F I R S T[Season 1] - JeTi

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Author: yanashin


01 First Day

I hurriedly went out of our house, picking the bread on the plate, putting it inside my mouth while I dashed toward the door and said goodbye to my mother without even looking at her. She said goodbye back, and I didn’t even hear what other words she was saying. It’s the first day of classes and I am late! Damn late!! Well, it is not really my fault, vacations rock, they make me get use to sleeping late and waking up late and yet again, I’m not used to this new red uniform. I tried to look myself in the mirror yesterday. The uniform is pretty, like the ones you see in dramas and I was constantly admiring myself in the mirror. Oh, why am I saying that to you? Anyway, it’s my first day in high school. I keep on imagining things, they say high school is the best but really, does it have to be any different with middle school or elementary? I stride along our gate and opened it with all my force, and there goes my all time dorky best friend who waved her hand at me then rolled her eyes with a so-early-in-the-morning-why-you-should-look-haggard-Fany expression.

“Haven’t changed at all huh!!” my best friend yelled at me with annoyance. I was quickly chewing the bread on my mouth and just swallowed the bread. But what can I even do? I’m not really excited like her. First days are just uhhh, can’t describe the feeling of the tension forming in my veins.

“Why you so early Taetaeeeee~” I whined just to make her anger subside.

“Ugh, Fany. Stop that and let’s just go, okay?! Stop whining you late-as-ever-ass. I don’t wanna be lateee.” Taeyeon grabbed me by the arm and we walked faster that I can ever imagine. My steps were getting larger and I really wonder how this danshin could do large steps with her uhh short legs, I’m laughing in my mind. I could be the worst best friend in the world and Taeyeon doesn’t even mind that.

“Can we walk a little bit slower pleaseee?” I pouted behind her and I’m running after my breath.

“No!” She answered with irritation and tightened her grip on my arm. Then suddenly, we were running like crazy.

Now I want a bicycle. I told myself.

Once we arrived in our new school, I saw so many people walking calmly into the school gate. God, I looked at the school clock and we weren’t really late! In fact, we’ve just travelled toward school for about ten minutes! I don’t know if my best friend is a real time freak or what. Pfffft. I want to go drill her smallness into the ground. Evil me is evil!!!

“Look, Tae~ we are not even late!” I stood in front of her, purposely making her removed her hand on my arm.

“At least we still have time to pick our seats, let’s go.” Taeyeon walked in front of me and we went to our assigned class room. When we went inside, there were already a couple of people whom I don’t know, I wandered through the room and noticed a girl with blonde hair, flowing down her neck. She is sitting near the window, looking outside. That usual blank expression painted in her face.

She is my classmate again? Again???!!! Pffft.

It’s not that she gets me annoyed but she has been my classmate ever since preparatory school. Yes, that long. But I haven’t even got to talk to her, not ever, not even once. Because this girl, named Jessica Jung is as close as a hard shell, an oyster shell. She wouldn’t talk or if she talks, she would only speak one-word answers. She doesn’t even have friends, she’s like a mushroom that you would see early in the morning and the type that you won’t see after dismissal, gone like the wind. I don’t even remember how her voice sounds like. But mind you, she is really intelligent. I wonder too, how come she could be that intelligent without even talking. And if she would recite, she would go in front of the blackboard and write the answer there. Truly weird! But teachers don’t mind, a prodigy huh.

And why the heck am I even talking about this weird girl?? I walked while still looking at her and bumped into Taeyeon. Damn this small girl, why wouldn’t she just take her sit? I looked at Jessica again and she suddenly looked my way and I strode going to the back of Taeyeon, as if she could hide me. I wish Taeyeon was taller, these were the times I wish she was taller!

“What the hell are you doing Tiffany??” I could sense Tae is rolling her eyes again.

“She is our classmate again.” I whispered slowly to Taeyeon. Seeing in my peripheral version that Jessica is not looking at us anymore.

“What? Oh, Jung. Why should you even bother Fany. In fact, I rarely notice her inside the classroom but I can’t accept the fact that she is more intelligent than me!! And now she is taller than me!!!!!” Taeyeon whispered with annoyance, moved forward and picked up the chair where she would sit on. Oh, I haven’t told you guys that my best friend is the grade-conscious type but unlucky for her, she is always doing her best and stressing herself but she only comes second after Jessica. While me? I don’t need to. I am a happy-go-lucky, come-what-may person and I’m proud at procrastinating. Heeh, and I always pass, well not as intelligent as Taeng but above average. Ooohhh , readers see airhead me?

