yoona's arms and lifted her up. Through her teary vision, she could make out that the hands belonged to a girl not much older than herself. She wiped her tears away to get a clearer look. The stranger had a small physique, long brown hair that reached her waist and was wearing a black helmet.

"Take this and get on. I'll take you there." The girl said as she shoved a silver helmet into Yoona's hands. Snapping out of her daze, Yoona put the helmet on and climbed onto the back of the motorcycle.

"Hold on."

Yoona couldn't suppress a scream as she clung tightly onto the driver's waist. The vehicle filtered skillfully through the traffic and into alleyways for shortcuts.

The area was blocked off by numerous police cars and fire trucks. The motorcycle made a sharp turn and screeched to a stop. Yoona took off immediately and ran straight for the school. The sight was terrifying. Smoke covered the entire sky and the flames were burning without a hint of dying out. There were screams everywhere as more people were taken out of the burning building. Families and friends were reuniting but where was her mother? Yoona ran into the crowd, searching desperately. She recognized no one.


The worried girl spun around. Her mother was well and smiling, a bit dirty from the dust and ashes but she was alive.


They held on to each other weeping, afraid that if they let go it would be their last. They finally released each other, and her mother wiped the tears carefully off her precious daughter's face.

"It's going to be alright. We're alright now," she soothed.

The reunion was cut short when an explosion sounded from behind and more screams erupted.

A woman of her thirties shrieked and tugged on the fireman's clothes, begging.

"Please, my son is still in there. Please go in there and save him. He's my one and only son. He's only eight!"

"I'm sorry. We can't go back in there. It?s too dangerous."

The woman bawled, falling to the ground with a thud. Yoona and her mother rushed over to help but another person beat them to her. The person lifted the howling woman to a sitting position and called for the paramedics. Four men rushed to the scene and took the lady from her hands.

"Where is the boy located?" Jessica asked, grabbing the fireman's coat.

"It's highly likely that he's on the second floor but-"

Jessica pushed herself through to the front. Knocking another fireman aside, she grabbed the hose that he was holding and soaked herself. Tearing off the arm of her shirt, she tied it around her face.

Jessica darted into the building. Flames encircled her, threatening to take her life. Breathing was getting more and more difficult as she wrestled through the flames and smoke. The staircase was blocked by so many obstacles that it was not possible get up.

There had to be another way...

Jessica looked wildly, spinning on the spot. Even in this disastrous setting, her vision did not fail her and quickly spotted the only spot free of fire and the only way up.

This is the only way. It?s now or never. And it's going to be NOW!

Jessica backed up a few steps before hurtling herself forward. She sprinted towards the wall and used it to propel herself up, only just managing to grab on to the metal railing. She tightened her grip and swung herself, finally rolling herself over the railing.

Need longer legs...

Jessica kicked the doors open one by one with all her strength. She looked everywhere and her time was running out. The flames were getting stronger. Where was the boy? Suddenly, she heard a cry and followed the sound. In the corner of the room, she spotted a trembling child hiding underneath the teacher's desk.

The girl tore off another piece of her shirt and wrapped it around the boy's face, telling him to cover his mouth and nose with it before lifting him up into her arms. Even then, all she could think of was promising herself to tell his mother to lay off the chips for a long while.

She hoisted the boy up a bit more and ran out only to find her exit blocked by more flames. There was no way down anymore. She surveyed the hall, weighing her choices. There weren't many. It was thoughtless, but it was either this or hell.

Jessica's hand covered the boy's head and tried to shield him the best way possible. Running in full speed, she flung herself at the window, breaking the glass and launched herself into the air. Gravity pulled her down mercilessly and she felt herself losing height. Her right foot touched the ground first then the other knee. The pain stung but she made it.

Yoona stared wide eyed at the miracle. The young woman that helped her earlier landed perfectly from a two story jump. It was incredible.

Hiding her pain the best she could, Jessica let go of the boy and fell to the ground, breathless. Luckily the boy was unharmed judging by how he completely ditched her as he ran away to his mom.

Finally catching her breath, Jessica picked herself up and staggered to the grateful mother.

"From now on, fruits and vegetables only. I don't think the next hero would be able to pick him up if he eats anymore," she panted. On that note, she found her bike through the mass of people and slid down to the cement floor once again, leaning her back on it.

A slender girl approached her and bent down to speak to her. Jessica recognized her as the student she picked up earlier today.

