Something's off

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Something's off is when you get hinted that your parent may not be completely normal. AKA A NATION PERSONIFICATION.



"Mommy. Can i ask you a question?"You asked her. She was reading a book on the couch while some music played. "Sure. What's up?"

"Do you like mr.Tolys?" You asked her. She dropped her book and looked at you. "Repeat that for me please?"

"Do you like Mr.tolys?" You repeated. "No." She told you with no emotion whatsoever.

"Then why did you two get married?" You asked. She looked at you shocked. "How did you know about that?!" She questioned you. "I found this wedding picture. A lot of people I know are here but what's this flag?" You asked her. It was a painting.

'I thought i burned that thing! That was like 800 years ago!' Natalya thought. "Well, that was a long time ago." Your mom said, trying not to let the fact about the nation thing slip. 

"Hey? what are you guys talking about" Tolys came in. He saw the picture and dropped his mug. "That was like eight h-" "Years ago! it was 8 years ago!" 

"Mom...I'm 9."


(if none of you understood the reference, it was the Grand Duchy of Lithuania ((1236-1795)the whole territory was present-day Belarus, parts of Ukraine, Russia and Poland.)


"Dad? Did all of our relatives look like you?" you asked him. "No why?" He asked you back, lifting Kuma onto his lap. "Well remember how our class went to the parliament?"


"Well, when we were showed pictures of the past Prime Ministers, there was always someone who looked almost exactly like you, and you've worked for the government for a long time too." You explained. "Now that I mention it, what year were you born, dad?"



"Dad, I'm doing a project at school and I'm going to need the family records. Do you know where they are?" You asked him. The project was due in 5 days. "I have no idea where they are" Your dad hid his face in the newspaper. 

"Dad? What are you not telling me?" You asked him suspiciously. You were determined to find out. "Ok then. I'll just go see at the national archives. They'll tell me." you told him as you left the house. "NON! i'll help you look?" He offered.

"Oh, but it would be so much more accurate over there. But if you insist."You said, coming back into the house.

'Wait, why are you so against me going there?"You asked him and he replied very quickly. "No reason."

'I can't tell her how old I am...Not yet anyways' He thought.


"Dad?" You were looking through the house to find your dad, but he was nowhere. You heard mumbling in the kitchen and you could tell it was Tino and your dad. "You have to tell her some day. One of us is going to slip up. I mean, she must have noticed something was off by now." You heard Tino. 

You walked in and went to the fridge. "How was your day Y/n?" Tino asked. "It was good. got any old artifacts laying around? I'm doing a presentation on Vikings. It's for history class." You told them.

"Your dad, Lukas and Berwald know alot about Vikings! Just ask them!" Tino said excitingly. "Why don't you or Emil do?" You asked Tino. "Because....We're part viking! Amazing right?" Your dad said. 

After a few hours, you began suspecting something. "Dad, are you speaking for experience about this? You seemed to know a lot more than if you learned this from a book." You mentioned. His face went completely blank after he realised. "Oops?"


You, your dad and your uncle were walking in Rome.He was giving you an exclusive tour of the Colosseum.  "They'd keep the lions here. They are surprisingly cuddly if they aren't hungry. Typical giant cat" Your dad told you. "You've pet a lion before?!" You exclaimed. "Yeah. Your uncle almost got eaten by one. Thank goodness for Grandpa." Your dad snickered.

"Yeah! Grandpa just flipped the lion like that! It was awesome!" Feliciano exclaimed, pretending like he was punching a lion.

"so many people came to see him during those days!" Your dad Shh'ed him immediately when that came out.

"The Colosseum hasn't been doing those anymore for a few centuries! How did this happen?! You exclaimed, extremely confused. "Whoopsies!"


You finally found that key that led to the storage room. A.K.A your basement. Your dad told you not to go down there, and that he also lost the key so for the last 2 weeks, you've been searching for this key. 

You closed the door behind you and went down the stairs with a flashlight. You looked at everything. "What is all this?" You mumbled, as you picked up a few things. You blew the dust off of it and tried to read it, but it was written in small messy characters. "I can barely read this...It's so tiny." You laughed a bit putting it back. 

You stopped at a chest that was closed tightly. You tried to open when you heard a voice behind you. "What are you doing Y/n?" You froze there, almost afraid to turn around. "I asked, what are you doing?" He asked, coming closer.

"H-hi daddy." You said almost frightened. "Relax a bit. It was only a matter before you came down here anyway. Let's go" He lifted you up onto his shoulder like a bag of potatoes and left he room.

When you emerged, you noticed the key was still in the hole. You snatched it back and hid it in your sleeve, smiling deviously.

If you guys have a certain scenario you want, just comment and I'll start immediately on it

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