*eye-smiles at you reader*

I sat beside Taeyon, and just spent the whole class time daydreaming. Not even listening, since it’s orientation day. I sighed, I wondered how my high school life would go. I hope it would be as exciting as they always say.

“Hey, daydreamer!” Taeyeon snapped her hand in front of me and I moved back onto the back rest of the chair.

“Whuut?” I glared at her.

“It’s already dismissal, let’s go. I thought you want to go home early?” She arranged her bag and stood up. Flinging her shoulder bag aside.

“Ah, yeah right.” I looked at the place where Jessica sits. She was gone, already. Wow, is she a teleporter or what? I suddenly got conscious.

Huh?? Why am I being interested with her for once??? What the..

Let’s changed my “I suddenly got conscious” bubble thought into “I suddenly got curious with her”. Yes, I am just curious because she is a real mystery. Mysterrrryyyyy, my brain was ringing that word loud.

“Let’s go!! Hey!!” My best friend slapped me in the arm.

“I know! I know!” I petitioned at her and went straight out the door. I know Taeyeon was trailing behind my back and when we were nearing at the school gate, I saw her. She was calmly making her way out of the school gate.

“Oh.” I uttered, purposely only to myself but I think this small creature beside me had heard it.

Oh shhh.. what kind of ears does she have?

“Is she your crush or something Fany??” Taeyeon put her hands on her waist.

“What!?? You think I’m going to like a girl, mostly that girl?! What do you think of me!??” I glared at her.

“For once, Fany. Why so defensive? I told you already that you should not bother about Jung. Are you even listening? Or maybe you wanna be friends with that weirdo.” Taeyeon giggled at me, and it somehow made me annoyed.

“I am just curious Tae, you know that girl haven’t talked ever since.” I started to walk.

“Why only get curious now??” She replied.

“Because we... are uhh already in high school??? Uhmm??” I tried to convince her with my senseless reason and she giggled yet again. I hate that.

“So you’re now more mature and more aware of the people around you huh?” She smirked at me. We went home together and on the way, I begged for Tae to let me copy our homework, or should I say what should we bring for our class tomorrow. Woah, I hate Tae to death, why should she let me beg just to copy her notes. That’s unfair and when we arrived at my house, she told me for the nth time that I should wake up early, be more organized and stop daydreaming. She was like a mother talking incessantly. Oh my. But hating her, that I couldn’t really do because Taeyeon is my best source of everything school related. Heeh, user, I’m just kidding. I guess she couldn’t also resist me, because we had been together for fourteen years now and I liked that. In the end she sent me a text message of what should we bring tomorrow.

What a day! Tiring even if we haven’t done anything~

I arranged my bed and tried to sleep, trying to shake off my thoughts of mysterious Jung. Maybe she is an alien? Or a mannequin? Or maybe some kind of extraterrestrial creature??

What?? I am thinking of her again?

Dooodooorooodooodoooodooo kissing you babyyyy~

I tried to hum a song in my mind.

I turned off the lights from my bed lamp and pouted by myself.

Taeyeon’s right, why should I even bother?

02 First Encounter

I was still yawning while Taeyeon and I walked together to school. At last, we weren’t running like yesterday but we’re just walking like everyone else. It felt good, I felt good. I smiled at myself. It’s an accomplishment for me to be early for school, it’s because Tae told me to promise her to wake up early, starting from today, before she gave me the assignment. She blackmailed me but I need it, I pinky-promise to be an early bird starting from now on. Although, that sucks, but at least I have the assign----

The assignment!!! My assignment!!

My eyes widened. Taeyon looked back at me.

“Will you please stop yawning? That’s the third time already! And what’s that look on your face?” The lines on her forehead were forming.

“Uh. Oh.. yes.. Heh, sorryyyy.” I tried to smile.

“Is something wrong??” She asked me, one of her eyebrows was up.

“N-No, heh, nothing really.” I tried to smile again.

What should I do? I forgot my assignment!! Ugh, I forgot it at home. Tae would be angry with me~ How should I convince her this time to help me? Gosh, what wrong timing.

I walked faster to be able to be beside Taeyeon.