"Thank you for everything tonight. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to get here. Thank you so much." Tears started to run down Yoona's face again.

Jessica smiled gently and stretched her trembling hand forward. Delicate fingers touched her skin and gently wiped the trickle of tears off Yoona's cheek.

"You're welcome."

Chapter Five

"Wow. So typical of our Jessica to do something like that," Yuri whistled.

From yelling to a cheesy apology like that, the audience gasped and cringed. Resident hacker Seohyun had tapped into the building's security system and played the footage on her monitor. The rest of the team watched with great interest and newcomer Tiffany was somewhat disturbed by the actions of the so called 'Elite' team but her curiosity forced her to join in.

"My sad disciple Jessica, have you forgotten everything I've taught you? Okay, I hereby declare that she is no longer my student."

"My fingers are still curling from that," Hyoyeon commented.

"Forget about that for a second, as difficult as it may be. I can't believe she spoke to the Director like that," Onew said with awe.

"Only Jessica has that kind of guts."

"Jessica wants, Jessica gets," Yuri explained simply.

"Do you think that she'll be able to get us a new fridge? This one is acting up."

"Think of something other than FOOD for once Sooyoung."

"Tch. You asked for a disco ball remember?"


"I wanted a karaoke machine but was turned down."

"My Keroro posters were confiscated!" T.T

"I'm not allowed to perform my specialties here."

"Hmm. Very interesting. Keep it up guys. I'll make a list of all your orders before I go up again to fight for your leisure rights. While I'm at it, how about I tell the Director to FIRE US ALL?"

They all gasped simultaneously at the sight of their leader with her arms crossed, glaring at them.

"We...we...were...just joking Jessica, our beloved leader, who we are entirely grateful for and honoured to work with,? Sooyoung stammered.

"Really? I am under the impression that not only am I your leader, I am also the lead actress of your favourite television show."

"If you were to enter the entertainment industry, you would do awesome, I'm sure," Hyoyeon nodded earnestly.

Tolerance was a virtue that Jessica did not have at the moment. They held their breath and braced themselves for the upcoming outburst.


"Jessica, are you ready to go yet?" a sweet voice sounded. Yoona, although she doesn't know it, had just turned into everybody's favourite dongsaeng and unnie.

Taking a deep breath and giving one last glare at her team members, she forced a smile as she faced Yoona.

"Yes I'm ready. Just give me one more second," she said evenly. Looking back at the curious yet frightened spectators, her anger weakened. Jessica sighed.

"Pack up and go home. As you already know, we have a new case coming up."

Leader or not, her authority was constantly questioned by these lazy bums. Leaving the now relieved members, Jessica headed to Yoona. Everyone dispersed to pick up their things except Yuri, who trailed behind Jessica.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going with you."

"Going where?"

"To Yoona's"

"What?" Jessica exclaimed, probably a bit too loudly. Yuri stared at the bewildered face of Jessica then she burst out laughing.

"Oh my god, you thought Yoona only invited you, didn't you? An early meet the in-laws day?" Yuri teased.

"I...No! Kwon Yuri, you better stop that laughter right now before I make you!" Jessica pulled her fist back threateningly. A few more guffaws later and a tear, Yuri finally calmed herself down.

"Okay. No more laughing but you do realize that it's not just you and me but the whole team as well? Yoona's mom wanted to thank us all for taking care of Yoona so well."

Speechless and dumbfounded, Jessica just nodded.

Stifling her laughter, Yuri's eyes turned to short haired girl preparing to leave.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Startled, Tiffany halted.


...and to my precious cup noodle dinner.

"No you're not. You seem like the type of girl who can't cook for your life and the only thing waiting at home for you is ramyun," Yuri said serenely. Tiffany just couldn't understand how the girl always seemed to be able to read her mind and so accurately at that.

"You're coming with us tonight. Mrs. Im is the best cook ever and she invited the whole team. And obviously, since you're part of our team now, you're coming too."

"I haven?t done anything yet and Mrs. Im doesn't even know me. I'm not sure if she'll mind or not. It's probably better if I don't disturb you guys. Have a good night."

Tiffany bowed politely and turned away once again. A hand stopped her though.

"Don't worry about that. I'm sure my mom won't mind. She loves to have people try her new recipes anyways," Yoona offered.

Tiffany still looked uncertain.