“Tae~” I grinned at her and she looked at me, her face looked surprise with my sudden cutesy voice.

“Uhmm, Tae~” I placed my hand on her shoulder.

“We are best friends right?” I eye-smiled at her.

“Huh?” She replied.

“You love me~ righttttt~I am important forrr ya righhhtttt~ You’re so pretty today Taeeee~” I patted her on her hair.

“Stop it already Fany! What do you really want??” She pushed me lightly and crossed her arms.

“Ehhh~ Tae~ Uhm..just a f-favor~ do you have extra folders, envelopes, bond papers and...”


Here comes my best friend-mother, she would scold me incessantly again! But I should worry not! Taeyeon couldn’t resist me anyway. Here she comessss~

“What did you do last night? Just sleep? Oh, Fany!!!”

I feel proud to have a best friend like her. Or lucky, I guess.

“Sorry~ please? I ended up sleeping~~” I put my hands together, trying to be irresistible as I can.

“UHN! FANY!!! When will you stop forgetting things! And you did nothing yesterday at school but daydream, how come you ended up feeling tired!! I guess there’s nothing I could do!” She sighed.

“I’ll give them to you when we reach our class room!” We continued walking.

At last, the assignment problem has ended!! Way to go Tiffany Hwang~

I patted myself in my mind.

“Thank you~ Tae~~ You’re really the best!!! I’ll pay them, don’t worry okay?” I smiled at her again but she pouted annoyingly in reply.

When we reached the class room, Taeyeon gave me the requirements for our class and we sat on our respective chairs. I just hope our homeroom adviser wouldn’t change our sitting arrangement. I feel much more secured and worry-free when I am beside Taeyeon. I suddenly crossed my hands and prayed hard that Tae would be my seatmate for the whole school year~

“What are you doing Fany??” Tae asked me and I opened my right eye and looked at her.

“I am praying that we would be seatmates for the whole school year~” I whispered at her gladly and closed my eyes again.

“Oh Fany!!! I hope not!” Taeyeon answered while I was still praying.

“Oh Tae~ I promise you I would really, really, really, really, really change starting from now on~” I put stress on the words ‘really’.

“Promise?” Taeyeon smiled at me.

Oh, what best friend I have. She is too easy to get~

“Promise!!” I winked at her.

“Keep your word Fany~” she told me.

“Okay class, we would have a new sitting arrangement starting from today.” The adviser suddenly announced. I heard most of my classmates whined.

My eyes widened, I just prayed and I was like aldfjasdjfsaldjfsdj! My prayer didn’t work!! I looked at Taeyeon and she smirked at me. Damn this dwarfy!! She was only pretending and I promised something to her already!!! Ugh.


“Here class, I have a box. There are seat numbers in here. And when you look at the desk of your table, there is also a number there. You guys got it?” Our male adviser who is in his forty’s smiled at us, his spectacles made him looked a terror one, but he isn’t. He is a gullible one, in my opinion.

One by one we fell in line to get our respective seat numbers. When my turn came, I closed my eyes. Taeyeon was behind my back. She should be in front of me, so at least I could see her number! This small creature!! I nervously put my hand inside the box, and wavered my hand inside.

I hope I would be sitting next to Taeyeon. I hope, please..

I got my number, I couldn’t see any number. Oh, the paper’s back was facing me. I flipped it over. My seat number is 23. I looked behind me and see Taeyeon peeking behind my back.

“You can’t see it huh?” I looked at her tip-toed feet and she pushed me lightly. I put the number in front of her face and she nodded.

“What’s your seat number Miss Hwang?” our adviser suddenly asked me.

“Twenty-three.” I told him and he motioned his hand on my seat. I looked on the left side of my seat.

Oh, it’s still not occupied. I hope Tae would be sitting there~

I then, looked at the right side of my seat.


“Miss Hwang, sit beside Miss Jung. She is seat number twenty-two. You’re seat is number twenty-three right?” The adviser observed me with his eyes. I haven’t moved an inch. I don’t even...

“Miss Hwang?” The adviser called my attention again.

“Oh, yes that. Err.. right.” I moved cautiously towards my new seat. I looked at Jessica who is now my seatmate for-----


It’s not that I don’t like it but I can’t... I don’t even know how could I control being talkative. I hope Tae sits on the other seat. That’s my only card left.

I looked at this blonde girl again and she looked at me too. I tried to smile. But, gosh, her expression never really changed. What the...?

Is she a cyborg?

Her expression was as blank as a white bond paper.

I sighed. Sat down on my seat and wandered my eyes on the room and Taeyeon was sitting on the other side of the room, in front. Oh damn, why did it turn out like this!

“Tae, tae, tae~” I whispered hard at Taeyeon who is on the other side of the earth. Okay, I am exaggerating but whatever. She looked at me and I pointed my finger at her.

“Is that really your seat??” My face looked worried.

“Yes.. and sshhh.” She silenced me and turned her back from me. I pouted by myself and started to daydream again, our adviser was talking something about festival and stuff. Oh, I don’t like to listen. I looked at Jessica, who is now my seatmate and I suddenly had the impulse to talk. Because I’m really as talkative as you could ever imagine.

“Hi.” I said while looking at her and guess what, she only looked at me for awhile and looked away again. Her expression, didn’t change at all!!

Is her face plastered to be like that??

“Hi! I’m Tiffany Hwang!” I waved my right hand at her, she looked at me for the second time and is it just me or I saw her lips moved an inch?

Maybe it’s not bad at all. Maybe she is just a shy type of person? Hmm.

“I know.” She answered me coldly. Oh, I remembered her voice, it’s small, soft and kind of high-pitched, musical.

“Wow! That’s great, you know me. We had been classmates since I could clearly remember!” I eye-smiled at her.

She just looked at me again.

“You’re Jessica Jung, if I’m not mistaken?” I smiled again at her. Being a talkative person, I can’t really control myself. I find it hard.

“Yes.” She answered me, icily. Her eyes were as cold as something I could never describe. But she’s not scary at all, in fact she looked sleepy. Heeh.

“Have you’ve been really blonde since you’re a baby??” I asked her suddenly.

Oh, Fany, what kind of question is that, are you even thinking?? I think I would really run out of questions to ask her, I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

“No.” She answered me.

This conversation is going nowhere!! I racked my head hysterically.

“Anyway, what’s your secret for being the school’s number one??” Why do I continue on asking her.

“Nothing.” She replied and was looking at me. She was staring at me. Oh, she’s scary this time. And the longer I looked at her, the more I realize that this girl is pretty. How should I put it? She has nice eyes, and pinkish lips and her short blonde hair was giving more emphasis on her face. And her eyelashes are long... and---

“Miss Hwang, Miss Jung!” The adviser suddenly called our attention. I suddenly got up and the class laughed.

Now, what the heck??

I looked at Taeyeon and her face drew an expression that says, ‘what-are-you-really-doing-daydreaming-again??!’

I smiled at her.

“Miss Hwang.”

“Yes sir?”

“You and Miss Jung would be the class representatives from now on.”

WHAT?? DID I HEAR THAT RIGHT?? CLASS REPRESENTATIVE? ME?! WITH THIS COLD GIRL??! HUH??! What is really happening.. it feels domino effectttt~

I looked at Jessica and her hand was supporting her chin, she wasn’t even looking at me but was looking at the teacher. Again, with her usual cold slash sleepy eyes. Then I looked at Tae, her eyes widened with frustration, maybe even with worry or anger. I would never know! I need to get myself of this mire!!

“B-But S-sir---”

“You and Miss Jung must be enjoying each other’s company. You two would make good class representatives. Cooperation is needed, and I think you too have it. Seeing you from here, you two looked very close.” The teacher countered me.

I should have not talk with her~ you’re too talkative Fany! What kind of adviser do we have???

I slapped my head in my mind.

I cannot do anything but to sit again and looked at my partner now. I sighed for the 909086th time. She looked at me too and opened her mouth, slightly.

“Stupid.” I saw the word forming on her lips. She told me I’m stupid and turned her head away. Wow, nice. Really nice. She’s a really friendly person! My sarcasm was eating me.

This girl has attitude!!

I frowned.

“Class dismissed.” The adviser announced and I hurriedly stood up and went to Taeyon’s seat.

“Tae~ help meee~” I whined again.

“How could I help? That’s your fault.” Taeyeon and I walked out of the room.

“But I was just interviewing her!” I pouted.

“Is it necessary to ‘interview’ her?? Tell me how would I help? That’s your responsibility, I guess you deserve that. So that you could change completely.” We continued to walk and I looked at our room’s window. The wind slash

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