Her voice was soft and gentle. Tiffany looked to see Jessica watching her. For the longest second, they were both unable to look away. Not really liking the sudden silence, Yuri clapped her hands loudly.

"Okay! No objections! Jessica, stop mesmerizing the poor girl with your gorgeous eyes. That's my job. Let's go!" Yuri wrapped her arm around Jessica's shoulder, dragging her by the head and with her other arm captured Tiffany's. Together, the trio walked past the glass doors with the rest following close behind.


"That was the best dinner I have ever tasted! Thank you for taking me in and for the amazing dinner, Mrs. Im."

Tiffany bowed again and returned with an eye smile.

"Oh, she is such a dear! You are always welcomed Tiffany," Mrs. Im chortled.

After saying their thanks and goodbyes, the group headed out the door.

"Anyone still up for karaoke? Or maybe a late night pool game? I'm up for anything. Let's party!"

Yuri was unnaturally high tonight. They were sure that they had absolutely no alcohol in their meal.

"We should all go home early tonight unnie. We have a new case tomorrow," Seohyun reasoned.

"You're a complete party pooper you know that?"

Yuri wanted to say more but felt something vibrate.

~My Song for my Juliette!~

"My cell."

With that, Yuri walked away to pick it up.

"Where do you live Tiffany? Do you need a ride?" Sooyoung asked.

"I live pretty far from the city. I'll take a taxi."

"Hey, it's not safe for you to go home so late at night alone," Onew stated. Tiffany let out a small laugh.

"I'm a police officer remember? I'll kick the butt of whoever dares to harm me. Thanks for caring Onew but I'll be alright."

"Nah, I still don't like the idea of you going alone. You're still recovering from all those bruises from the other day," Hyoyeon added.

"Unnie, it's probably better to get a ride."

"Good idea Seohyunnie, it's not safe for a pretty mushroom to go alone. I'll drive you home Fany!" Yuri said a little too cheerfully as she returned from the call. Before she could get any closer a hand grabbed her face pulling her back.

"Don't you dare think of dirty thoughts Kwon Yuri."

Tiffany flushed red again but thankfully the darkness hid it. Annoyed, Yuri pulled Jessica's hand off.

"Humph. Fine, don't let me drive. I have somewhere else to go anyways. Jessica go drive her yourself then, you noble person but I?m warning you now that she won't like your ride."

Ignoring Yuri's last jibe, Jessica stalked away, gesturing Tiffany to follow without looking back. Tiffany said goodbye quickly and ran to catch up with her.

"You and Yuri seem to always fight on opposite ends," she noted out loud. Jessica pondered on that as she retrieved her gloves and pulled in on.

"We do, don't we..."

"But I also notice that you guys only do that because you guys are really close."

Jessica smiled.

"We're complete opposites but we are really close. She's always been there to back me up and I'll do the same for her."

Tiffany got on behind Jessica and pulled the helmet over her head. She was agitated by the dangerous vehicle. If it were anyone else driving, Tiffany would've never got on.

"I'm new to the whole riding on a vehicle with two wheels. Even as a kid, I kind of avoided bicycles so drive slower please."

"Mm." Jessica agreed. The engine roared loudly and Jessica's boot left the cold cement. The wind whipped across them and strands of hair were flying as they took off.

This wasn?t too bad.

Perhaps thinking too soon, the vehicle roared some more and their speed increased drastically. Jessica felt like vomiting thanks to Tiffany's tight grip on her waist.

"I THOUGHT WE?RE DRIVING SLOW!" Tiffany screamed.



The darkness was so dominant here that Tiffany could barely see what was in front of her, let alone some small sign on the side.

"Good vision?" Jessica shrugged. Good vision was a lame explanation but Jessica didn't know how she managed either. It just came naturally. She made a turn and felt another tug on her waist.





The math made no sense to her but Tiffany wasn't going to argue. Scared was not good enough to describe her feelings. Now she knew what Yuri meant. Jessica's driving was insane.


Yuri slammed her car door shut and climbed the stairs to the mansion. The call was not completely unexpected but she really wasn't in the mood to pretend that she was happy about it. The maids and butlers bowed low for her as she walked pass. The maids watched curiously as the heiress made her way up to her father's room. It was very rare that Mr. Kwon returned home so the interaction between the distant father and daughter should be interesting.

Yuri knocked on the elegant wooden door and was admitted in. At the end of the room was a large desk and behind

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